Hi, I’m Monica. Welcome to Run Eat Repeat!
I started this site as a blog about TEN years ago to document training for my first marathon and food log. I struggled with my weight since I was a kid and needed accountability.
Aaaaand – I was very scared to run a FULL MARATHON. But after running a few half marathons I knew I really wanted to try and go for it.
So I figured Run Eat Repeat would be a great way to keep me on track, motivated and document training for a full marathon. I just wanted to run ONE. I wasn’t sure if I could even do it!
*Spoiler Alert*
Then, I wondered, “Maybe I can do it a little faster…”
Speed up to today – – – I’ve run 60+ half marathons and 30+ full marathons!
Now I’m a RRCA Running Coach and Holistic Health Coach.
And that lil blog I started to document my training (the one you’re on now) grew an amazing following here and on social media. I started to get tons of questions, sponsored post offers, invites to media trips and more. Now it’s one of the top running websites and running podcasts!!
RUNNING CHANGED MY LIFE in so many amazing ways.
I LOVE running and eating – and more importantly I love sharing my tips and tricks with you. I’m really happy you’re here.
Scroll down to read about my running story.

This is me running the Boston Marathon. It was one of the hardest courses, best crowd support and magical marathons I’ve run so far!

Experience & Education

I’m a Running Coach through the Road Runner’s Club of America. And I’m a health coach. I got certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Both of these certificates have given me a ton of education to help you and other followers through my posts, recipes, workouts, training plans, answers, videos and more.
If you’re here and you have a question – please ask!
If you’re here looking for recipes or running plans to help you get healthier, run faster, lose weight or learn to love running – YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!
I was an overweight kid. I personally have struggled with my weight and learned how to use running and healthy eating to lose weight and get health. I think that counts for so much.
I get it. I know how hard it is to diet over and over. I know what it’s like to stare at the parts of your body you hate and want to change. I know what it’s like to cry after weighing myself – that probably started when I was in high school.

My Running Story
How this lil Running Blog Started…
I was a chubby kid and gained more weight during high school. I felt fat and self conscious ALL the time. The first thing I felt when I woke up every morning was anxiety and embarrassment about my body. I took over all my thoughts and time.
It was exhausting… and sad.

After high school I started walking to lose weight. Eventually I was walking a few miles every day and got bored… so I mixed in a lil running.
Then, a lil bit more… until I was running 5 miles at a time. It made me feel good!
At this point I was in college and working a part time job. A co-worker heard I ran and suggested we do a 10K race.
Ummm…I thought:
No thanks – I can’t run a race.
I’m not a real runner!
I don’t run that much!
I run slow.
I’m still overweight!
But he convinced me… and he’s super funny so I knew if nothing else we’d have a good laugh.
And that race changed everything.
Running a 10K gave me the confidence to run outside for the first time. (Oh, I should mention that up until this point I was running on a treadmill because I was too self conscious to run outside.)
From there I was inspired and decided I wanted to run a half marathon.
And the rest is Run Eat Repeat history…

What You’ll Get on Run Eat Repeat.com:
My Experience
Companies I’ve Worked With:
my weight loss and running journey…

I was born and raised in southern California. I’m a natural redhead from a Mexican American family – which was always a topic of conversation growing up and maybe helped me accept being a lil different?
I started Run Eat Repeat over 9 years ago (!!!) to document training for my first marathon and as a diet journal. I was a chubby kid and always struggled with my weight.
The summer after high school I started to go on walks to get some exercise and help with my weight loss. At first I’d walk with a friend or my mom. But after the summer ended they were too busy and I had to walk alone. So I went to my Grams’ to walk on her treadmill. Eventually I started to get bored of walking and ran a lil bit.
Then, I ran a lil bit more. Eventually I built up to running 5 miles a day. A friend overhead me talking to someone else and convinced me to run a 10K with him.
I was scared.
I had never run outside – only the treadmill!! But I ran that 10K and had fun!
From there I decided I wanted to run a half marathon… the running bug bit me and I was in!
Even though I was running more and more I wasn’t losing weight because I didn’t know how to eat a balanced, healthy diet.
In college I tried every diet out there – Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, the cabbage soup diet… and more.
The scale would go up and down and up again as I starved myself… then binged and repeat. I was so frustrated with myself and my body.
Luckily I came across the book Intuitive Eating and started to research everything I could find about the concept. It completely changed how I looked at food and my eating. It was still a long process but I eventually learned how to fuel my body with healthy food and still enjoy treats without guilt or binge eating.
Since starting “RER” I have lost 20 pounds, completed over 50 half marathons and 30 full marathons!
I fell in love with running and now I want to help you fall in love with it too.
Or if you already love running – I want to help you run faster, stay on track, get motivated, show up, run your first race and hit all your goals!

I never expected this blog to turn into a way for me to connect with so many people. I love running and eating and I LOVE being able to help others that want tips on living a healthy lifestyle.
I love: Running, Eating, watermelon, ice cream, jokes
I don’t love: Falling in public, gum in my hair or dogs that bite

I started this blog to document my weight loss journey and write about running my first marathon. I never expected it to grow into the massive success that it has. Run Eat Repeat has been named a top running blog and top weight loss blog several times. Support and love from readers like you have helped to grow this lil ol’ thing into a business that takes most of my time to run.
Thank you for following along as I run around the world and share my delicious eats too!
So far I’ve run in Las Vegas, Disney World, Alaska, New York, Jerusalem and so many more places!

You can see more pictures of my weight loss story here.
Want more Running, Eating or Random Monican fun?
> > Follow me on Instagram here -@RunEatRepeat! < <
Thank you for stopping by!
Want to work with me?
*Check out the Contact Page here.*

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Got a question?
Ask me on Instagram > > > Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for daily updates and tips!