Hello! Can you believe it’s July? I can, but just because the calendar says so.
I love a good new year’s resolution. And I like to check-in half way through the year to see my progress.
Holy crap. I just spent 28 minutes trying to find my 2017 New Year’s Resolutions post and I can’t find it. So I’m not sure if I am straight up on drugs right now (that Vegas slipped in my drink because I don’t know how else that’d happen) OR I didn’t post one.
WTF. Monican.
Okay. In my defense… Around NYE I was speaking with people from the Hyland’s Team about the Boston Marathon and that was my main focus for the first three months of the year. It took priority over my other running goals and took a lot of time from the blog too. And I loved every minute.
But I still have some big goals for myself and my running and I want to do something I can be proud of this year.
My 2017 Resolutions / Goals:
1. PR in the Marathon
2. Learn Spanish
3. Plan some 1 to 4 year goals
4. Wrestle a bear
Now I need to make an action plan to hit ‘em! I can do it.
But before we talk about the future, I want to highlight my favorite Run, Eat and Repeat posts from June.
Top Running Blog Posts from June 2017
Favorite RUN
Favorite EAT
I had so many fun treats on Catalina Island too!
Favorite post I’d like to REPEAT
Because I really spilled my guts here… Kick-starter to Save the Redheads
Now I’m sipping some Blue Raspberry Spark in honor of the 4th of July. I need something red and white to even it all out…
I made some new years resolutions, just three and I really am on my way to achieving them all 🙂 Which is of course so exciting and motivating for me. It’s been a slow press and the year started pretty much in a rut but now everything is on the right path, ahhhh.
Thank you for sharing, have a great week 🙂
Chloe @ https://girllgonerogue.blogspot.co.uk/
I did not make any. At the time, I was not feeling the whole “resolution” thing. But if I were to make one about the 2nd half, I’d focus in making more opportunities to do what I love – run new races while repeating ones I’ve loved in the past (slowly), eat (great food from places I haven’t been yet or new recipes I’m trying), and drink great adult beverages (that I make or order at those new places where I stuff my face with new food.)
I’ve never had spark. What’s your fav flavor?
I didn’t make new year’s resolutions because I knew I wouldn’t be able to stick to them, but I do make a series of short term goals throughout the year, and I’m sticking to those! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I don’t really do resolutions, but I generally have goals. I was planning a 50K this summer, but that’s not going to happen due to a stress fracture I got as I was ramping up my mileage:(. I will still try for the 50k later in the year. I was also wanting to pickup my pace. I ran an average of 8:30/mile last year. This year I’m running an average of 8:11/mile (so far), so I’m a little better this year. Small victories!