The Cheetos on a salad thing was originally done out of convenience. The other day Ben was eating a sandwich for lunch and I was having a massive salad. But, I wanted some Cheetos too (of course!)! I grabbed a big handful and, not wanting to dirty another plate, threw them on top of my salad.
And so begins my new love affair with Cheetos on a salad…
Silly Monica. I thought some mangoes would work as lunch dessert…
But totally went searching for chocolate shortly after. I think chocolate is the new post-meal mint
I have a busy afternoon = meeting in Newport, running group, studying! See ya tonight
i brought dove dark chocolates to work today to have as my post-lunch “mint” 😉 here’s hoping i can stop at one..or two, let’s be honest
I think Cheetos are kind of gross…and yet putting them on salad sounds delicious!
i’m using bagel chips as croutons in my lunch today!
Cheetos?! as a new crouton?! Girl, you might be the death of my meal plans. haha! I’ve gotta try it!
Monica, cheetos on a salad sounds awesome! Sometimes, I throw baked tortilla chips on mine =)
Yeah I am REALLY hoping I can do it and not go to the bad place. Last time I tried a program like this is was bad news, but I’m hoping if I come at it with a better attitude and listen to my own needs, I can be finally reach my goals and make them stick!
Cheetos are my favorite – I now have a need to go out and get some to try on a salad! I would always put them on my sandwiches as a kid (errr, maybe as a grownup, too), and they sound like a great salad topper. You rock with the excellent ideas 🙂
Hey, are you still thinking about the BFL program? I’m going to start it soon and I’m wondering your thoughts on it. I’m nervous (that it won’t work or I won’t be able to keep it up) but mostly excited!
No I haven’t been sticking to it. I realized it was a little to strict for me and kinda triggered me to a bad place. Instead, I’ve been taking baby steps in that direction by eating more protein and trying to eat a little less sweets.
Cheetos remind me so much of being a kid – I always put them in my sandwiches growing up. Such a good crunch! Dried mango is my obsession lately. It’s expensive at Whole Foods, though, and not TJs in Dallas. boo.
haha for me it’s like “silly clare, you thought that little triangle of dark chocolate would work?” and then I grabbed a brownie.
Have you ever had the chili spiced dried mangos? They are so addictive, although still not chocolate.
So many people have recommended the chili mangoes to me, but I dunno, they don’t call my name.
Have you ever had the Jalapeno Cheetos?? They are AMAZING. When my sister and I were training for our first marathon, we used to eat so many after our long runs.
I put baked bbq lays on my subway sandwiches and Robert always looks at me like I’m crazy. I just love having that extra crunch!
One time I ate a whole bag of those mango things in a time frame of about 3 seconds. Im not allowed to buy them anymore haha. True story
I’ve done that too. I should have banned myself from buying them…
I love adding new things to the same old salad.
Love it! That’s a great way to incorporate cheetohs… all about balance right 😉
That last pic of you is fantastic! I love the angel and the roses in the background.
Thanks 🙂
Cheetos are my kryptonite! That fake cheesy crunchy goodness. Drool. 🙂
I am a big Doritos fan personally. They taste good on sandwiches. 🙂
My mom puts Doritos in her sandwiches and I’ve tried it – so good!
haha love it! you’re funny.
I should be repulsed that you put Cheetos in your salad but I like Cheetos too so I will let it slide this time.
I spy some pretty roses behind you. Can you show us? I love flowers.
OMG, I LOVE Cheetos!! After one of my very first long runs (9 miles for me 🙂 I had a serious craving for them. Nothing says “I’m awesome” like Cheetos!!
You are brilliant to use them as croutons.
I’m not a huge Cheeto fan, but I LOVE Fritos in salads! So crunchy and salty… love love love.