Ben and I break glasses like we live at a Jewish wedding. We must break at least 1 glass a week! But, yesterday I broke something special and I was very sad 🙁
My mom bought us Mr. and Mrs. mugs from Disney World and I had the important task of bringing them home. When I took them out of the box I saw that Ben’s mug was broken. Boo. I broke it before he even had the chance to see it!
We are trying to glue it back together, but I don’t know if it’s going to work.
Then, this morning Ben was washing dishes and the blender slipped out of his hand and fell. The entire glass blender jar shattered shards of glass every where! Today it is my mission to go get a new one. I can’t live a day without a blender!!
Run: Saturday I woke up late and wasn’t feeling great. I had been planning on a long run, but wasn’t sure how much I could do. I ended up doing 10 miles. I’m glad I fueled up before I left with some cereal!
I “broke my fast” yesterday morning with a smoothie. It was amazing and I want another one asap!
Last night we hit up our friends’ house for dinner and fun! We grilled meat, veggie kabobs and red potatoes. I volunteered to bring the meat, but I’m not sure if it was good (I didn’t eat any). I usually let Ben buy any meat he wants to eat since I’m clueless about that stuff.
In my defense, I also brought chicken sausages that were healthy and Ben said tasted good 🙂 TJ’s comes through again!
I also made a cole slaw with chickpeas, almond slivers and cranberries. I thought it was amazing, but I’m not sure if anyone else liked it. I firmly believe in bringing a salad with beans in it to any get-together so you are guaranteed an option with protein!
Kristin had pita chips and hummus out for enjoyment while Matt grilled. I love that she always has tasty, healthy food 🙂
It’s impossible to ignore the siren song of M&M’s on a counter near you…
And she made brownies! We had hot brownies straight from the oven with ice cream. I know I have been eating too many desserts lately, but I am only human and cannot resist freshly baked brownies and ice cream. No regrets.
This morning Ben and I took a short walk (Sunday is a rest day for me). And I broke my fast again with a veggie scramble. It had soy chorizo, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and egg beaters.
Plus some of this fancy sparkling Clementine juice from TJ’s.

Now I need to hit up the store for a blender! See you guys in a bit.
Niza blog , nuevo para mí. Voy a comenzar a utilizar estos inmediatamente!
That shake looks delicious!!!
Interesante, yo cotizaciуn en mi sitio mбs tarde.
About the mug- contact Disney merchandising! They can help replace it: 407-363-6200 or Doesn’t hurt to try 🙂
Why would anyone WANT to resist brownies straight out of the oven?!! This is why I bake on Sundays, then the leftovers go to the office. 🙂
I’m blaming you Monica! A few weks backyou had mentioned the soy choirizo. I found it at Trader Joe’s and now I’m hooked! All the flavor without the bits and pieces (you know what I mean) and grease!
awe sad about the mug! they are SO cute!
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
There’s no way I could resist brownies out of the oven either!!
That shake looks delicious!!!
Too bad about the mug! Brownies and ice cream are impossible to resist 🙂
I just broke a brand new plate this morning too and I was quite sad about it. But I’ve also dropped an entire blender into a million pieces as well, so Ben is not alone! I’m such a klutz sometimes. 🙂
Glad you are having a great weekend.
Aw, I’m sorry about Ben’s mug.
I break blenders like it’s my job. I hope you find a good one.
I don’t blame you for diving into the warm brownies and ice cream. I marvel at anyone who can resist that temptation.
That mug set is so cute – sorry it broke!
We broke our blender a year or so ago – fortunately it was close enough to my bridal shower so we didn’t need to buy one!
Good luck finding a new one!
I have a huge sweet tooth, and brownies fresh from the oven are the best!
So sad about the mug, it was totally cute. I hope the glue holds!
Funny enough, I’m going to a potluck tonight and bringing a Spanish bean salad. There will probably be a couple of veggie options there but I wanted something with protein.
No one should ever have to resist a hot brownie!
awe sad about the mug! they are SO cute!