What’s your running mantra? It’s Day 12 of Run Camp and we’re picking a running mantra. Do you have one?
First… I had a good run yesterday. The weather was perfection. I felt okay. The route was hilly though. Darn hills! They kill me!

Today was a rest day from running so I did some Beach Body On Demand with Vegas as my workout buddy. He doesn’t workout as much as fall asleep after 2 minutes.

Post-workout I had Bible study. This week we talked about communication – know when to speak up, when to shut up and when to build up. It was super awesome. You are communicating with people all day everyday. Even when you don’t say something you’re communicating. So it was good to be reminded of how to do it in a positive way. Speak the truth in love.
I used a bun roller thing to make a big bun, but I think it actually looks better when I do a messy bun myself. No big, just noting that for myself.

I spotted these in the store today – Nature Valley Granola Cups. I feel like they’re going to be so good and I’m hesitant to buy them.Have you tried them?

Run Camp Day 12 – Running Mantra
What is your running mantra?
Today’s challenge is to pick a running mantra. Have it in your back pocket to pull out when you are having a hard run.
Mental tricks to get you through the rough days are important. We all struggle at some point. But you are ahead of the game if you have a plan to overcome those struggles. It can be a phrase “just do it” or one word “hustle” or whatever works for YOU.
How to choose your running mantra:
1. Pick a word or phrase that motivates and inspires you.
2. Think about using to to encourage yourself by saying it in your head, say it out loud a few times to see how it feels. Repeat 1000x.
3. Make sure it makes you want to push harder, but doesn’t tear you down. (Try to keep it positive and encouraging.)
4. Make it short and easy to recite in your head as you’re running. Then, use it as needed!

Over the years I’ve had random / different running mantras depending on where I was in life, in running and my goals.
For a while Ben and I would say “K-I-T… keep it together. K-I-T….keep it together” – it’s from a movie and we joked that it’s perfect for running when you feel like you want to quit or that you’re falling apart.
This weekend on my long run I told myself a few times – No one cares. Work harder. That was the kind of tough love I needed. I have used 100% positive mantras in the past – or funny ones! But right now this is what I need.

(RER on Instagram)
Bonus: One Word Running Mantras via Women’s Running and some Monican.
So, I don’t have a mantra yet. I mean, maybe I do, but I don’t think I use it. Typically when I struggle working out, whether I’m running or riding my bike or lifting at the gym, its something like, “Come on, you got this.” But it’s definitely not a specific mantra I use constantly while I run. I try to use my breathing as a pattern to focus on while I run. So, I either count to 30 and repeat it over and over. Or I breath in and out to specific pattern to make sure I am breathing deep and exhaling enough.
They were giving out samples of the almond granola cups at Costco and they were pretty good. I didn’t buy them, but maybe I will since they seem to be such a hit here.
And I do so love your messy cinnamon hair bun. So pretty!
I’ve been reminding myself, “You were made for this. Humans were made to run. This is primal.” Not exactly short, but it’s helping me a ton to tap into my natural abilities even when they don’t come naturally yet!
My mantra is usually “what we think we become”. And I love your big cinnamon roll bun. Looks fab!
Right now, my mantra is “never settle!” It keeps me focused when I feel myself slipping or when I have thoughts about mailing it in for a day. I definitely feel like having a mantra has kept me going on some days when I otherwise might have thrown in the towel.
The granola cups are good! I have tried both and will buy them again. As for running mantra…depends on the run. Sometimes movie quotes pop in my head or a song that keeps me going.
My running mantra is definitely “I CAN DO THIS!!” an I repeat that to myself whenever I feel like my run is getting very tough.
I have a few mantras 🙂 “I am strong and powerful.” “I’m eating these hills for breakfast.” “I got this.”
Those look yummy!
My mantras usually form themselves on the back half of my race, heh. Last one was “this is not giving up” when it was feels like mid-90s running a half marathon off the bike. I went slower than I wanted to, but it was partly from stopping for a full 6 minutes during the race (per my garmin) to fill my bottles and top with ice to keep my core temps down.
Mine is, I feel great. =) I had it stamped on my RoadID bracelet. It makes me feel great just looking at it.
I’ve been saying, “I can do this!” to myself during difficult (hilly) runs!
Those granola cups are SO good! I haven’t tried the Almond ones, but I have the Peanut Butter ones. I didn’t even know they had the Almond ones! I’ll have to try those!!!
Those granola cups are super good! Too good!!! 🙂
I say “The faster you run, the faster you get done” especially on race days! 🙂 Those granola cups look yummy, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen them.
I use something similar: get it over and done with!
Run the mile you are in. Love it so much I had a tattoo with the quote in it on my shoulder.
I always use finding Nemo line ” just keep swimming” when I am running long distance races and feel like I’m struggling.
Also I’ll say “I’m stronger than I think, I can do this”
My running mantra is actually in Chinese – it roughly translates to “brave”!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog