Very sad update to this morning’s post:
Explosions near the Boston Marathon finish line were reported around 4 hours into the race. My friends running the race are okay, but I’m praying for everyone affected.
Live Coverage of the Boston Marathon finish line and aftermath here.
From the NY Times Boston Marathon explosion

Updated to add:
Need to find someone who ran the Boston Marathon today and make sure they’re okay?
The Red Cross Safe and Well – if you ran Boston and make sure you register so your loved ones can check that you’re safe.
Hey there everyone am new here. I’m a beginner at all of this techie stuff…. Looking foeward to learn from you guys.
Please remember in your prayers all the emergency workers, police, fire and ems, dispatchers, bomb techs, utility workers, and hundreds of other unsung heroes whose job it is to run INTO these scenes.
I woke up this morning to this tragic news. Am glad that SR, Adam The Boring Runner and the Malaysians are safe. Prayers go out to everyone.
So much sadness today. My heart goes out to all affected by this horrible tragedy.
Horrible tragedy! Thankfully I’ve been able to contact friends and they are ok. I lived and worked in Boston from 1997-2011 and ran the marathon before moving to CA. My coworkers at Boston Medical Center are treating many injured. I pray for all the patients and their families. What a sad day.
do you know if tina is okay?
Yes, she’s actually not in town today.
Signed up for my first half marathon today (Baltimore in Oct, Ive only done 10milers before). I refuse to let terrorists win, we must continue to go about life without fear. God bless, keep praying.
my cousin and her family are ok, she finished in about 3:40. Thank goodness!
I feel terrible for everyone affected by this horrible tragedy.
I found out about this earlier this afternoon. I was shocked. I can’t believe this happened.
This is so sad! Praying for all the people affected 🙁
My simple-faith-self is praying that there is some explanation (gas explosion, natural something-or-other…). I get so down to think it may have been caused with malice by a person(s).
It’s a tragedy, regardless, and I’m praying for everyone involved.
thanks friend for your texts and your concern and you’re right, pray.
The attack on Boston disgusts me, how can someone do things like this? I am as saddened as everyone else is!
So horrible. I’m praying for everyone. My heart is so heavy.
my heart hurts for all those who are affected by this tragedy. 🙁 #prayforboston
Definitely praying for everyone affected. This is so tragic, and even more so considering how much hard work all of the participants did to get there
Praying for everyone there. <3 Runners, supportive family and friends, spectators, the volunteers . . everyone. My heart goes out to them all.