Ben and I moved our vacation inland to the rain forest for a few days.
But, this morning I made oatmeal with hot water from the coffee maker… I’ve been rolling with this little trick for years – anyone else do this?
There is a really great walking/running/biking path in Panama City along the water way. I wasn’t comfortable going for a run by myself so Ben and I decided to walk it and enjoy the view.
I did get a little jealous of the runners though…
And took off for a few meters to feel the pound.
We stayed the first two nights at the Marriot Hotel in Panama City. This is a little fancy for us, but one of my training clients works for the Marriott and got us a sweet discount!!! Thanks Becky 😉
The hotel is in downtown so it was surrounded by busy streets, honking cars, restaurants and stores.
We are staying at a small B&B in Gamboa. The owner of the place picked us up from the hotel and gave us a little tour of the area along the way.
It’s a super cute old house with a communal dining area. Breakfast is included.
As soon as we got here we crashed and took a short nap. Then, we grabbed our snacks and got walking. We are a short walk away from the road into the rainforest.
We were DENIED at the visitor center because it unexpectedly decided to close early (that’s how they roll). So we had our own fun pretending like we spotted some amazing rain forest animal.
Note: Ben has backed away at this point and I am possibly in danger.
We walked back to our hotel sweaty and defeated. But, that defeat didn’t last for long when we found a tiny market that sold soda and snacks.
We relaxed in our room and planned out the rest of our trip until dinner. It was a chicken dish with the most amazing butter sauce.
Check out this sign that is on the street here (there on a few different streets around town). What is this supposed to be?! And should I be running from him or to him? 😉All I know is it makes me want to run AND pump iron.
Question: What is this sign warning/announcing?!
Hahaha, GREAT photos. Looks like you’re having a good time in the jungle!
B&Bs are sometimes the most fun places to stay at. They’re always so cute.
Gamboa is a beautiful place!
That sign should be a woman…what sexist people who designed that sign. 😉
It made me curious and I did a quick search. Found this:
“Road Signs While driving in Panama you will notice a shortage of road sings, and when you do see them they are not a 100% clear. The sign above means “children at play”, not that you are entering a nudist colony.”
The sign picture was the same man…except there was a black circle by the foot to indicate a ball the “child” was kicking. So I guess your sign — minus the ball— might just mean “walkers and/or runners near road” ?
I love funny street signs and that is a winner!
Love the B&B! So adorable! Have fun kiddos!
What a weird sign. I’m loving the comments. I especially love the idea that you should camp out to see this man. If you catch a sighting, you’ll have to let us know!
LOVE that you and Ben are goofy together – the secret to a great marriage!
Haha. Gotta love that sign! Beware of Big Running Man? Lol
Panama looks great. And i was thinkin you’d probably be jonesing for a run after seeing that great path.
And the rainforest, how fun. Wellas long as you don’t run into any snakes. 😉
I think it means “Wild Body Builder Crossing. Beware.” He has nice glutes and nice hair.
Haha, that picture is too funny. I think I’ll go with Emily’s reason for the sign. 😛
You should try the cevechie while you are there. They usually make it with corbina, which is hard to get here.
I hope you get to see the canal & lochs. I’ve spent a lot of time in Balboa & Diablo.
That is hilarious! What the heck!?!?
Beware of the hairless Sasquatch. I have seen one before. They are mean. 😉
That sign is hilarious Monica!! 🙂
“Run 2 HIM”…”Running without shoes and clothes IS allowed in these neck of the woods” 🙂
Ha! Love that 🙂
My interpretation of the sign -> It was posted by local women and it is meant to mean “There is one really buff guy that runs by this spot everyday – please feel free to camp out and enjoy the view” – but I could be wrong…
Where are the birds?!?!?!?!? hahahaha
Today, I’ll get some today 🙂
Run TO him. Always run to him.
I think it is a warning that buff men might come stampeding through the area. I suggest you stay close by to observe.
I’m on the look out 😉
so maybe one of the #1 reasons i check your blog 3+ times a day is because literally every post makes me laugh. thanks 😀
as for the sign? i have *no* idea what that could even begin to be saying … “run from steroids”? hahaha
thanks for keeping us updated on your trip – looks gorgeous!