This morning I wanted to do a little running before I hit up a strength class at the gym. Time was against me so I did 3 miles on the treadmill and hurried off. *Oh, I also sent my phone (used as an ipod) crashing to the ground at one point. Lame.
Since I’m new to the gym, and it’s big and a little confusing I might have peeked in the wrong room for the stength class I wanted. I ended up going to a different room for STRIKE! class. I had never done a class like this before. We basically did moves similar to kickboxing but some of them included a bar. It was fun!
On the way to the gym I ate breakfast: cottage cheese, apples, blubes and cereal. I totally scarfed this down in a hurry and was less than satisfied because I ate too fast – oops.
When I got home I was hungry. I thought breakfast on the way to the gym would help avoid that, but oh well. I had a piece of toast with PB & pb. Yum!
I am loving this WW Tuscan Pane from TJ’s. I normally just buy the bread with the least calories and most fiber. I never even think about what kind of bread I like. Well, I’ve decided life is too short too eat bad bread and got a winner 🙂Bread love – I also love sourdough and cinnamon raisin bread!Well, those are my faves, but I don’t discriminate when it comes to my carb love:)
Question: What’s your favorite kind of bread??
try the sourdough from trader joe’s-it’s amazing toasted with a little parmesean!
I love wheat bread and cinnamon bread. I don’t really crave carbs that much anymore. When I do, I eat pizza or something more loaded. Which isn’t really bad because it seldom happens.
Life IS too short to eat bad bread!! Love that!!!
My favorite bread is a FRESH baguette… holy yum…
Have you ever heard of povatica? It’s a sweet bread (that some may consider more like a pastry almost) but it comes in loaf form, so I count it! mmm….
And I use my crackberry as an mp3 player for the time being as well- and once or twice I died a little on the inside when it fell off the machine and bounced onto the floor. Eek…
I’m of the mind that ANY bread is good bread 🙂 I live near a TJ’s so I’m going to try Tuscan Pane–sounds delish!
Anything that tastes hearty and slightly chewy!
I usually get the “diet” bread as well. 🙁 My favorite kind would be Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Swirl. Now ask me the last time I had it. *sob*
I used to be ADDICTED to sourdough, no lie! But, the yeast really messes with my body chemistry, so I had to adapt.
Still, when I’m out and in a breadly mood I will eat any loaf that has either rosemary or kalamata olives in it. Damn those ingredients make great toast!!!
bread is my favorite form of carb! i love anything “multi” ie) with nuts and seeds in it
I love that TJ’s bread, too. I don’t discriminate; I like all bread. Well, except for the soft white sandwich bread that sticks to the roof of your mouth.
I love fresh olive bread from a little shop I visit in Brooklyn. It’s crispy on the outside and SO soft inside. And they don’t skimp on the olives—lots of chunks throughout!
I looove bread! I don’t know if I could choose a favorite… Wegman’s bakery has a ton of very delicious breads and TJ’s always has great looking ones too!
It’s true! Life’s to short to eat bad bread!
I got this bread at a farmer’s market in Atlanta that was out of this world. It was sunflower seed whole wheat with brown rice and amaranth–amazing. Too bad it’s 1000 miles away 🙁
I love whole wheat breads and sourdough. Life is way too short to eat unworthy bread. I completely agree!
Hey I’m new to your blog! I’ve been reading it for about a week so far and I’m really enjoying it. What your going through is something I went through a few years ago with calories and restricting certain foods. I felt like I was reading about myself at first. Oh and always needing something sweet after a meal, yup I’m like that too!
Anyways favorite breads, well that is hard to decide! I will always love my staple of Ezekiel. Best bread ever and is very heart and filling. Although lately The Great Harvest Bread Co. has some awesome breads. So far I like their Dakota bread and 9 grain bread. Packed with whole grains and definitely a satisfying piece of bread to keep you full!
My favorite bread is Dave’s Killer Bread! I don’t know what they do to their bread, but it is by far the best I have ever had!
Ooh cinnamon raisin bread is the BEST! I make a mean loaf of that 🙂
That gym class sounds fun, I’d lovee to do somehting like that!
Cinnamon raisin bread and crusty french bread…yum.
Probably sourdough with kalamata olives…yum!