I can’t seem to knock my sweet tooth after my vacation and indulgent weekend 🙁
I am very happy tomorrow is a new day though :)
See you Monday!
I can’t seem to knock my sweet tooth after my vacation and indulgent weekend 🙁
I am very happy tomorrow is a new day though :)
See you Monday!
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Me too. So often I have an indulgent weekend, then Monday comes, I vow to eat healthy until Friday and then end up eating half a jar of chocolate peanut butter with my morning oatmeal and eating two cookies on top. Then resolve to start again on Tuesday.
I know how you feel! Just jumping back into the healthy way of life…
I agree with the whole Monday thing!
Ugh, I had the same problem this weekend. But I’m like you: Tomorrow is a new day! Let’s hope it goes well. 🙂
I happen to be eating something that looks EXACTLY like that right now. =) Yum
I happen to be eating something that looks EXACTLY like that right now. =) Yum
There are far worse things than a vitamuffin….and I ate 4 yesterday, so I would know. Glad it is Monday.
I know how you feel! Just jumping back into the healthy way of life…
I agree with the whole Monday thing!
Me too. So often I have an indulgent weekend, then Monday comes, I vow to eat healthy until Friday and then end up eating half a jar of chocolate peanut butter with my morning oatmeal and eating two cookies on top. Then resolve to start again on Tuesday.
Ugh, I had the same problem this weekend. But I’m like you: Tomorrow is a new day! Let’s hope it goes well. 🙂
Clean slate? Bring it on!
Man, that looks good. My sweet tooth has been outta control too. 🙁
I know how you feel! Just jumping back into the healthy way of life…
I agree with the whole Monday thing!
Love your attitude! Have a great start to your week 🙂