Hello! I just got back from a short run and then did 10 minutes of abs for today’s workout. I’m sharing the 10 Minute Ab Blast below. Make sure to keep your tummy in tight during all the moves to really work it.


Or should I say, what NOT to eat? My dad came home with this ‘family sized order of fries’ last night. Fantastic.

Post Run: Ab Blast

And I needed a treat last! I wanted ice cream but didn’t have any at home so I improvised…
Last night my sweet tooth was raging so I made a protein shake and added a few dark chocolate promises to it. Amazing!!!

Dessert last night was two Skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. Dessert tonight was an apricot oatmeal square. It was amazing!
I ate dinner so late last night that I wasn’t hungry for dessert!
I had four mini cupcakes bc I bought them for an Instagram picture at a local shop and then no one wanted to help me eat them! It had to be done.
A few hand fulls of semi sweet chocolate chips. It’s been my go-to sweet snack all week.