Hi! The cold weather is making it hard to get out to run. It’s hard to get motivated plus it takes longer for our bodies to get warmed up, loosen up and get in the zone. The first part of my trip to Florida was nice and warm. But a few days ago the temperature dropped and got chilly! Plus it’s cold in California right now. So, I put together six simple moves to get you warmed up before you start to run.
I’ve noticed my hips really need these moves in the cold or I feel super tight. There are also moves for your arms, quads and more. Do each move for 30 seconds alternating sides. Then, hit the road!

1. Arm circles. Forward and then back ward. ( I like to end this with a few shoulder shrugs to the back to end with my shoulders back and tall.)

2. Point and flex feet to loosen up ankles. Do 15 seconds on each side, add more if you need it.

3. Straight Leg march in place. Alternate legs for 30 seconds.

4. Leg hugs. Standing up tall pull one leg up and gently hug it into your body. Do the other side. Alternate for 30 seconds.

5. Butt kicks, but not like the usual high impact ones – slowly lift one leg back to your butt, hold it there for a second and switch.

6. Crab walks. Start by standing tall, then take a big step to one side like you’re going to squat. Step together and repeat 10 in one direction and 10 back. Repeat if needed.

I like to foam roll my hammies and glutes before my runs. It’s tropical weather here all year round…so can’t chip in with tips for cold weather running.
I liked it! Thank you.
Funny, I went running with someone once, and I was doing arms circles and shrugging my shoulders before, and the person was like, “Why are you stretching out your arms? You don’t use them when running!” And then from there on out I kinda stopped, and I don’t know why because my shoulders get tense when I run! I’m bringing back the arm/shoulder warm-up! RER approved.
You totally use your arms while running! Arm swing is part of good running form.
Gracias Julie!!