I love big packages 😉 Some say that great things come in small packages, but those people obviously haven’t had a real big package specially delivered to them. Do with that information what you will.
Today I had this BIG package waiting for me on my doorstep! I won a contest a while back from Nature’s Path for a cereal celebration!
This was the most fun box I’ve ever received. It was packet with so many goodies!
And it’s totally packed with goodies – all stuff I’ve never tried before!!! I am so excited because I love cereal – and now I have an excuse to talk and obsess about these new finds on the blog 🙂
I’m sorry if you didn’t get a big package today. If you’re sad just remember this: “It’s not the size of the boat that matters, but the skill of the skipper and the motion in the ocean.”
But, before I had the special delivery I ate an egg salad sammie, kiwi and carrots for lunch. I feel like my lunches are so generic when I look back on them, but they are always tasty and filling!
My afternoon snacks were yogurt and cereal w/ nuts. This kept me full until dinner time. I think that is partially because I didn’t have a 3.4 mile walk home!
This dinner was planned for Wednesday, but I was craving corn bread since I thought of it so I moved it up to tonight! I had vegetarian chili from TJ’s with TJ’s corn bread. Yes, I love TJ’s. That is one of the things I cannot complain about here – I have TJ’s and Costco and I love it!
I snuck an extra piece of corn bread as dessert 🙂 I am a sucker for carbs! But, I do try to keep them whole grain carbs as much as possible. This however, wasn’t one of those times.
Latest on Breathe: Finding your super foods! I eat nuts in the form of nut butters and buy frozen salmon from Costco. This is what works for me!
And don’t forget to enter my 1001st post contest! It ends tomorrow!! Good Luck!!!
I am super jealous of your big package!!
Now that is quite the package! *insert winky face*
Oooh! So exciting! The nature’s path swag looks awesome 🙂 …And I definitely agree with your love for TJs– I’m not sure I could survive without a trip there every week or two 🙂
What a comforting dinner. I love cornbread and I don’t have it often enough. Thanks for the reminder!
wow.. so great u had such a packagE!
OOOOH would love to receive a package like that! you’re a lucky girl 🙂
hey just wanted to let you know that I really like your blog! you have some great pics and eats 🙂
hope you’ll check out mine
OMG! did you win it off facebook?! i won it from there too!
haha, Gotta remember that line when I’m hosting my costume party. I’m a sexy pirate this year. Oh, great package too.
Mmmmmm tasty package!!!!! Let us know what you think of the goodies!
What an awesome package you’ve got there!
Awesome package. I like the logo and how it looks like a chest
The skill of the skipper…I love it.
Thats a fun package (twss?). I like the looks of those toaster pasteries.
I love your sandwich container — so cute 😉