Hello! Today I’m checking out the new ACETM Brand Elastic Bandage with the improved ACETM Brand Clip. 3M contacted me to do a review about the product but I said, “I’m not injured (right now).” However, when I read about the update to the ACETM Brand Clip, I wanted to check it out and share the info with my readers/runners/bandage lovers.

I remember using an ACETM Brand Bandage in high school when I broke my finger playing football with my brother. (Please note my mom was skeptical about me actually being hurt and reluctantly took me to the hospital after I complained for an hour. That says something about how dramatic I was growing up. Ha!)
Well, that good ol’ bandage has gotten a makeover! Those metal clips are soooo 2006 – The new and improved ACETM Brand Clip snaps in place and is all in one piece!

This is helpful because you don’t have to deal with snags and can readjust easily. I dig it. They fixed the clip!
Check out this series of videos featuring “Arthur, ACETM Brand Motivational Sports agent”talking about how ACETM Brand has “Fixed the Clip!”
I received the 3” version that is good for ankles and knees – some of the most common areas for running injuries. I tried the ACETM Brand Elastic Bandage with the new ACETM Brand Clip on a few different areas just to make sure it stayed put, and it did!

I’m probably going to use it to keep my peas on my knee when I’m icing!
ACETM Brand has a pretty thorough line of Hot and Cold products for RICE therapy if you have an injury too! I always say that if you feel a tinge, or your body is ‘complaining’ it’s important to listen and be kind. Doing RICE before you have a full blown injury can help.
RICE = Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
*Rice does not = eat rice, although that’s nice too. And yes, someone that emailed me once thought that was what I was suggesting. I guess it makes sense since I love carbs…
Question: Are you ‘injury prone’? Is there a certain area on your body that aches most after a long run or sweat session?
My knees ache after long runs so I try to ice ‘em.
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by ACETM Brand Bandages. All opinions are my own.
It’s interesting that the change the buckle.
My glutes are usually sore after most of my runs, not sure if it’s the route (hilly most times) or just weak glute muscles.
Unfortunately my shin has some issues again. Ugh right before Ragnar. These look like great updates for the ACE
No, no, I think they had it right- you should definitely eat rice while you’re injured. Everyone knows carbs heal wounds. Right?
I am actually sad that young athletes across the country will never know the joy of stabbing yourself in the fingers repeatedly while trying to get those clips on the ACE bandage just right. But I guess progress must prevail.
Thanks for the review! I am currently RICE-ing my heel which has been sucking big time for a few months now. Plus side is that while I’m on my butt icing I have plenty of time to read running blogs 🙂
definitely great to use for post-run icing!
I’m injury prone for sure! Currently sporting a bandage wrap with 2 clips for a broken pinky toe (with no great story behind it!)
My feet…both of them! I have unusually high arches and even have custom (from the doctor, not Shoe Dog) orthotics and metatarsal pads on top of those. It’s crazy. A podiatrist once told me that I should never be a runner with these high arches. I never went back!
I need to get them checked again, but it keeps me from super long distance runs. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to another full marathon. I’ll be needing these feet for a good, long time and I have to be careful with them.
bottom line: grateful for every single mile I run.
My hips and IT ban are always sore after my runs. I usually just foam roll and stretch when I get home, but I have used compression shorts to support the hip before. When they come out for a great wrap for the hip, I’ll buy it! 🙂
My IT bands get grumpy after a long run, but rolling them out, and ice takes care of it.
NICE! And perfect timing! I had to ice my knee and ankle yesterday (and will be going back to it again today), and I was so frustrated with the metal clips because I was nervous they would puncture the ice bags. This is the perfect solution! I love the color change too, I never liked the color of Ace bandages. Thanks for the write up! Mind if I use it on my blog? -T
I am constantly battling bad ankles. I had ankle surgery in high school after spraining one of them too often. Still rocking a brace when I run 10 years later but it’s helping keep things in check!
My entire left leg is injury prone. Obviously weaker than my right side. I’ve been dealing with ankle tendonitis (tendonosis) for 4 months and now my hamstring and back of my knee are achy and tight. I have some great ice packs that come with Velcro straps but I think frozen peas with the ace bandage can work nicely too!
I like that the new bandages are black too. The skin color ones always got so dirty.
Agree, they just looked so clinical too.
LOL! I don’t eat rice but I’ll definitely RICE myself.