Friday night after work Ben and I went out for Thai food. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before but there are dozens of Thai places on every block around here. And they’re all good! We tried a new to us place and of course it was amazing
I like a lot of drinks.
(Actually, we both ordered the dinner special and they each came with either a Thai tea or Thai coffee.)
Start with soup.
The special came with soup, appetizer and main course.
I ordered the chicken and veggies with brown rice.
This morning I had a long run on the schedule. I woke up early to beat the heat and to try and make it to brunch.
Then, my Garmin broke.
It stopped working at mile 10 and I was supposed to do 22 miles?! So, I completely freaked out and quit. I cannot run without knowing my mile splits.
Ha. Yeah, not me at all. It was almost a relief so I could go slow without feeling guilty about it. Seriously though, I wish I was more anal about this stuff.
21.5 miles done and done.
After 3+ hours of running I was delirious and made this random vlog for some reason. What a weirdo.
After my run I did my usual routine = Whole Foods. I took these pics in the car so I could bust into the food on the way home if I wanted.
I got some dessert from the hot dessert bar and took a bite of each so I could share with Ben. (Update: I just got home from brunch and he hasn’t eaten any of it. I’m taking it back.)
I was really hoping WF didn’t have bags of ice, but they do. So, that meant I had to take an ice bath. I did it. Go me.
Skinny Runner invited the girls over for brunch so I rushed over to try and catch the tail end of it. She had quite the spread!
I thought we were friends, but it turns out she really hates me because she made this delicious monkey bread and set it right in front of me. Thanks b.
To get even I mixed up all her Starbucks coffee mugs. They were in alphabetical order and now she’ll probably stay up all night fixing it. Remember, I before E…
Margot headed out at a decent hour, but I ended up staying until after 4! Time flies when you’re talking about running and blogging or it flies when you’re drinking champagne. One of those.
Finally, Marni put her foot paw down and asked me to leave.
So, now I’m back at home trying to not fall asleep. I’m suddenly exhausted!
See ya later
“I’d like to thank the creator of chocolate Gu”…this literally made me laugh out loud! That was priceless 🙂 I did 20 today and had a chocolate Gu (with caffeine!) at the 12 mile mark–(though I had not seen your vlog at that point) but now I will think of that next long run when I’m busting out with the overpriced chocolate frosting!
Great job! I’m glad your 21 miler went so well! We did 20 miles this morning and felt awesome!
Nice job on the 21. Are you doing Nike full or half? I was up your way Friday. I should’ve emailed you so you can teach me the Whole Foods way. Ha ha. I’ve never been. See you in a couple weeks!!
Oh, we should meet up for lunch at Whole Foods next time. Let me know 🙂
Sadly, I’m having to opt out of Nike Women’s because I’m doing a trip with Sabra. My next ‘big’ race is the NY full.
I feel so much better running with out my GPS. It is so relaxing. I just finished brunch but all of your pics make me think I need to go eat more now…yum!
Very impressive! So, when you say that you do a 21 mile run, do you literally mean that you RAN 21 miles? Or is it mixed up with walking? I run but I do not do long, long runs like that. I normally stay with 5 or 10k races so I have never had to do a long run though I am planning on doing a half marathon in the spring. Are you using a running/walking strategy or are you running the whole thing?
I don’t do the run/walk strategy. This is my fifth full and I haven’t really run a lot of 5ks or 10ks. I think I’m just kinda used to it.
You brunch looks great! I really need to do that with my girl friends soon!
Yummm for the WF’s bar…I could eat it every day of the week for probably every meal. I like to combine everything into a hot mess of a box. Your’s looks much more civilized! Nice work on the run.
Sounds like a fun day! and I’m glad the Garmin breaking was a blessing in disguise but it still sucks it’s broken.
I know, I’m so sad about my Garmino.
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one withe SBucks mug collection! Congrats on the 21 miler.
Omg did they give you a teenie wedge of watermelon with your thai dish!? Hahaha…they know you so well! (or not, it should have been bigger).
I dislike how Thai places give you cans of soda…no free refills 🙁
Yeah, I was pretty excited about the watermelon – and Ben didn’t even give me his!
crap i subscribed to ur comments via email
Congratulations on the long run! Great job. My Garmin just died this week too. 🙁 I feel so behind for NYC Training, I have only done 2 18 milers so far, I wanted to do a long run this weekend but ran the Hot Chocolate 15k instead. I must do at least 20 next weekend!
Oh, I totally felt behind on NY training! (At least in comparison to last year’s full training.) Oh well, we’ll have a good time right?
you guys are so cute…you should have a group blog together of your outings and then plan a big get together for all your weirdo readers. 😉 Just saying.
I just sent in my garmin for a “repair” when it died for good. They send you a refurbished (kind of new one) and for me, it was only $69- much cheaper than a new one 🙂 just so you know…
Will they do this if it’s unrepairable? Was it the 305, I know that one is discontinued.
I love Thai desserts! Mango sticky rice and Red Ruby (Tim Tob Krub or something) are my go-to desserts.
I am inspired to work on my friendships more.
I really am working on this too 🙂
Dang it, im still stuck on aruba and alaska. this is terrible. you’re never invited back.
Whenever I bring the boy home a dessert of some sort it usually gets eaten by me. 🙂 Oh well!
I cannot believe you run your long runs solo, that is so impressive! I have never run more than 8 by myself, any tips? I would love to be able to bust our more mileage mentally on my own.
I totally end up crazy in the cabeza at the end of a long run solo. (Hence the weird rambling vlog…)
Hey, Garmin, you reading this? Can you just send Monica a new Forerunner for review (and keep)?
Seriously, they should. I actually just broke down and bought one after reading so many of your posts showing yours and your splits. I missed knowing all of that techy run info. 🙂
See, Garmin! Monica’s an ambassador!
Ha! Thanks 🙂 I wish I knew who to forward this to…
Loved the little video! Way to go! Si se puede x
Congrats on finishing your long run. I really can’t imagine going that far- I feel like the 7 miles I did is an accomplishment, so I can’t imagine how I’d feel after 21. I used to eat Thai Food regularly in college, but haven’t had it much since then- I miss it!
For some reason, I loved this post. Oh wait, who am I kidding. I love all your posts.
Aww thanks 🙂
I could eat that entire f-in’ monkey bread in about 35 minutes.
Gosh it looks evil.
(just in case you forgot)
So so excited!