This pretty much sums up my day. Cake = Happiness.
But let me backtrack, Earlier today I snacked on a fruit salad that I intended to be a whole tupperware full, but oddly disappeared without any leftovers?! Hmmm.
These bars are from the HLS swag. I’m bad with bars in that I open up more and than one to “taste” them before deciding which one I want.
Then Ben and I headed to my mom’s for a BBQ. Ben’s birthday is Wednesday and we were celebrating today!
My brother Michael made the cake.
I ate the cake. And that’s how it should be.
Ben married me for my family’s avocado trees. Little does he know I married him to scratch my back. I guess we’re even.
My mom made burgers, fries and guacamole. I got a turkey burger, 73 fries and a pound of ketchup.
BBQ-d burgers just scream summer! I don’t want it to end (summer or the burgers).
We ate outside because the weather is perfection.
The dogs begged, but we don’t feed them while we’re eating. Nope.
We sang Ben Happy Birthday!
And my mom bought Thin Mint and Chocolate PB ice cream. Yes and yes.
The sky was breathtaking tonight, had to capture.

See you tomorrow
i’d marry you for your avocado trees, too (:
& toooo funny about the bars…i do the same thing. i just get mad then and nervous that the one i didn’t choose will get stale…so i end up having both. lol
Excellent! I can’t think of a better Birthday celebration – Supremely chocolatey cake and one of the best looking burgers I’ve ever seen. It’s morning here but already I’m craving burgers. Not good! LOL
Mmmmmm cake!
I’m with you. I am not ready to say goodbye to summer. : ( But today it rained nearly all day and was only in the 60’s! Wah.
Looks like a fun time! Happy Birthday to Ben 🙂
Happy Birthday, Ben! I love homemade cake, I can’t stand store bought cake! Everything looks yummy! I am a fry addict, which is why I live red robin!
I would get married for unlimited access to an avocado tree.
Looks like a great party- and that cake topper is too funny!
Well, if this whole thing with Ben ever falls through I’ll hit you up…
Happy Birthday to Ben!!
As much as I can’t wait for the fall, I will miss grilling outside. I think I need to find a place to live where I can do that all year round. 🙂
I feel like it’s too cold here to grill outside year ’round, but I’m a wussy 🙂
Happy Birthday, Ben!!! I’m sure decorating that cake was one of the highlights, but definitely eating it wins out!!
Looks Like a great time with family!
Ooh la la! That cake looks fabulous! Especially when it’s topped with PB Cup ice cream. 😉
Omg! Bens face in the pic where the cake is being lit is SO funny! I almost spit my water out, he looks like a little kid on christmas morning! He is so funny! Im glad he loves cake, I love it too, birthday cake is the best!
Happy almost Birthday to Ben!
Ha! I always get mad at him for making that face! It’s like when you tell a little kid to smile for a picture and they overcompensate, right?
that cake looks awesomely delicious!
cake and cupcakes seem to be an obsession of mine lately. i don’t get them in my neck of the woods (unless i were to bake an entire batch…to myself…um…no), so as soon as i’m in a city that has a cupcakery (??) i’m all over it.
Ben looks soo happy for the cake, you married a keeper!!!
Aww I love family birthday celebrations! It’s so nice that your family wanted to celebrate your husbands birthday 🙂 Even better that your bro made the cake! Looks like a great evening.
Homemade cake=the best. I can’t remember the last time I had one, maybe next year for my birthday…but I’m an only child so I always have a ton of leftovers. Maybe I can make a mini-cake? Great, now I want one :P. Looks fun and delicious!
If you have cake I’ll come over and help you with it 🙂
Happy Birthday, Ben!
We’ve decided that we’re going to grill all fall and winter long, so the summer will never end in the Lear household! We will keep hanging on until we can’t anymore. I will miss the watermelons though. Very much. [Sad face.]
New reader! Saw ya on HRG! I like you! Haha, you seem pretty awesome. Especially because you use terms such as “F it” and you say you run but you’re a slow runner. So now I like you even more. I look forward to reading some of your posts tonight.
And looking at all of your old pumpkin recipes. Pumpkin yogurt, heck yes!
Nice to meet ya!
Hi Lauren 🙂 Nice to meet you too!