Hello! How are ya doing?
I’m all caught up on sleep after my fun weekend in Las Vegas, but it seems like the other Vegas is still working on his 23 hours of shut eye a day…

Yesterday morning I laced up my shoes and was doing a little walking around my tiny condo making coffee, yelling at my cat, checking email…
Then, I realized I somehow tracked dried dirt clumps my from shoes all over!!! #Fail So, I spent a good chunk of time yesterday cleaning. (Note: my suitcase from Vegas is still just thrown there.

Don’t worry, I wasn’t too ambitious – this pile of mail is still chilling.

Now it’s time for Pile on the Miles!!

Pile on the Miles Wednesday Check In
We’re trying to stay focused on MOVING this month! Thanksgiving and all the delicious goodness that comes along with that is just around the corner. Let’s do this!!
This week I’m giving away 5 pairs of Mizuno Running Shoes! I’ll share some tips on finding the right Mizunos for you in a bit – so I’m going to hold off on announcing more winners until that’s up. I don’t want you to choose the wrong shoe since running kicks are super important!!

Reminder: I know it’s cold. I know it get dark earlier. I know it’s a busy time of year… but you made a goal. YOU signed up to challenge yourself and Pile on the Miles this month. STICK WITH IT!!!

Don’t forget to tag #PileOnTheMiles on Instagram and Twitter with your updates so we can motivate each other!!

Question: What is your workout today?
How is your week going and how are you doing with staying motivated??
3.5 mile run three days post-birth of my little boy 🙂 Staying active during pregnancy helped me bounce back quick!
Challenging week, early bedtime to get in an AM workout tomorrow.
4 Mile Run
30 minutes elliptical and 30 minutes spinning
Did Cardio XT (Tappout XT) at home, followed by ultimate abs. Total workout, 1 hour.
bootcamp wednesday!
A bar style class and three mile walk with the dog.
Tried to go for a walk but my 4 month old baby had a different idea!!!
Spin!! Great class. Well worth the 5:30 alarm. Did miss my abs though 🙁
Wednesday – weight day at the gym
Ran 4 miles + some abs work!
Wednesday was a travel day for me, but I did get in a lot of steps navigating airports!
I did my workout today on the stairs again. Those five hundred stairs are giving me the blues. Up and down, up and down, but I feel strong after each climb. My legs feel like they are ready to go on a run.
Ran 6 miles in the cold! brrr
5.5 on the dreadmill
Wednesday was a rest day for me! I made the executive decision to skip Pilates in the morning and just take a day off. It was wonderful.
Wednesday was a 5k run for me.
3 easy miles
Cross training with bodypump!
Wednesday = boot camp class at 5:45 am!
Crossfit again for me!
Ran a little and then did some strength training!
wanted to run SO BAD but we got dumped with snow so went cross-country skiing with my little brother instead 🙂
5 miles 🙂
An early morning spin class before work.
Walked 3.5 miles.
3 treadmill miles!
Went out and did a two mile walk, and a short 30 min yoga session.
Cardio! 20 minute run and 20 minutes on the stairclimber!
35min strength workout, 50min run. It was quite cold outside!!
I Ran 7.25 miles!
Recovery run on Wednesday!
Weights and a walk.
I wasn’t feeling the greatest so when I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom, I made the executive decision to change my alarm so I could sleep in a little instead. Good choice!
7 miles
30 min. cardio at the gym and after I did some abs!!! 🙂
Ran 4 miles to taper!
5 miles!
I did Zumba!
Rest day!
Pool Day!
Rest day.
I completed a deck of cards workout this morning- burpees for clubs, lunge and bicep curl for diamonds, squats for spades, and squat jumps for hearts!
Rest day!!!
Boot camp this morning!
I got 12k steps in on Wednesday.
2 miles on the treadmill
Wednesday is for kickboxing!
Cross Training Day!
Half Mary today! I might have puked after crossing the finish line.
wednesday was a kickboxing class 🙂
Wednesday was a kick ass track workout!
On Wednesday, I did upper body- new PR in pull-ups (5 in a set).
Killed a 5:30am bootcamp workout in 25 degree weather this morning!
I did some upper body strength work!
Lunchtime fitness and w few miles on the treadmill, boo ice.
Yoga after work. Felt so good to stretch out and detox from a crazy day!
Today was a rest day for me! Half marathon on Saturday!
4 miles.
On Wednesday I did 2 miles of intervals 🙂
Wednesday was a gym day- 2 miles on the treadmill and arms and abs
Wednesday I ran 2 miles
rest day!
rest day for me
Rest Day!
Ran 3.5 miles
8.5 with 5 at tempo! Booyah! 🙂
Got in my 30 minutes of 9Round plus 12k steps according to my Fitbit!
I did some light cardio, about 30 minutes, and some ab work with a friend at the gym after work.
Wednesday did 5 on the treadmill. So cold here.
Wednesday was spinning day – 20 miles.
Wednesday was a run and crossfit with extra rowing thrown in after!
45 minute run today!
Wednesday was an accidental rest day. A snow storm delayed my errands so I ran out of time to get to the gym.
Spent all day walking around Disneyworld, so 10,000 plus steps are in the bag!
5miles of hills, hills & more hills 🙂
T25 workout for Wednesday
Today I did 50 RPM spin class…my favorite!!!
Tried a new yoga workout for runners. It was great! If this whole running thing doesn’t work out I may become a yogi 🙂
wednesdays=tabata for this girl!
Tues: 4 miles!
Weds: spin class!
3 miles!
Today I took a Strength class followed by 2 miles on the treadmill
Wednesday- 1 hour and 30 minutes of full body strength training!
3.5 miles in the morning!
4 miles today and some core work.
I ran 4 miles of sprints and lifted shoulders!
Wednesday I didn’t get in any miles. The temps were in the 20’s and my kid was still sick. 🙁
3 treadmill miles. Do I have to add incline? Seriously don’t wanna….
Wednesday was a rest day!
30 mins of walking on the treadmill. Not too exciting.
no formal workout, but 13 hours of work and lots of stairs
HIIT workout and 4 mile run! Yay for POTM!
Wednesday was a rest day
2 mile swim!
5 miles around chilly NOLA!
2 mile run and weights at the gym!
First I took a trip to the pediatrician’s office but managed to get a resistance workout in.
Rest Day!
Wednesday was a trip to the gym for 30 min of biking plus hip strength and planks, foam rolling, and a 25 min dog walk!
3.5 mile run
5.5 miles today after 7.81 yesterday!
60 min boot camp class at the gym!
some cross-training at the gym today
50 minutes on the elliptical…keeping the streak alive!
Baby, it’s cold outside!! 3.1 treadmill miles today.
11 miles
Wednesday was a rest day for me- my poor body needed some RNR!
Snowshoed 3 miles at beautiful brainard lake.
A chilly 4.5 miles.
biked to and from work despite cold weather
6 miles on the treadmill 🙂
Wednesday was a 4.5 mile run on the treadmill!
Sorry if this already posted… Wednesday was a kickboxing cross training day…
3 miles
Wednesday was 3 miles before work!
4 miles with the running club!
6 easy miles
spin class!
I’ve been pretty lazy this week. I need to get back on track with my running… Maybe I should sign up for a race! 🙂
Got sick had to cancel my run! Boo 🙁
5 miles after work
Wednesday I did 6 early morning miles! Today I did 4 miles…a little later. Got to sleep in!
5 miles and some strength training
Wednesdays workout was yogalates and a spin class!
7 freezing miles on Wednesday!
Oops. Posted wednesday’s check-in on thursday’s post. I’ll post here that thursday was a rest day…
25-min incline walk before an hour long BodyPUMP class! Fun!
PiYo Upper Body for me. Needed a quick workout after working all day and going to a boring meeting at night.
Wednesday was 1 Jazzercise class + a 2 mile walk with my dog!
Woo hoo my instagram was featured! 🙂 So fun.
I did 3 tempo miles on Wednesday
45 min spin class and 45 min TRX today!
3 mile early morning run!
Wednesday was sprints for me!
Rest day!
4 miles!
6 marathon pace miles!
Ran 2,2 miles after work in the perfect running weather….mid-30s!
On Wednesday, I did a 40 minute strength circuit!
I did a weights class and abs
I did 2 NTC app workouts, a total body strength workout and shoveling! I was stuck inside all day, so that explains the extensive workouts!
Wednesday was supposed to be a cross training day but I did 3.75 around a beautiful little cove in maine.
In post-marathon recovery mode: walked 30 mins, stretched, foam rolled, core 🙂
4 miles on Wednesday… 1/2 mile before work (had to stop because I was being followed by a creeper!) and 3.5 miles after work 🙂
6 mile run then yoga AND Pilates! Had the day off from work! 🙂
Spin (of course)
4 mile run in the freezing cold before work. Brrr
I biked for 45 mins and played indoor volleyball.
I ran for 20 minutes today!
60 minutes in the snow!
Strength session!
i know i ran, but at this point, i can’t remember how far.. (the cold has froze my brain).
I did a modified version of Tina’s (@carrotsncakes) arm smoker workout. I did longer intervals of running with wall ball shots instead of shoulder to overheads. It was still pretty brutal…
9 miles with a strength session thrown in because I am weak sauce
Wednesday was 5 park miles in the rain. Yeah!
Leg day…doms!
6 mile run!
Wednesday is a cross training day for me, so I did a 30 min kickboxing/strength video.
Foot still busted. BUT NOT FOREVER.
Unexpected rest day… Sick. Blah!
A mile on the tready and strength training.
Stability ball abs and arms today!
40 mins DDP Yoga
I got in three miles on the treadmill before work, which I was proud of because I also had to get into work early
7km in the blizzard! Yay
1st attempt at a 5 mile run, but the 9° windchill made us change our minds. So only 4 miles today. Proud to say the cold won’t stop me and my running crew!
Strength and Cardio class on Wednesday!
4 miles
Checking in
45 minutes cross training on the arc today!
3 miles on Wednesday!
8 treadmill miles today watching Gilmore girls on Netflix 🙂
3 miles on the treadmill
4-mile tempo run.
Cardio HIIT and strength
had a rest day that involved lots of laying in bed, taking a test, some stretching, and lots of cold medicine! hah
I ran 3 miles in Neuchatel, Switzerland. It is beautiful here. I wish I wasn’t here to work, although I am very glad they are paying… 🙂
I did a 5K run and some ab work!
Rest day
The most un-inspired gym performance of all times. But I went. And ate a healthy dinner after. So there’s that.
5 miles on the treadmill.
Staying motivated by seeing if I can get my workout done before the kiddo’s get up!
4 treadmill miles filled with RHOBH! Can’t get much better than that (I’m talking about the TV here;)).
3 mile run
I started with an hour of core/strength and then a quick 4 mile run before work.
On Wednesday I went to crossfit – so much ab work in wednesday’s class my abs are still sore!
Did flow yoga Wednesday morning!
5 miles of hills on Wednesday.
13. 3 miles…. Wanted to run a half marathon but I went over my route by.2! Haha oops.
Freezing cold, but with hobnails and gloves I felt warm and safe 🙂
On Wednesday, I did an hour of strength training at PT (for a wrist injury). Definitely worked up a sweat!
9km during lunch break with beautiful snowflakes !
45 minutes of yoga.
Wednesday we spent the day getting our new truck! Battled snow the whole way home and didn’t make it to the gym in time, but I was ahead of schedule for the week after my Monday and Tuesday runs, so that’s ok.
3 mile snowshoe, wow that is a tough workout!
3.1 miles and kettle bell on Wednesday!
Spin Class!
Happy to comment:-) 6 miles of fun
4 miles in dark around neighborhood. fastest average pace – it was the darkness!!
4 miles and yoga today.
20 minutes on the bike, 20 minutes of intervals on the elliptical, 10 minutes of intervals on the stairclimber
Knocked out 4.5 before work.
6.2 miles Wednesday watching Star Trek Next Gen on the TM. : )
I went to yoga on Wednesday….lots of arm balances, it was super fun!
Wednesday I had a good workout, with 25 min. cardio, upper body and abs. 🙂
Hot yoga!
530am bootcamp! Then 1.5 mile walk w/the pups before getting ready for work!
Wednesday was a good workout with 25min. cardio and abs. (trying to get rid of my rolls 🙂
Ran 3 miles Wednesday
Wednesday I ran 3.25 miles, had a 30 min. training session, and did an easy 10 min. on the elliptical to cool down!
Kettle bell workout and short a yoga session.
I ran a very slow 2.5 miles on Wednesday.
7 miles on the treadmill!
Oops, mixed up my days but that’s okay. 4.5 miles in the morning!
Wednesday I took an hour class at the gym.
3.5 very slow miles today lol,
Wednesday – awesome boxing class at my gym, and 30 elliptical minutes. 🙂
45 min core and cardio class!
Whoo weird seeing my picture up there! Wednesday was a rest day (work, headache, dark, cold, complain, complain) but was excited about doing a tempo run on Thursday (which I blew off) It was actually the worst week motivation wise since I started training for my first half marathon. But I know I will pick it up. Promise!
2 mile brisk walk at lunchtime and a second best 5k run in the evening.
Ran 5 miles on Wednesday, the longest distance since my injury!
7 k run on wednesday!
I took an hour long Body Pump Class! I’m motivated to work out extra hard this week so that I can indulge a little come Turkey Day!! 🙂
6 chilly miles
Got in a lunchtime walk on Wednesday!
7 miles!
4 miles done!
On Wednesday I ran 5 miles at marathon pace on the treadmill…..it wasn’t so bad with friends and Seinfeld reruns on 🙂
Early 3 miles on Wednesday morning 🙂 Felt great to start the day with a run!
SUPER fun, energetic, DIFFICULT Zumba class this evening. I missed Zumba.
Wednesday was a rest day for me. My clean clothes need so I didn’t go to work naked trumped my planned workout.
7 miles!
I had a rest day on wednesday 🙂
Four beautiful miles outside!
Wednesday – 5 miles outside with the husband!
Than k you for leaving the check-in open 🙂 I ran 5 miles with a friend Wednesday night.
I got in a chilly 4.47 mile run last night. Wiping sweat off a cold face stings! Lol
On Wednesday I was stuck inside at work all day but was able to fit in a circuit workout and 45 minutes on the Elliptical.
Yoga on Wednesday. Felt good after a lot of running and strength!
Cross training day with a 2 mile warm up!
i tried commenting wednesday AND all day yesterday but your website was down and kept timing out if it would load at all. i worked 16 hours tuesday night and didn’t get home until 6am on wednesday, then i had to be back for my normal shift at 1:30pm wednesday, so i did not get to work out on wednesday 🙁
3 miles today!
On Wednesday I did 3.5 miles.
Cross training and weights on wednesday!
3 miles wednesday
easy 6 mi with friends 🙂
3.5 miles on wednesday
6.5 miles on wed!
Strength Circuit and walk with the dog.
On Wednesday…I ran over 5 miles to work and then ran 2 miles on the treadmill with the incline cranked up to 6%…. I also did 30 minutes of light stationary pedaling to keep those muscles loose
Woooo blog’s back up! What did I do Wednesday? Ah yes, 4 mile run in the snow!
2 miles and hot yoga!
Walking, walking, walking…2-3 walks a day!
HIIT workout video.
2.5 treadmiles on wednesday!
On Wednesday, I did 6 miles of hill work on the treadmill!
On Wednesday I did an hour long circuit class!
On Wednesday, I did 5 miles on the mill!
3.4 mile run Wednesday