Hello! How are you I’m great – just ran the OC Half Marathon (recap tomorrow), made pancakes and am hanging out with a bunch of ants who decided to move in. So I have all that going for me right now. Before I get to the highlights of April – do you have any ant advice?

Here is the deal – There are a bunch of ants that have decided to walk around the condo. They are not super bright because they’re not looking for food necessarily. They have not gotten into the food or the cat food (which is on the floor all the time). There was a steady line of them at first – I got rid of that. But they are still randomly a few here and there – on the wall in the bathroom, on the floor in the living room… what the heck?

Okay, now back to running and eating. It’s May 1st! I want to share my favorite Run, Eat and post I’d like to Repeat for April.
Favorite Run

Favorite Eat
I had a ton of great food this month, it’s hard to decide. I call it a tie!
I am going to go with the Blue Apron Dinner I Made With My Little Brother
And the 3 Ingredient Oatmeal PB Cookies

Favorite Post I’d Like to Repeat
What Should I Do With My Life? <- the post where I was hoping Jesus would leave a comment or some life expert/guru/therapist/Oprah would tell me what to do
I reconnected with a high school friend whom I haven’t seen in over 20 years!
Peppermint oil! Ants hate it! Make a small spray bottle with witch hazel, peppermint oil and water. Bonuses – smells fresh, peppermint is an appetite suppressant, and an enigizer!
Congrats on the run!
I use to get ants all the time! They typically are looking for water, not food. Anyway, the only thing I found that would encourage them to relocate is Terro ant killer. You can buy it in a tube, or in little pre-filled stations. I like the stations because my cats can’t get into it.
That’s what I was thinking = that they might be looking for water.
The best thing I did in April? Celebrated our 25th anniversary. Best thing I ate in April? Probably steak and shrimp at my son’s birthday dinner. Looking forward to hearing about your race. I rode a 40 mile ride through the 5 boros of New York City today. It was 45-50 degrees and rained. Pretty much frozen to the bone.
Congrats on your OC half time! Mine was a lot longer lol. I came to your site to find advice on a running watch and on nutrition, since I plan on running LB full this fall (gulp- my first). I get so so hungry while running during these races. I was eating a banana during this race, so I need to figure out how to fuel. As for the ants, I don’t know. Luckily I don’t have that issue, but with my parents, I used to spray anything on them, like window cleaner. Hope you find something for them since they’re so annoying.
Treat outside your house (in addition to inside). It’s perhaps not the most PC solution these days, but Raid ant spray has worked for me at keeping ants out of my home. (I spray the sidewalks and exterior perimeter of my house and the baseboards inside my house–although with Vegas, you might need a different option). Maybe you could train Vegas to hunt ants?
Biked 30.6 miles outside (yesterday) in 41 degree temps ~with a wind and more hills than I really wanted but I did it and it was heavenly!
As for the ant problem, I have found that they hate cinnamon. So you can sprinkle some cinnamon in doorsteps and around cracks in windows or wherever they keep showing up to prevent them from coming in. 🙂
What! Thank you!!!