As promised, I went to Ann’s House of Nuts today! This place sells nuts wholesale to the public. It is in Jessup, MD. Their prices are great and often when they are overstocked with something you can get it for super cheap! They don’t have a real website, but here is a link to their location info.
This place is small, but is STOCKED with all kinds of nuts and trail-mixes
This place has so much stuff – including candy 🙂 But, I’m a chocolate girl so I wasn’t too impressed. While my heart might lean towards chocolate, I couldn’t help but envision the joy gummy bears in bulk could bring to those with a penchant for chewy delights. So, if you’re on the lookout for more than just nuts and trail mixes to make your own type of gummy bears, consider visiting Ann’s House of Nuts.
I kinda went crazy and got a bunch of stuff…
and I should have avoided this no matter how inexpensive they are…and they were buy one get one free so I got over 4 pounds of chocolate chunks for $2.00. These are basically squares of dark chocolate (instead of chips) so I am thinking I can use them for baking, trail mix, eating in a big bowl with a spoon, etc…
These Graham Squares are basically like a sweet cereal.
Unfortunately, I knew I couldn’t just eat nuts and trail mix all day (boo). So I ate my regularly scheduled lunch.
Cherries before we went to Ann’s
and a big salad and crackers after.
Then, a few mixes of my new loot. x2.
I have planned out our dinners for the week to help keep track of food spending and not waste food.
Tonight was ww pasta and meatballs. I got veggie meatballs from TJ’s for me and real meatballs for Ben from Costco.
Can you tell which is which? This is one of each side by side. The “real” meat ones seem a lot moister than the fakes. (The veggie meatball is on the left.)
Here is my plate. I wasn’t that hungry from an afternoon of eating nuts so this is less than I’d normally eat.And I sipped some wine…
Dessert – frozen smoothie from this weekend that was super hard and I had to chisel away at…
Ben’s Random Comment of the Day:
*Context: He was on the phone with his sister who just had a baby and is losing the weight very quickly because of breastfeeding. (She is also breastfeeding her other baby too.)
Ben: “Yeah, but you’re losing it in the most awful way. You’re not sleeping and having the life sucked out of you.”
Oh, and because I forgot this was my breakfast. I wanted to tell you guys I just decided to eat overflowing spoonfuls of almond butter for breakfast, but now that joke isn’t as funny for some reason.
That place looks awesome. It’s like the ntu aisle at trader joe’s exploded
ooo! I want to check this place out! Those are insanely cheap bags of treats!
why am I laughing there is even a place CALLED Anns House of Nuts?!
yet also knowing that were there such place here Id totally take my 3 yo nutaddict there as a fieldtrip
wow, that place looks totally amazing. all those goodies, yum 🙂
umm…that place looks AMAZING. I am totally jealous!
I have an amazing grass giveaway going on if you are interested – check it out –
That looks like such a cool and fun place! Great deals. And great food 🙂
Oh nuts! Oh how I love thee. What a cute little shop.
DUDE~today is national “grab some nuts day”!
hahahah to bens comment of the day! and those graham squares look really good
Love the nut house 😉