Hello! How are you? What are your goals for the week? I feel like we should start sharing our Monday Mini-Goals again. It’s good to break up goals into small chunks or just work on realistic changes each week. But first let’s talk about why avocados are killing me and my dog.
Yesterday I went to my parents for a visit. Before I got there my dad text a picture of a BEE HIVE that he found in the avocado tree that morning. What.the.heck.

Yes, there is a big bee hive that just showed up on the avocado tree.
This is a huge problem because:
1. I still love avocados and will continue to pick them from the tree
2. The last time I got stung by a bee (note it could have been a bee or a wasp since I didn’t see it) I had a pretty big reaction to it and got a tennis ball sized welt that was RED and hot to the touch. (Again What.The.Heck.) It lasted for a fairly long time and I was a little worried about it.

I am a hypochondriac and was told (and believe) that if you are allergic to bees you could have a worse and worse reaction each time you get stung. So that means if I got stung again I might have an even worse reaction next time, which would be super bad. (The first time I got stung it hurt and left a mark that lasted a long time but wasn’t as big swollen.)
I know what you’re thinking… ‘um, you should not go near that tree.’
But you know what I’m thinking… ‘um, I need avocados.’
Luckily, my mom saved my life and had ripe avocados she picked last week ready to go! Boom.

I live to see another day and eat another avocado.

![eat to that[4] eat to that[4]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/eat-to-that4_thumb.gif)
The bees in the trap tree are dangerous to me, but the avocados themselves are dangerous to my dog. A few months ago Roxy seemed sick and the vet said it was her pancreas not being able to digest all the avocados she ate. Busted.
Now we take the avocados away from her whenever she grabs one – but that’s hard because she lives in a yard with two massive avocado trees and they often just fall on the ground. So, sometimes she still sneaks them when no one is around.
I tried to explain to her that even though avocados are a healthy fat and good for her gorgeous coat, they should be eaten in moderation or even rarely due to her pancreas issues. She said (read as: communicated to me with her defiance) that she doesn’t want to live in a world where she can’t have avocados. I can respect that.

Even though I was at my parents’ I still decided to stop, drop and yoga. I’m doing so well with my 30 Day Yoga Challenge! I’m really proud of myself because it’s hard for me to make myself do anything (I don’t make myself run).
I am really enjoying this challenge because I feel so good during and after each short yoga session. I feel it physically in all the stretching and also internally as I feel a sense of calm when I’m done.

I’m doing 30 days of yoga with Adrienne.
It’s so easy and I can do it anywhere. I was thinking about doing a few yoga classes at a studio, but I’m really enjoying the videos and I feel like they are so ‘do-able’ both with my (limited) yoga ability and my time.

Since I was at my parents’ I spent some quality time with my mom and with the pups. They are so big and CRAZY. We tried to take all the dogs for a walk at the same time and it was a disaster. My mom took the two older dogs and I took the puppies… and they almost broke my hand and knocked me over several times.
I was using two different sized leashes and wrapped the longer one around my hand. As soon as we started walking Clyde LUNGED away from me squeezing my hand super hard. And Bonnie tried to pull in the other direction. It was chaos. They are very strong, but not trained yet. It’s going to take a lot of work. (Note: I took Roxy to puppy training when I first got her and understand how to lead/train a dog. If you’re interested in learning more about training your own pup, you can get more info here.)
Plus the dog whisperer Cesar Milan, is from Mexico and I’m Mexican American so I figure it’s in my blood to whisper to dogs, right? It’s science.

Tonight I’m watching the Olympics and taking shots of chocolate milk. It’s my favorite thing because this is a fun shot glass and I love chocolate milk.

And in other news…
I went to church Sunday morning and drank some Spark (fruit punch flavor) on the way. I was hoping that would help keep me alert – I always feel like I’m going to fall asleep in church because it’s so calm and dark in there. It worked! This is my new secret weapon for staying awake.

Monday Mini-Goals for the week
I’m setting some small, do-able goals to keep me on track with life / fitness / health / balance…
You can join me and think of one or two goals that will help you focus and be productive. They don’t have to be about running or fitness – anything you need to accomplish or be mindful of this week will work. Join me and leave your goals in the comments.

My mini-goals for this week are to stick with doing yoga every day and clean out my email inbox.
1- you are so lucky to have access to avacado trees!
2- i do yoga with adrienne too! They are just my speed
3- i love that you go to church! I watch The Rock church online.
My goal for tonight will be to do a yoga with adrienne before bed and the goals for the week are to clear out under my bed and vacuum under there somehow. Also, to get my bedroom really clean dusting all the crevices , washing the curtains and cleaning the closet
Yoga with Adriene is the bomb when it comes to Yoga. Love her!
My goals for this week are: accomplishing some financial goals, stick to my runs and eat as healthy as I can.
You’re killing me! Not only 1 but 2 avocado trees?! Girl that is the stuff that my dreams are made of. Up here in Canada Eh our avocados are the size of mandarin oranges and are $3 each. Doesn’t stop me from eating them everyday… they call to me… lure me with their silky goodness… it’s a problem and I am ok with that 😉
Thank you for the yoga inspiration. I have been saying for weeks that I need to get back to it and I finally feel that my whole stride is suffering and we won’t even talk about the old lady groans that happen when I’m lacing up!
This weeks mini goals… 2 yoga classes and 2 online sessions. As well I need to make sure I don’t drop the ball on ordering a textbook so I can start studying instead of the mad cram sessions I am famous for.
Watch out for avocados! I work in an animal hospital. I have seen a lab that gained 20 lbs in one year from eating avocados (neighbor’s tree) and intestinal obstruction from the pits.
Mini goal will be diligent about doing my stretching exercises and PT exercises daily. Hoping to get back to running when the PT gives me the ok.
Hi!! Great post! I am allergic to bees too. Mini goal is to run 40 miles this week. Hope your week is amazing!
Last week was crazy. This week, my mini goals are to eat the food I have at home instead of take out, and to stick to my training plan.
I had never specifically thought I was allergic to bees because I had been stung a decent number of times in my life. In high school I got stung on the ankle and while it swelled up pretty big, it didn’t seem like a big deal. The next time, I got stung on my shin and my whole leg from the knee down swelled up. No big deal. Then, last year I was on spring break down in Florida in a covered pool area and I got stung on my finger. 5 minutes later, my whole face was swollen and I was covered in hives. Ended up in the emergency room for quite a few hours and was miserable for a few days. Be careful with bees!
That is really scary. I’m glad you’re okay. Do you have an epi-pen now?
I got one of 3 weekly runs in today so now I just have two more to go.
Second goal is to get my consulting business website complete.
Heads-up that beekeepers will come to take the hive, sometimes a small fee to do that but they save the bees and keep them as part of their beehives. You can find them online and shoot them photos, etc. Win for all!
Goal is to stick with a new healthy eating plan!
I’m on the tail end of reading the entire bible and I’ve been slacking the last few weeks, so reading my bible daily and getting at least 7 hours of sleep is on my list 🙂
I just spent a week with my husband in Jamaica for our anniversary. And while it was amazing, relaxing, restorative, and beautiful, it was also filled with eating rich foods and drinking lots and lots of wine and champagne.
This week I’m setting a goal to avoid all alcohol and follow my meal plan for the week. I’m really good about prepping lots of food and then changing my mind at dinner time. My husband is a bad influence and would get pizza or eat out every night if we could. Ha!
I tried these yoga videos after I saw them on your blog and I’m going to set a goal of doing yoga every evening this week too! It’s something I’ve always aspired to add to my day but never wanted to pay for a new gym membership. I also am wanting to have some time with girlfriends this week – much needed. Also a side note: not sure if it’s a myth but I heard that avocado pits are dangerous for dogs?? Not sure if they’re toxic or if it’s because they could choke on them??? Something to research!