I set my alarm for a few minutes after 5am to get up and out the door. I have 12 miles on my schedule for today and since we’ve had a change of plans I needed to get it done early!
I did the usual pre-run ritual… coffee and PB&J toast. Then, I was off!
I didn’t feel good, didn’t feel bad. It was okay. I think I’m getting to the point where I just want to be done. Luckily, I have 2 back to back vacations the week right after my race so I will have no choice but to NOT RUN.
I got home and did 3 minutes of stretching before getting ready. I haven’t been putting on make-up or doing my hair lately so it took a lot longer than I’m used to! By the time I was almost done my stomach was rumbling.
I used the leftover broccoli slaw salad to make an egg scramble. Yes, the salad with the chickpeas and dressing and everything. It’s good! I cooked up the slaw first, then add eggs and cheese.
Now we’re on our way to Wrightwood for a funeral. It’s about 2 hours away from home so I’m sure snacks are in order at some point.
^^^^That was all written this morning on the way, but I didn’t end up getting wi-fi until I got to my mom’s just now. So, to continued…
The funeral was a celebration of life and it was beautiful. Ben’s co-worker’s wife passed away after being very sick for a very long time. I appreciate that funerals remind us to hug out loved ones a little closer <3
After the service we went back to his co-workers house for fellowship, food and friends. I don’t get to hang out with the people Ben sees everyday very often so I enjoyed it.
Then, we headed home. It is a gorgeous day and a beautiful drive though so it went by fast.
We stopped somewhere random to use the restroom and I spotted a Falafel place! SCORE!!!
I have been craving falafel like a crazy person! Seriously. Does that happen to anyone else?
I got the falafel plate – it came with 5 huge balls, pita and a bucket of hummus. I dominated it.
Ben didn’t realize falafel was made out of chickpeas. When I told him he said he was taking me to “CA” – Chickpeas Anonymous. If dipping falafel in hummus is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
Now I’m at a family party at my moms! I promised myself a drink tonight so I don’t know when we’ll see each other again…
Wonderful post admin thank you. I discovered what i used to be looking for here. I will review total of posts on this evening
I have yet to try an actual falafel and still really want to! We have made chickpea burgers that are prepared exactly like them, though..so maybe they were just huge falafels and I don’t even know it. 😛
Hmmm…now I am left to wonder why I have never dipped falafel in hummus. Because it sounds awesome!
I really, REALLY appreciate you not taking pictures or blogging from the funeral, as some bloggers have. That’s really classy of you! <3
Love, love, love the blue dress. You look amazing! Where did you get it?
I’m pretty sure it’s from Target.
“If dipping falafel in hummus is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.”
hahahah too funny! seriously love your posts, monica! your blog quickly became my new favorite after reading it…i seriously always look forward to reading rer!!
I love your dress.
I love falafel’s. I had my first one earlier this year and can’t wait to try them again. So good!
I finally got that spicy peanut dressing you always use and LOVE it! The spicy part is perfect.
Yah! Glad you like it too 🙂
I definitely crave falafel like a crazy person. A few weeks ago I just could NOT get it out of my head until I had it!
LOVE that blue wrap dress!! Where did you get it??
I think Target?
Great blog!! You should start many more. I love all the info provided. I will stay tuned 🙂