Hello! How’s your day? I have A LOT to do today since I’m headed out of town tonight. Someone is not helping at all… thanks cat.

Yesterday I had dinner with the girls on very patriotic plates. God Bless America.

And this morning I ran 11.5 miles. I’m taking tomorrow as a rest day so I switched Friday for today.

When I got back I threw together all the leftovers in the fridge into a massive stir-fry mix. In the pan: leftover brown rice salad, a tiny bit of enchilada casserole, broccoli, eggs, coconut aminos (instead of soy sauce).

And I spent some time rolling dirty.

Seriously. That pug’s name though?
I did some stretching and rolling while sipping Propel and thinking about my June Challenge – Workout with a friend. Try their favorite workout, or bring them along to yours.

Workout with a Friend – their fave or yours!
The Challenge – Everyone has their something, and more often than not, everyone’s something is a little bit different. Think of a friend who loves a workout that you don’t. Maybe it’s something you’ve never tried, or maybe it’s something that’s never stuck. This month, ask that friend if you can tag along, and try it their way for a day. Or, if you have a friend you’ve been dying to drag to one of your workouts, do that.
I’m kinda excited because this way I can con a person I want to be friends with to do something with me because it’s for ‘work’. I have a few ideas, but I can’t decide – hot yoga, racket ball, Pi-Yo with Katy?? Hmmmm.

Question: Do you have a friend that loves a workout you haven’t tried or don’t really dig? What is it and will you give it a try this month?
promotional event to successfully unban uggboots (Unbanuggboots), And a tale brings switched definitely sour.
Come to crossfit with me! (in Costa Mesa!)
I am helping my sister train for her first 5k. She has been wanting to start the C25K for awhile now but always has excuses. so I told her, come on over and I will do it with you. So, it’s not really different for me other than I have to go a lot slower and not run for the whole workout. But, I am getting her to workout and we chat while we are doing it so the time flies. We are doing a Foam and Mud run in a couple of weeks so that is different for me!
I try to bully my roommate into working out with me as much as possible!
I really want to try yoga..
BTW..I am giving away a race entry!
My sister-in-law wants me to try lap swimming. Swimming has always intimidated me, but I’ll try it for her. 🙂
try racketball and then tell us if it’s good! my very non athletic friend does it with her boyfriend sometimes but her version is squealing when the ball comes around. so try that and tell us!
Hello Monica,
I’m just curious…I’m going to get a Foam Roller and I’ve seen a few people have different ones. I really like yours and wanted to know a few things: What brand is yours? What length and width is it? Is it “solid” foam roller, or does it have a “hard” roller inside of it?
Thank you!
~Amy 🙂
One of my friends wants me to try riding a bike outside which I’m petrified about. I had a bad accident as a kid and it is the desert. I could crash into a cactus or rattlesnake.
None of my friends are really fitness people. I am interested in trying a barre class though.
Me too! But there are no classes in my area. 🙁
I have a friend who wants me to go to a barre class and I’ve been avoiding it forever…maybe in June I’ll try. I’m sure my recap of it will be hilarious since I am not at all coordinated and have absolutely no grace! (Picture Mary Katherine Gallagher at the Barre, yep that would be accurate.)
Have you ever done a kickboxing class? That’s on my list to try soon. I just tried my first spin class last week and enjoyed it.
Actually as soon as I became injured and couldn’t run my friend Gina invited me to a small group fitness class she goes to that you can pay for the classes a la carte so I wouldn’t have to commit to joining anything. Anyway, it’s sort of like a personal trainer boot camp style but with like 5-7 people instead of one-on-one training. She’s always talking about the drills that make her so strong the next day. I’m thinking of trying it out for sure and who knows? Maybe this will become something I like? She’s the one that got me into kickboxing back before I started running.