Today I had a boxed lunch. Luckily, it was boxed by me so it was exactly what I wanted 🙂
A tuna wrap, carrots and grapes. I also ate the apple of course.
Jealous Much?
My friend Rondell has a production company in California (how LA, right?). Meb aka “the best US male marathoner/NYC marathon winner” came to his studio to do a media tour for PowerBar! Ahhhh! I was dying when I saw this picture! Too cool. Rondell says Meb is very cool and runs 100 miles a week. Hardcore, for real.
My afternoon snack was yogurt in the middle… I packed pineapple and cereal to go with my yogurt.
I mixed it all up, made a mess and enjoyed it thoroughly 🙂
Updated to add: Just had a pack of soup crackers and a mini-Twix. Random scrounging around in my desk. Am I hungry or tired? Hmmm.
Wow your friend Rondell is hot!!!! Is he a runner?
Now I’m really really really craving yogurt and cereal. Must remember to go to the store and buy more cereal asap.
I feel like if you’re running 100 miles it needs to be something that pays the bills
I seriously need to re-stock on tupperware. It seems to disappear like socks.
100 miles a week!?! Hardcore for sure!
Great, healthy eats 🙂
How do you pack the tuna so it doesn’t make the bread all mushy?
The tuna isn’t too wet to begin with and then I add lots of spinach to the wrap to soak up any wet-ness 🙂
Ahh…You are a wise one, madam!
pineapple chobani with extra pineapple? Yes! I love it.