Ben is very well aware of Michael Pollan’s amazing quote:
“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants”
He’s also been flipping through Pollan’s book Food Rules.
But randomly as he was taking off his shirt to go to sleep last night he said:
“Wear clothes, not too much, mostly pants.”
We stayed up a little past our bed time last night and had a hard time waking up early.
So, I’m in a rush! I am going to kickboxing and then I have studying for the Personal Training exam to catch up on!! I’m super behind and need to make a study schedule if I’m ever going to get back on track.
I wasn’t hungry yet, but I knew I should eat something before kickboxing (I won’t be back home till close to 11am).
I made my one last waffle (which I’ve decided I could eat every day) with the last of my almond butter (this is cause for alarm!!!) and jelly .
Now I’ve gotta go!!! See you a little bit 🙂
Heehee! First giggle of the day of me- thanks for that Ben!
I’m totally stealing Ben’s line. Genius. xo
I just used the last of my AB too-sad day.
That quote made my day a little. 🙂
Ben’s words are perfect for this heatwave we’re getting!(never thought I’d call 50 a heatwave
Ha! Too funny! Good work, Ben.
haha, that’s hilarious! I think Micheal Pollan should consider changing his quote to Ben’s lol
Hahaaa I love your hubby’s take on Pollan 🙂
What Ben said is hilarious! I always panic when the AB gets low too 😉
bummer youre in a rush. remember to breathe! 🙂