I don’t have pictures of all my eats today because YouTube takes forever to upload my Ask a Monica vlogs and my memory card was “busy”.
I do have the highlight of my evening in the form of cereal. I spotted these French Toast Squares at Whole Foods this weekend, but didn’t get them. I am trying to be better about buying things that might set me up for failure (in the form of binging). But, if I still want to go back and get something the next day, I do.

Nutritionals – I love that a serving is 1 cup! Even though I kind of wish it was 3…

I tried these in dry and bowl with cereal form to make sure they were versatile They work both ways (shocker right).

Ask a Monican #9
Questions addressed:
1. How do you deal with bloat?
2. What do you eat before a run?
3. Any advice for a new runner training for a marathon?
4. How did you determine your weight goal?
5. Any advice for someone going from a treadmill to outside running?
Have a question for this Monican?
Email me at runeatrepeat at gmail dot com!
Thank you so much for discussing goal weights! I have this number in my head as my goal weight: 115. I think it’s because every since I’ve been a grown up (I’m only 19, so I stopped growing about 5 years ago), my smallest weight that ever came up on the scale was 117. I NEVER weigh myself since I am a college student and don’t own a scale, and so that one random time I did weigh myself I was all like, oooh I could have a goal weight of 115 since I’m almost there! But I need to get that out of my head, because I’m at a healthy 56kilos right now (I’m currently in New Zealand!) which is 123 and you can ask anyone including me, I DO NOT need to lost 8 pounds right now. I do need to get rid of some of my “soft spots” but that’s not about weight its about strength. I will never buy a scale because there is a scary stigma that comes along with the number, and guess what? You never even know the number until you step on the scale, so really it’s irrelevant!
I had a literal LOL when you got done with the ideal weight question and were just like, “I feel like I just rambled”. I don’t know why, but I found it funny. You didn’t ramble, you had good points!
BMI is a load of shit. For real yo.
I loved your comments about new marathon runners. I’m running my first marathon in 3 weeks and remember how daunting the mileage in training looked. Your advice about taking it one week at a time was spot on – as you gradually build up, the next run doesn’t seem so bad. And then suddenly 12 miles is short!
I think anyone with the goal can do it with the right training plan, but distance running isn’t for everyone.
this was so fun to watch, monica!
never have watched a vlog of yours before (sorry!) – this was great: very informative, interesting, and it helped me feel like i know you better!
obese??? get real, stats people, eh!
i LOVE your eyeshadow – so natural looking and pretty. is it a creamy one?
No, it’s a powder 🙂
oh wow, bmi is odd. thats crazy.
Great vlog 🙂
Really enjoyed this week’s “Ask a Monican”. . . what a great feature for your blog. 🙂
LOLLL your bmi says you’re OBESE?! i’m literally shocked to hear that. my bmi says i’m on the verge of “normal” and “overweight” and i’m definitely larger than you. how strange.
Yep, Grade I Obese. Boo.
well, i wouldn’t say “boo” necessarily, i might just laugh in its face, cause that is so obviously off the mark! bmi might be a good indicator of health for some, but i don’t think it is in your case! you look so fit!