Hello! I have a capsule wardrobe problem. I’m going to need your thoughts on below. But first let’s talk running and eating…
I did an easy 6 miles this morning while listening to a podcast. I am way too obsessed. Like, serialisly.
Get it? Ha! My Serial peeps would.

Post-run breakfast was toast and an Advo Shake. I tried the Iced Lemon Cake flavor. I thought it was going to be super sweet because of the name, but it’s not. I like that it’s super creamy and blends well (I just mixed it with ice and almond milk).

Then, I ran a bunch of errands…. one to the airport and one to Costco

and one to get cat food because Vegas was starving. I am the worst cat lady ever. I didn’t realize he was all out of food and was meowing at me about what I bad mom I was. But, I was like…
Anyway. I made him an egg and he was okay for a minute.

And it took all my effort not to buy a stand up paddle board today at Costco. I just want credit for that self control. Mostly because it wouldn’t fit in or on my car…

Speaking of self control (or lack thereof)…
I bought and ate half of a very LARGE watermelon. Today. Like, 5 minutes ago.

Okay, onto my capsule wardrobe problem…
This is obviously something I didn’t come across in my research of “How to do a capsule wardrobe” because most people are not as messy as me. But, I stained one of the tops I had in my closet (remember I mentioned how I wore it all day and didn’t realize). And I tried to get the stain out, but couldn’t. And I actually added to the stain someone with a big spot on the elbow now. This is why I can’t have nice things!!
Anyway. This shirt is out (part of the reason I did the closet organization was to not be a Sloppy McSlopperson).
I’m giving it to Vegas to wear…

So, I’m dressed wearing my Mickey Mouse tee and contemplating life as a stained shirt bad cat lady… The end.

I’m totally inspired by you to do a capsule wardrobe for fall! I just bought a whole bunch of work clothes that I needed, so it has to wait till fall. But I’m a super klutz/messy person, so maybe I would take my original closet and pick 5-8 “backup” items to keep in a drawer to replace only if needed.
Let me know how it goes!
I would def keep trying to get the stain out! I think an awesome part of the capsule wardrobe idea is making do with what you have, so you can’t just say “oh well, I’ll buy a new one!” And if it doesn’t come out… then you get to get creative with the other clothes you have left!
I say try to soak it and try clean it in the oxy clean if part of your reasons really are to break the shopping habit. But if that doesn’t work then you may need to replace it…. you’re still doing great if you only buy one thing…and that does seem like it would be staple.
Oh and I agree. You look very happy with Ben and I hope the airport run wasn’t him leaving 🙁
Replace the shirt…..
Lol, kind of funny. My blog I posted yesterday was about my first experience making turmeric capsules.. And dying my cats orange!
Great name for your cat!
Team Mickey. All. The. Way.
Replace it! You are technically short an item. It is definitely intentional shopping, not impulse shopping like the capsule wardrobe is supposed to reduce.
I, too, hope you didn’t take B. to the airport. LOVE seeing you guys together!
definitely replace the top…excuse to go shopping 🙂
Soak it in Dawn dishsoap – no water. Then, rinse it and wash it. I’m a believer in trying to save our clothes as much as possible.
The capsule project sounds interesting.
I have never heard of Capsule Wardrobe, I will have to look into what it is about. I would definitely replace it but I love spending money and getting new clothes!
I say a new shirt or replace with a shirt you put away. My gym has a lake (I know, right!!!) and free stand up paddle boarding and kayaking. I’m addicted. I’d consider buying one (probably an inflatable) if I ever left the gym.
omg, I just finished Serial during a run this afternoon and now I am lost. How will I find a podcast to follow that one? I’m definitely of the mindset of taking the opportunity to purchase something new #teamnewshirt
I loved Serial. I listened to it twice. I want to know your opinion. I’ve started listening Undisclosed, which is a follow up.
I vote to get a new shirt!!!
Oh no…were you taking Ben to the airport?!? I’ve loved seeing you two together and you seem so happy!
Replace it! The point of minimalism is not suffering… Don’t punish yourself for being human!
Definitely an opportunity to buy a new top! I believe the idea of a capsule wardrobe is to have only a select number of things that you love but that are in good condition so you feel good when you wear them.
I’m on team “everyday trying to look chic wearing yoga clothes ” sometimes my boss looks at me funny when we have staff meetings and then I distract act her with cookies.
I am DYING to get a sup board! Absolutely dying! Have you looked into inflatable ones?
I would replace the shirt. The point isn’t that you are punishing yourself, it’s that you get by on few items of classic clothing. A white shirt like that looks like a staple to me
Someone else mentioned the inflatable ones! I haven’t seen them.
I second the oxyclean, but also i’ve used a baking soda/water paste, with a bit of vinegar, and maybe even dawn dish soap hahah. I do whatever it takes!
If you soak that shirt in 1 cup of oxi clean in a bucket of warm water it will most likely be stain free tomorrow. I serialisly, (see what I did there) got out a 1 year old grass stain even though I had washed the shirt many, many times. It works.
yes replace the top! the point of a capsule wardrobe, which i am doing myself and learning the hardway because i have a spending habit! but if you need to get rid of something replace it, or see if you can go without it. are you doing project 333 monica?
I’m not specifically doing project 333 because I don’t know about it. I heard about the capsule wardrobe from a few different sources (instagram, eat live run and then unfancy). Is it the same thing?
Clearly this is an opportunity to buy a new top. 🙂
I’m so anti Disney. Dunno. Bah humbug. I’m on team Sally. Gotta root for me as much as I can or I wouldn’t get out of bed. 🙂
Goooooo Sally!!!
Team Mickey every day…for life!
Hope you didn’t have to take Ben to the airport. 🙁
call me Meddle McMeddleson; I just like seeing you two together. 🙂
🙁 We should just be friends in real life so I can give ya the scoop.
Agree. Well given our forever-love for all things almond, iced coffee and running for avocados, I think it could work. 😉
All kidding aside, praying it all works.