Hello! How’s it going over there?
Sunday is the first day of Fall and with the new season comes cooler weather and a need to pack up the summer gear. Yes, SoCal is still HOTHOTHOT!
But, I do still need to unpack my winter running gear and put away some of my summer stuff. Crisp mornings will show up before I know it and I put my long sleeves and gloves and stuff away a few months back.
That got me thinking about organizing my running gear – especially because I have a TON of it! I’m working with Fab on this post to bring you ideas on organizing your workout / running gear. They offer free shipping, free returns and a smile guarantee. The list below includes items that can help organize your stuff from their site along with my tips and tricks to ‘get it together’.
How to organize your workout gear
First – put away the things you aren’t going to use for a few months. I pack my winter gear in vacuum bags since I keep them in the attic and it’s gross and not temperature controlled up there.
Vacuum Bags for out of season gear
My drawers are stuffed with sports bras – I really do think it’s the most important part of running clothing! So, I need to get this bra and chonie organizer
Speaking of sports bras – you should lay them out or hang dry instead of putting them in the drier. I use a few hooks I have above my washer, but that doesn’t offer enough space. I like this Accordion Drying Rack to get the job done!
If you have more room to work with this White Hanger is great too.
I would also use this if they were little runners – Coat Rack
A runner has a very special, intimate relationship with their shoes. And since you are supposed to switch them out every 500 miles or less we often have several pairs lying around.
Also – I have different types of shoes for long runs, short runs and walking. I have a shoe organizer on the bottom of the living room closet for my shoes.
Shoe Organizer for bottom of closet
This hanging Shoe organizer is another good option.
My best tip is to keep your electronics and other ‘must haves’ in one place so they are easy to find. This way you can grab your watch, glasses, music and safety ID and get out the door without excuses. I use this plastic bin from Target…
But, I love this super cute storage cube! (This is also a great item to use for your pet’s gear and keep near the door for walks/toys.)
And because this is my favorite tip and I love it, I am going to give one RER reader that adorable paisley storage cube to organize your gear!
To Enter: Leave a comment on this post with which of these picks is your favorite?
Open to all residents of Earth. Closes 9/20 at 8am EST.
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Fab. The Giveaway is sponsored by me. All opinions are my own.
I would go with the drawer organizers!
I have a toothpaste-green version of that white spider drying rack – my husband calls it the Alien Bra Tree. It’s awesome for bras (sports and regular), compression gear, and really anything lightweight that needs to hang dry. Just realized as I’m writing this that it was part of a “going off to college” gift more than 20 years ago… 😮
I so need a drying rack.
The drying rack, I totally need one, my stuff is just hanging on the back of dining room chairs 🙁
I’m all for the Storage Cube! It seems like it would hold all of my miscellaneous items (i.e. gels, Garmin, medals) quite nicely. Great Giveaway, Monica!! 😉
I love the sport bra organizer! I didn’t even know they made them! Adding this to my list of necessary purchases now 🙂
I used to live in an apartment with my husband that had one small closet. for everything. clothes, coats, anything else….so I am obsessed with organizing things, even though we now have a walk-in closet! that being said, I love the drying rack-since I currently have laundry hanging over the shower curtain in our spare bathroom!
I am an organizing dork (although you wouldn’t be able to tell from my running gear!). Any and all would be great….but I’m definitely eyeing that accordion drying rack. Perfect for compression socks and sports bras!
I love love love the paisley basket it is so cute!
I have so many sneakers laying around! I love the shoe organizer for the bottom of a closet.
Definitely the cube!!!
Love the idea of using another shoe organizer in my closet. This would be perfect to get rid of my stinky retired running shoes that I like to keep on hand for emergency runs or dirty activities
I definitely need a way to hang my sports bras. I love the white hanger!
The sports bra organizer! They get jumbled with other workout clothes so that would be a perfect solution
Read more at https://runeatrepeat.com/2013/09/18/organize-your-workout-gear/#uz4mwMdbKLJCGI77.99
shoe organizer
The accordion drying rack would be a life saver! Everything dries hanging on the handles / over the top of my closet doors right now
love them all but the vacumn bag ideas for sure
I love the folding drying rack!
I like the drying rack and shoe rack. I currently keep all my running stuff in bins.
I like the bra/chonie organizer, and I laugh every time I read chonie. I could definitely use one!
Storage cube!! Ahh! Currently all my running gear is sitting on a bar stool waiting for me to pick it up again. It’s an EYESORE. Why didn’t I think of putting it in a cute cube??
I love that white hanger! It would be awesome for sports bras and compression socks!
the accordian drying rack but I love them all
My fav pick is the bra organizer! NEED!
Totally love the storage cube!
I also totally need a way to get a handle on all my shoes. SHOES!
My husband hung a clothesline in my basement near my washer/dryer, but I would love the drying rack! The clothesline is so high up and can be hard to reach!!!
Getting organized is half the battle for me. I do like the storage cube.
Those vacuum bags look so efficient! We keep our out-of-season clothes in big bins, and they take up a lot of space 🙁
I love the drying rack – much better than my current system (hanging running clothes in random places around my apartment)!
I like the idea of leaving all my running gear (watch, bottles, fuel belt, etc.) in one container near the door. I will be trying that tip out.
I like the sports bra organizer. Mine are scattered all over in my dresser drawer, so it can be a mad search for the one I want!
Space bags. Great idea!
I could definitely use that drying rack…if I could find somewhere to put it!
Storage cube for sure! Although the reason I’ve enjoyed some fabulous musicless runs is because of my unorganized self not being able to find my headphones….:)
My fave is the dog walking bin— I walk my dog 3 half me loops a day and am always searching for her harnass!
Another great organization idea is to take your running shirt and lay it flat place shorts/ bottoms, socks and sports bra on top and fold shirt . You can store each outfit — ready to go—- my husband loves it cuz I don’t wake him searching for my running clothes at oh… Dark…. Thirty every morning 😀
I feel like this post speaks to my inner organised self, that refuses to acknowledge the dresser drawer full of workout gear haphazardly strewn through it…. Cute cube though!
The White Hanger! I use that (different brand) for my bras and undies too.
I really like the idea to keep the “smalls” by the door so you can grab ‘n go. Inevitably I forget a little item, like my Road ID, and this is great!
I love the storage bin, I can never seem to keep all my stuff in one place lol
That drying hanger thing looks amazing! I’m guilty of throwing my sports bras in the dryer. Most of the time I don’t even think about it!
Love the white hanger, I have and still use my pink one from my college days!!!! 27 yrs ago!!!
I use totes for my out of season clothing. However in IL, we have major seasons. It is almost time to put thin gloves in V’s backpack.
I have seen these new hooks from 3M to hang on the wall. I don’t have any storage near my door for a bin, I wonder if a bag, where you could just grab the bag would work for m.
I need the sports bra organizer, haha. Mine are everywhere, I swear
the cube actually. i have quite a few that are waiting to be used, but I love the print
I use a drying rack but definitely need a shoe rack and a basket for electronics!
Definitely love the idea of keeping all electronics in some kind of storage bin. I feel like I am always wondering where I left my Garmin (and sometimes discover it’s dead) or ipod after my last run. This reminds me I also need to get a new accordion drying rack. My last one broke and I miss it!!
I use empty shoe boxes (just the bottom, not the lid) to organize my unmentionables in drawers. It’s not fancy but neither am I.
ahh shoe organization is SO needed in my life. laundry bins full of shoes=late for work every day. lol
The storage cube!
I like the bra organizer.
I could definitely use the sports bra organizer, or any of them really!
Yay, I can enter, Australia is part of earth! I love the storage cube. I also love the idea of the vacuum bags, but our weather is so changeable that you can be swimming at the beach in the morning, then freezing in front of the heater in the afternoon. Four seasons in one day.
of course I love the cube idea.
I would love that accordion drying rack!
I would love that adorable storage cube to keep my MotoActv, headphones, GymBoss, Road ID and all that other stuff in one place!
The storage cube is definitely the cutest.
The storage cube for sure!! So cute.
The storage cube is super-cute!
I love the idea of being organised…. it’s the doing it that’s the hard part! 😉
Personally I like the coat rack — but can it be runners? I love that idea 🙂
I love the accordion drying rack.
I love the sports bra organizer! mine are always stored so haphazardly in drawers and it would be nice to have them more organized and visible.
The vacuum bags are such a great idea!!!
I actually really like the accordion drying rack. I just went on vacation last week and our timeshare condo had this on the patio. It didn’t take up a lot of space and it held a lot of our wet items to dry
I could totally use that sports bra organizer!
I love the turquoise and brown cube!!! My favorite colors!
vacuum bags is a great idea!
I love anything paisley!! Especially Brad!!
I use a drying rack for all my clothes. Even in the winter when it is a million degrees below zero I still sweat. I use it year round to dry out my clothes post run so they don’t go in the laundry hamper and get funky.
The vacuum bag doesn’t suck.
accordian dryer rack. I am ALWAYS in need of more space to hang up my workout clothes to dry
Love the paisley cube! Always losing running gloves, ear bands and all that cold weather stuff. Would be nice to have it all in one place.
“Open to all residents of Earth” – I spit my tea out laughing at that one.
I have the hanging shoe organizer, and I love it. Space saving is key when you live in a smallish apartment with two other humans.
I like the accordion drying rack.
I love the vacuum bags! I’ve always wanted to try some. The cube is cute too though 😉
the bottom of the closet shoe rack! My running shoes are out of control! oh and also probably the sports bra organizer….now that I’m think about it ALL my running gear is a hot mess…I should probably work on that right now.
I desperately need a shoe organizer! My shoes are everywhere! I have one of those accordian dry racks, and keep all my sports bras in a drawer, so those are good, but my poor shoes don’t have a home!
Drawer organizer because mine is currently a hot mess
My favorite is actually the storage cube! I always misplace my Garmin, iPod, headphones…it would be great to have one place that I can keep them all! It would probably save me a lot of time, too 🙂
The cube is so versatile! Sports bras, towels, pro compression socks! The sky’s the limit to what that cube can store. Modern too!
I love the bra organizer!
That cube is adorbs!! I really need to get one of those hanging shoe closets.
I love the drying rack!
The bags…
the drawer organizers for sure!
I love the storage cube! It’s cute and practical.
i love the paisley storage cube! my closet is in desperate need of organization and that cube would really help (and look cute :)).
I think I need to invest in some vacuum bags to control the closet overflow!
Drying rack. I have this three tier monster that is actually much more convenient than I originally thought as it collapses and stores really well.
Shoe organizer or a little tub are my faves because I am crazy about storage gear for no apparent reason.
The shoe rack! I need one to put near the door.
I do have one of those folding drying racks and I LOVE it.
Oh my gosh I was just thinking this morning after my run how I need to do some serious organizing. My running stuff is so spread out and I would love to have the paisley organizer to keep everything in one spot!
I have seen so many people with those accordion racks and really really need one! I try all my clothes on….my boyfriend’s bike. hahaha!
What a cute little cube!!!!
I like the storage bins for bras.. my drawers need that bad. I usually end up wading them up & tossing in.
That little white hanger with 7,000 little clips would be righteous hanging over my washer! I also kinda like that sports bra organizer because mine take more room than necessary in the drawer.
I should also do the vacuum bag thing next spring. It would really make my drawers less packed, over-stuffed and annoying. Another helpful thing for me to go would be to THIN out my stuff. I don’t wear half of it, even in winter because I nearly always wear a tank when running, no matter what. It’s got to be below 50 for me to put on sleeves and even then I ditch them before too long.
So that’s many favorite things from this great post. Thanks Monican! 🙂
Sports bra organizer
i like the drying rack…i have one of those circular clip hanger thingies (scientific term) but it’s too small! i like to air dry all my sports bras, running shorts, and sweat-wicking shirts.
Wow, I really need that bra/shorts organizer! The paisley cube is super cute too, I have been looking for something like that.
Sports bra organizer! I am such a neat freak and that drawer makes me insane.
I like the hanging shoe organizer 🙂
Love these tips! I think my favorite in the cubie for the electronics because I am always dressed and ready to go but then I can’t find something like my garmin, or mp3 headphones smh. Then that sets me back 5 mins!! I love the vacuum bags as well. I need to get some because I could use the space bc we have the same so cal weather in central florida lol.
Lovin’ the tall shoe organizer, because obviously, you can never have too many shoes. And the storage cube. Its adorable. 🙂
I would have to go with the space bag and of course I like the pretty storage cube! The unmentionable organizer is pretty awesome too. Can I have them all?!
The hanging shoe rack is my favorite.
You are awasome!!! you inspire me every day with all your funny posts…thank you for all your good tips…I definitly want this little paisley box to organize myself before going for a run! My garmin will look lovely in this box…but much better on me 😉
I love all of these ideas becuase I am a wanna be organized freak! So seeing things like this make me happy! 🙂 I love the sport bra organizer the best tho!
drying rack ! tiny apartment no space to dry clothes- this would be perfect to fold up and store when not in use! need!
I like the vacuum bags! I have never used them, which is probably why 2/3 of my storage drawers under my bed are taken up with out of season clothes right now!
That cube is super cute and my Garmin/visor/Spibelt are always all over the place so I could totally use it!
I don’t even want to think about cold weather running yet 🙁 blahhhh
Love the sports bra organizer! Mine are always in an unfolded mess in my dresser.
I really need a drying rack. I’m terrible with my workout clothes. No wonder I have to replace everything all the time.
I like the drying rack. Usually, I just lay all my technical fabric stuff all over the couch. A drying rack would make my house seem less disorganized when I’m doing laundry!
I love the bra and undies organizers. I so need to get those.
I wish I had workout clothes to organize…lol. One step at a time right?!
I like the sports bra/undies organizer!
Love the storage cube-the paisley print is great!
I love the shoe organizer for the bottom of the closet. Although I could use the blue storage bin from Target given that this past weekend, I headed to a Half Marathon realizing I forgot my headphones. If they would’ve been in the same place as my Garmin, gels, road ID and everything else I wouldn’t have forgot them! That made for a more mental run for me!
Hi Monica!!
I love the undies organizer 🙂 I would put it to good use!
I love the shoe rack and the cute sotrage cubbie!!!
I love the cube!!
I love the vacuum bags!
I need to try the vacuum bags when I rotate my seasonal stuff out. This year will look a bit different because I’m building my base so I can be ready for my first Ironman in August. I will need to leave some summer stuff out that will be used at the gym to complete my miles when the weather is bad. I store the off season stuff in a trunk, but I have a lot off stuff!
The little runner coat rack would be adorable — if they were runners. But I desperately need to get an accordian-like clothes dryer. I hang mine all over my bathroom. It’s gross.
I bought a 3×3 cubicle storage from target and store all my shoes in the bottom row, shorts/tights capris in the middle, t’s and long sleeves in the top row. also use the storage cube idea for all the little things like Gels, hairbands and more! never thought i’d need all this organization for my running gear 😀
I like the shoe organizers, but I don’t have enough closet space for things like that, so I make do with throwing my shoes into a wooden box in our entry way. I love that cute tote!
I definitely need to buy a sports bra organizer. Right now all my workout gear is just stuffed into one drawer and overflowing!
I always need a reminder to hang my gear and keep it out of the oh so tempting dryer. Thank you!
I love the sports bra organizer! So necessary
I really need some shoe organization in my life!! Piles don’t count, right?
A sports bra organizer is preeeettttty fancy! I like it!
I never thought of storing out of season gear in vacuum bags. Love that tip.
I love the storage cube. It would fit right in with the 7 I have at home. They are what I use to organize all my workout clothes 🙂
1 has this year’s cycling kits (and anything related, like arm warmers, matching socks, and changing skirts).
2 has last year’s cycling kits (and related arm warmers, vests, and long-sleeved jerseys) in case I want a change or need clean shorts 🙂 and all compression.
3 has all other cycling apparel.
4 has all running shorts/bottoms.
5 has all sleeveless running tops.
6 has all socks.
7 has all sports bras.
If I won this, 8 would be used for all compression, because #2 is stuffed to the max!
That sports bra organizer is great!!! Who would have thought that you could place them nicely instead of throwing them in a drawer like I do!!!
I actually love the tote. And could use another for my ridiculous amount of workout gear due to the wide variety of weather i have to run in (really hot/humid summer, super cold/dry winter)
I love the idea of putting all the electronic gear in a basket near the door. I’m always looking for my headphones or phone holder thingy. 🙂
Love the colorful tote! I also think the hanger with all the clips to hang multiple bras….genius!
I love the bottom of the closet shoe organizer!
I love the paisley cube!
I love the blue storage cube!
Its a tie between the bra organizer and the drying rack. Great ideas!
Ooooh, I would love to have that adorable blue storage cube. My favorite tip is the bra organizer – mine are all thrown in a bin together. I keep my shoes in their original box. While reading your tips it occurred to me that I don’t keep track of mileage on my shoes. I think I’m going to by writing the miles right on the box! How convenient is that??? I’m a genius – I know 😉 LOL Funny how ideas just “pop” in your head… Now to JUST DO IT!
Ooh I love the sports bra organizer. I love organizing things!
I love the accordion rack… my roomate and I are both runners and we have 2 of them in our laundry room for all of our bras and tech gear!
I would definitely pick the sports bra organizer. Everything I have is stuffed in an over flowing drawer! Love the drying rack though too.
What?! Wow…cute give away..
I agree with your “bin for all electronics”!!!! I need to put together a bin for each one in the family to have their phones, ipods, keys, shoe spikes, ear buds, Y-card, etc….Hmmm, thinking a winter project is in my future. 😉
I would love the white hanger. I usually wash all of my running gear on the same day and occasionally I run out of hangers. This would be so handy!
The sports bra organizer! They get jumbled with other workout clothes so that would be a perfect solution.
The spider-looking hanger is pretty awesome!
I like the drying rack for sports bras. I never dry any of my workout clothes!
My sports bras are taking over my dresser. And I have sports bras I like more for different work outs/runs so I dig to China to find them. The sports bra organizer is a must for me!
The storage cube is actually the cutest! Such fun colours.
I love the vacuum bags idea. I feel intimidated by the idea of how it works but I love the idea of packing lots of stuff in a compact place. Thanks for the ideas : )
I would seriously and not at all sarcastically love an accordion drying rack which I think makes me an official adult. Like, I really, really want one.