This morning I woke up hoping to be 100% better. I went out for the group run and felt okay. The cold air felt good probably because I had a fever of 101.
Note to self: it’s dangerous to run with someone who has a camera and a vendetta. Not my best angle Meghann.
For living on opposite coasts I see these girls a lot!
Then, I checked my temp and downed some dayquill and pepto before breakfast. I wasn’t running a fever and felt better so I thought I was fine.
We ate at the Dole Cafeteria and it is very impressive! The employees have access to this and it’s full of healthy low priced options.
Stuff you don’t want to know, but I have to share in 3, 2, 1…
This would have been my breakfast if I didn’t need to rush to the bathroom after 6 bites to barf.
So, I went back to my room to sleep it off.
A few hours later I was good as new mediocre as ever!
At least you can’t beat this view…
I wasn’t running a temperature and felt a ton better so I decided to put on a hospital mask to contain my germs and join the outside world again.
In the next session we learned more about Vitamin D and the Portabella Mushroom powder (only available online right now!). I actually have had the powder for a while now and add a dash here and there to sauces. You can’t taste it at all, but it is a great way to get Vitamin D.
It really sucks that I was sick this trip because the food was amazing, plentiful and super healthy! Lunch was another delicious buffet of healthy eats! This was probably the best conference food wise I’ve ever attended!
I filled up my plate, but ended up picking at it for fear of the Montezuma’s Revenge. Wait, I did eat the sweet potato mash because it had ginger to help my tummy.
Then, we had a tour of the California Health and Longevity Institute – very state appropriate, no?
They have a spa, kitchen and medical clinic. Oh, and all the employees are gorgeous.
I got super exited about this Body Pod – it is one of the most accurate ways to check body fat percentage and it only takes a few minutes.
I still haven’t been able to explore the hotel. I have heard such amazing things about this place I hope to check it all out tomorrow. (I do have a very intimate knowledge of my room’s bathroom though. You don’t want to know.)
We were given a few choices of spa and health institute treatments a while back. I forgot which ones I picked until today!
I GOT HYPNOTIZED! Okay, it’s really called “Energy Healing” and it’s super interesting. I spoke in detail about my ‘issues’ to the healer and before she could give up on me we started the treatment.
It was very similar to a guided meditation/visualization exercise. Very relaxing!
After discarding of my breakfast and picking at lunch I was hungry around 5pm and had a Luna bar hoping it would play nice. For the most part it was okay.
I don’t know what the deal is, I’ll feel fine for a bit then I will get strong stomach pains. Then, nothing. Then, I have bathroom time. Then, you realize you’re reading about a complete strangers bowel movements on the internet and close the page.
No? Still with me? Thanks!
Anyways, a massage was my second treatment. It was the most beautiful and huge spa I’ve ever seen!
But, you know I tried to play it cool before anyone realized I didn’t belong there and sent me on a bus back to Pico.
At this point it’s 8pm and I’ve had a Luna bar and some sweet potatoes to eat all day = I was HUNGRY! But, my stomach still hurt?! I decided to risk it when I saw the restaurant and our set menu.
We ate at Onyx in the Four Seasons
I was excited for ginger dressing on the salad and miso soup for my belly.
The first course also included a brown rice risotto.
The main course – Miso Marinated Black Cod (I had already heard the employees rave about this one and it totally lived up to the hype!)
Char-grilled tofu with sautéed garlic spinach and sweet soy ginger
Coconut Curry Chicken with white rice on the side.
I piled my plate high, told my stomach to shut up and ate!
Dessert was a Thai basil mango sorbet, dark chocolate and caramelized pineapple. My favorite part was the sorbet which is saying something since I love dark chocolate!
We had so much leftovers I I asked for the rest to be put in a to-go box. I felt kinda weird since no one else could take anything home (out of towners), but this food was way too good to get thrown away.
Some of the girls have to leave early tomorrow so we did a group shot.
From left:Kristin @iowagirleats, Sandy @APSandy, Lori @LorrieFenn , Meghann @MealsAndMiles, Me @RunEatRepeat , Jenn @FitBottomedGirl , Tish @luvandkiwi , Tina @CarrotsnCake , Leah @bookiebo and Jan @CrabbyMcSlacker
I know what you’re thinking…
not another picture of bloggers a little make up does wonders for a girl who was yacking not too long ago. Thank you make-up.
(Myself, Tina from Carrots N Cake and Kristin from Iowa Girl Eats)
Okay, bed time! If I don’t wake up feeling completely better tomorrow I’m diagnosing myself with malaria, spending my last few days on earth at the beach and ending this blog with more details of my bathroom habits. <- Now go pray that doesn’t happen. Thanks.
*Please update the Pile on the Miles spreadsheet by 8am PST! Good Luck 🙂
Is officially jealous now. LOL
Love to have some fun time and enjoy healthy life with a bunch of like minded people.
How do you still look so pretty when you’re sick?! When I’m sick, I look like I got hit by a car!
That’s about 6 pounds of make-up 😉
You may want to stop running until you feel better! (I know, against your religion 😉 ) When the body’s sick it needs every last ounce of energy to heal, and exercising can often inhibit recovery from an illness. Just something to consider 🙂
I’ve done the Bod Pod twice! It’s kind of weird because they travel to my gym, so it’s in this weird trailer in the parking lot, and you stand there in your bathing suit with the guy whose doing the measuring. LUCKILY my local guy is not creepy at all and is actually super nice and very helpful. The printout they give you about your body composition is amazing and so detailed. I highly recommend doing it.
I totally should have crawled into that thing and begged to try it!
The food looks amazing. And what awesome ‘treatments’. But so sorry you had to endure them sick. No good. But it might make you feel better than its going around and others are experiencing it… well maybe not. Hope you get well soon. And thank you for sharing your experience. Quite envious of your trip!
Actually that does make me feel better. I’d rather have the flu than malaria!
Ack! I hope you feel better soon. And good on you for taking the leftovers! Smart move, indeed.
…Did you drink the water?
Didn’t they tell you not to drink the water??
I hope you feel better soon. Its been a couple of days. If its not getting better, you should probably go see a doctor.
They didn’t tell me not to drink the water. Plus, the book said we could. I didn’t feel sick until a few days after I got home. Thoughts?
Define grand living. Love the pictures that comes along with this post. Oh how I just envy you, in a good envious kindda way. Thanks for this light post. 🙂
WHOAH, that view is ridiculous. Lucky girl! Hope you feel better, though…being sick is such a bummer!
Those Dole employees seem pretty fortunate having a cafeteria like that to eat in. Bring some of that good food to my campus!!
Such a bummer that you’re not feeling well! But hopefully things are starting to look up.
I have actually been in one of those body pods before! It was crazy – mostly because I’m not a huge fan of small spaces, but pretty neat.
Very cool that you tried it!!!
Wow, that looks like so much fun! So sorry you are sick, that is a sucky but fest.
I’m just reading some of the Dole posts and ended up here for the first time. Too bad you got so sick, must suck to go to a food con and not be able to eat. The photo with ten bloggers and nine names, who’s the unnamed person?
The unnamed person is Lori from Token Fat Girl (third from left). I updated it when I realized the error 🙁
Bummer, so sad you were sick. You are such a trooper though, I don’t know if I would be able to pull it together like that.
awhh…hope you feel better soon, monica!
btw, where on earth did you find such an adorable top!? that lacey light pink looks stunning on you!
Marshall’s 🙂
What a bummer, sorry you got sick. Hope you’re feeling better! It still sounds like a great time otherwise 🙂
Dang girl…you sound like how my husband felt after our trip to Mexico…you should maybe go to a doctor…:( hope you feel better! Looks like you still had fun for the most part, so that’s good! 🙂
Did he have a parasite? Because now I’m worried…
No, he didn’t have a parasite, it was just a bad reaction to the different water sources…he went to the doctor and they just told him lots of rest and water…they gave him a prescription for his stomach issues as well, which I think helped him feel better sooner than otherwise…might be worth a shot!
It is probably something from your trip that is not agreeing with you….if it doesn’t clear up soon you may want to go to the doctor.
I hope you feel better today. Being sick at such a food filled event is no fun. At least it didn’t happen during your marathon or on vacation! Sucks either way.
Are you sure your not prego? 🙂 Both times I was prego I had terrible nausea/vomiting and all that jazz. I hope you are feeling better soon!
Yep I’m pretty sure it’s not a baby, maybe a parasite.
Yikes, what a time to be sick! When I’m sick I don’t function well at all! At least you made it out of the room for the fun parts and it seems like you were starting to feel a little better by the end. Your eyes look awesome in that last picture, have you done a tutorial for that?? Mine aren’t as big and beautiful as yours, but I want to give that look a try!
Sounds like you have some mild food poisoning. I suggest washing your fruit from now on.
I just found your blog yesterday and had fun catching up on some of your recent posts. Sorry you were sick for the conference, it looks like fun otherwise! Also, I LOVE that flavor of Luna bar…I wish I wasn’t staring at an empty box of them this morning haha.
Hi Susan, Welcome 🙂
Yes! That Luna bar is like a cookie!
Thats seriously such a bummer youve been so ill! At least you got to go and experience it despite feeling like death!
Sorry you feel so sick! That is no fun! A few years ago my friend went to South America and came back with a parasite. Her description of stomach pains, potty breaks, etc sounded very similar to yours. She ended up taking meds to help clear it up. Hope you are on the mend soon!
I think I have that!
Oh darling, so sorry you got sick. 🙁 Praying you feel better for the rest of the trip.