I had to go to a running group last night, but also had Ask a Monican questions to answer. So, this is me – post-run, no shower. And apparently I don’t own a hair brush… Sorry.
Questions addressed:
1. Why I don’t feel the need to brush my hair, or really – practice regular hygiene at all.
2. How long should a marathon training program be?
3. What running gear do you NEED?
4. Protein powder – what kind do you recommend?
If you have a question for me, please email runeatrepeat at gmail dot com!
Yay for a shout out to me!! Woop, I’m cool. 🙂 I drink my protein just shook up with water.. you should send me some packets of yours so I can give your readers afull review. 🙂
My body can’t handle whey protein, but I do like Amazing Grass products and Vegan Protein +. BUT, I would NEVER drink either one with just milk or water. I can only handle protein powder if it is mixed into a smoothie. I just can’t fathom drinking it by itself.
The sample packs are awesome. They are how I figured out I can’t stand brown rice protein!
ohhh snap! I am iphoning before a mtg at school so I can’t watch the video but I ordered some spirutein last night. I hope it’s good haha. your freezer top of spiruteins convinced me to give it a try 🙂
Yes! You made my day! Thank you, ask a Monican.
1. the best protein powder IS IN FACT the kind that you will actually eat, thanks for reminding me of that.
2. im going to try mini sample packets of spiru-tein and teras whey
3. Unused protein powder?? I smell a (used) giveaway. I’ll trade ya.
LOVE the ‘Ask a Monican’ and girl you are gorgeous after your run!!
Hey Monica- I don’t use any protein powder whatsoever and now I feel like I’ve missed the boat. I’ve always just kind of ignored the whole topic and am not even really sure what it will do for me. When should it be used?
Loved this! You are great on video, and I can tell you’ll be an awesome personal trainer 😉
TOTALLY agree with your thoughts on running gear. Shoes first, and maybe some comfy materials. Even though I sell running gear for a living, a lot of the gadgets and accessories are unnecessary. They turn what should be a cheap sport into something very expensive. I have a camelbak and often just carry a bottle instead. My distances aren’t so long that I need it and I find it makes me tense up my shoulders while running.
You look fantastic for having just come in from a run 🙂
I agree with Megan – how do you look so great after a run?!
And, thanks for talking about protein powder, I’m planning on getting the ingredients to make my first green monster this weekend!
I just need to say, I have no idea how you look that gorgeous after a run! You look awesome! Man, if you think that’s tragic I would really scare you..