Feeling lazy? Vegas is…
Luckily for you (not Vegas because someone gives him food everyday so he doesn’t cook) I have two super easy ‘recipes’ you can throw together with just 5 ingredients. Okay it’s not a recipe but maybe an idea for ya?
Both recipes use tortillas, mushrooms and cheese. So you can use it up before they go bad (or you eat them while cooking another meal).
Ezekiel Pizza – 5 ingredients
Ezekiel Sprouted Tortilla / mushrooms / sauce / cheese / tomatoes
Tortilla > sauce > cheese > mushrooms > tomatoes… broil. Watch closely. Heat until cheese is melted. Let cool. Enjoy!
Easy Quesadilla – 5 ingredients
Ezekiel Sprouted Tortillas / mushrooms / salsa / cheese / beans
Tortilla cooked with beans, mushrooms and cheese. I served it with TJ’s salsa. All I needed was guacamole to make it perfect.
Tip: I put something like a small tupperware lid and can on top of the quesadilla so it presses down and the tortilla cooks up crisp.
And watermelon! To be clear – this isn’t dessert, But it is my favorite food!
I did not know Ezekiel now have tortillas!! Must try ASAP.
I want to make the Ezekiel pizzas! They sound good and I like the minimal ingredient list.
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I actually have all of these ingredients currently and we had a variation of this last night, burrito style. Also, how amazing is that salsa? It’s some of the best store-bought salsas I’ve ever had.
I could make them except for the mushrooms. I never have mushrooms at our house. But I could add other things. Maybe for lunch!