Hello! Today I have some tips for running outside when you have anxiety or fears about it. This question came from my call on Instagram for your questions about running. Feel free to email me or leave them below if you have questions for me or the group.
This morning Vegas was kind enough to let me stand on the his bathroom rug to get ready for my run. Please note we woke up from a full night’s sleep and I grabbed some iced coffee and walked to the bathroom sink to braid my hair.
He woke up, followed me to the kitchen, observed I wasn’t going to give him turkey and went back to sleep. If he doesn’t get a full 22 hours a day he’s a wreck.

I saw this cross made from branches on my run. How cool is that?

On Running With Anxiety Vlog
I asked for your running questions on Instagram last week. I got a ton via email and in comments. I was going to answer two in this video but the thing cut me off before I even finished the first one. I’m still sharing it because it’s a good question and I could relate. I’ll answer the other question soon.
Where it cut me off…
- I was about to say that I also used to run about a half mile to a park and run around there. Sure, it’s repetitive but I felt safe. I like being able to ‘zone out’ on runs and not have to worry about cars or dogs or stabbers or whatever.
- Also playing soothing music instead of the usual Pitbull crazy jams might be more pleasant too.
- Consider a calming mantra to take you back to a happy place if you feel overwhelmed.
Be brave.
Question: Do you have any suggestions on how to feel more comfortable running outside?
(Send me your questions to runeatrepeat at gmail with the subject line RER Question)
Great Article! I use to be self conscious running in an area that had a lot of more conditioned runners. For some reason I would always put the comparison in my head and assume they were judging my level of fitness. Overtime I got out of my head by reminding myself that everyone started from the same place and that one day I will laugh at how I use to doubt myself.
I live in mountain lion and bear country in Southern California. We have had mountain lions killing dogs in the area lately.
I bought myself a knife that has a holster I can put over my reflective belt and have if I need it. I also bought bear spray and carry it on my really long runs.
When there are things out there that can kill you it is scary, but preparing yourself is the best way to get over it.
As a female, I often get nervous about running by myself. My husband goes for long runs all over the place, without the fears I have.
What’s helped me:
1) Always running with my phone
2) Running on roads that get a constant amount of car/people traffic as opposed to neighborhoods – I feel safer that there are witnesses
3) Running with my dog.
and sometimes, I’ll even run with my hiking knife. I doubt I could anything but having some type of weapon helps. Also running in the daylight, but that’s probably more obvious.
And of course, when in doubt- buy a treadmill 🙂
Also- I only run with 1 headphone in so I’m always aware of my surroundings!
That’s a good idea!
I’ve been running for 25 years (yah, I’m old) and I routinely get little kids(like 8-10 years old) yelling, “run Forrest run!” And I’m like, how are you even old enough to have even seen Forrest Gump? I think it’s funny. I also got bitten by a dog once on a run, but it was one run out of thousands so I feel like I’m doing pretty well. I mostly tell myself people really don’t care what I look like or pay attention to me, which I’m sure is the case.
Great post! I used to get nervous just running outside. I was just self conscious, but once I got over that, I only get anxious when running in a new area. I did have a dog bite me last year, so I am a little scared of loose dogs. But, I carry pepper spray, just in case.
Maybe the dogs who bark are cheering you on! Like, “Way to go Monica!!!! You’re extra fast today” or “Go, Monica, GOOOOOO!” or “Great to see you keeping with it!”
Or maybe they want to eat you.
Thank God for strong fences!!!!!! 🙂
the only time i get anxious is when im running in a new development part of my neighborhood and the only people around are contract crews. i dont usually run those routes just to be safe but sometimes the distance takes me that way. i make sure and turn down the music and keep running…its a strange “dont show weakness” thing but i make sure i dont look tired and that i can out run them. stupid but im not going to knock it so far i havent had any issues
Great topic! I still get a little anxious when headed out on new routes or real long runs. So I always make sure someone knows the route I am running, when I left and when I will be back. Or for Long runs my Garmin can send out a link via my phone app that shows live time where I am. Last… I run with water most of the time. Dogs don’t like to be splashed with water when they aren’t expecting it. So I’ll squirt them if the get too close. Happy running!
Totally have the same fear/anxiety about dogs on a run. Well…certain dog breeds I should say. Basically the ones I can’t outrun! Ha! But one tip or suggestion that I’ve found works for me is to go ahead and slllloooowww down or even walk. Take in the surroundings (especially if it’s a new route or location) and then it will start to feel more familiar which may lead to less anxiety. You really makes you appreciate the ability and freedom we have to run outside:)
I used to feel like cars would drive past me and laugh because I didn’t look like a runner. Or even the guys at the local fire house who would have the door open and be able to see me as I ran past. So silly. I got past that fear really by just being consistent. Now, after running past the fire house 3x a week for 7 years through rain, snow, ice etc I know those guys think I’m pretty darn committed. It’s actually been so empowering. And through all these years I’ve never been harassed. One dog followed me but he was supper sweet and just bored. I had to run back to his house and ring doorbell of owners lol.
Awwww that’s cute about the dog, he wanted to be your friend!