I woke up bright and early – 5am to be exact – this morning to hit up a Spinning class. It was still dark when I left, but when I came out of spinning the sun was peaking up 🙂
My Physical Therapist actually told me to stay away from spinning since the classes often push you to a point of fatigue that might irritate my knee. I don’t want to lose any fitness though, so I’ve decided to keep attending class but take it easy if my knee is bothering me at all.
I am considering taking a Hot Yoga class tomorrow, but I’m scared. I’ve never done hot yoga before and I kinda suck at yoga in general right now.
When I got home I was wide awake and found Ben still sleeping away. So, I did what any good wife would do – jumped on him!
Come to think of it, I’m like a puppy…I jump too much, I need to be taken for walks and pee a little bit when I get too excited.
After my three hip exercises I made breakfast. I really wanted frozen waffles this morning, but I had a super ripe banana that was on it’s last leg and half a can of pumpkin in the fridge. So, I convinced myself to make banana pumpkin oats. It was all right. For some reason I’m just not the biggest fan of hot oatmeal – I love it cold or in pancakes more than anything else. Knee – My knee usually only hurt when I was actually running, but did start to ache last night. I think it was the tape trying to pull my knee cap back in place. The tissue around my cap was used to it’s new but incorrect place and it’s irritated as we try to move it back.
My PT said the cause could be a number of different things:
– I’m a female and have wider hips, which messes up the alignment of the knee to hip and causes the knee to bend in
– I wasn’t completely ready for the marathon and that includes my knee, which took the brunt of the force of 26.2 miles
– Since I wasn’t completely ready my form got worse and worse as I got tired. If you remember I was also sick and probably had horrible form for the last 9 miles or so when I started fading fast.
But, as this is my first time having knee issues she doesn’t think it is something that will be a chronic condition with me. We just need to get my hips stronger, fix my form and let the inflammation and irritation in my knee heal 🙂
Question: Any grand plans for this weekend?
Me: Like I said I am considering Hot Yoga, but am really really intimidated. If not I might hit up another fitness class. Ben and I also want to do some exploring.
Hot Yoga? As in like Bikram Yoga? I think I’d die from the heat. I don’t think I would want to try it. I overheat really fast.
I’ve tried early morning spin before and hated it – my body just didn’t like the push that early in the morning. I can get up and run, but it’s easier for me to work my speed up when I’m by myself. I’ve never tried Hot Yoga before either – let us know how it is! I would love to try it one day.
Pineapple seems like such an odd topping for oats – at least to me, it does. I’m very much just a banana or pumpkin girl … I’ve never tried any other fruit. Maybe I’m missing out?
My knee issues are because my IT band, quads, and hamstrings are so tight. My IT band and hamstrings have actually pulled my kneecaps up and over (hard to explain) so when I tape them I pull them over to the other side and down. It definitely helps! I used to wake up in the night to roll over and it would hurt to just lift my knees, but I haven’t had that pain anymore.
Good luck with that!
I’m not a PT, but I’ve heard that cycling/spinning as cross training for a runner was actually a good thing for the knees. I think that you were right in listening to yourself by taking it easy if your knee started bothering you. Foam roll away, girl! It has been my saving grace in running! I hope you feel better.
i’ve got a mass cleaning project of our office planned…i really am excited about it though!
I have runners knee and spinning hasn’t made it worse…it actually doesn’t bother me that much anymore, but I don’t run as often as I used to. Get a knee sleeve dude, I’m telling you, they work.
This may turn into a chronic problem if you don’t take it easy. Please take heed the suggestions of your PT.
Thanks Ros 🙂
I know, I am listening to the PT about 80% of the way – this post made it sound like I wasn’t at all!
I went to my first spinning class yesterday! It was so much fun!
Good luck on whichever class you decide on! I’d be intimidated by anything yoga! lol
What kind of exercises do they have you doing to strengthen your hips? I have knee issues as a result of an injury/surgery many years ago. It generally hurts the first mile of my runs and then again a few hours after my run for the rest of the day. Any tips you could provide would be great!
If you feel like venturing into DC, to E Street Cinema in Chinatown is showing the Oscar-nominated short films this weekend. My boyfriend and I were thinking of checking it out. Plus, Chinatown is a really neat area anyways with lots of great restaurants!
I have a feeling that this is going to be considered a “mean” comment, but I have to wonder…why did you bother going to see a PT if you’re not going to listen to a word she says? I know you want to stay fit, but I’m sure she gave you (or could give you) alternative means of keeping in shape. I hope your knee heals quickly and you can get back to the things you love.
Hey Sarah,
No hard feelings on the comment. You’re right that I need to listen to the PT. I’m trying:) I really am taking it easy in class and she said cycling was fine, just not spinning for some reason?
Thanks for the comment – sometimes I need to be reminded I don’t know it all.
dedication right there to the spinning! i did some 5am wakeups over the summer and they are sooo tough!
I’m planning on some family time 🙂 Maybe you should check out swimming since it’s such great (non-impact) exercise?
Aren’t you the kind wife. 😉 Hope your knee improves quickly!
I have a half marathon on Sunday I’m running. Its my first race after a little surgery, so we will see how it goes. I’m mainly using it as a long run for marathon training though.
Hot yoga sounds fun!! I’d love to do that too but it sounds intimidating to me as well… I suck at yoga too.
Haha, I bet Ben will be so happy you took that picture of him! So cute.
I think the hot yoga would be good to try at least once. I’ve done it a couple times and thought it was good, but I left the classes feeling so worn out from sweating so profusely. I don’t think I drank enough water to rehydrate. This weekend I plan on spending time with my parents who are coming back from a week away. Have a good Friday!