Morning and Happy Tuesday! I started my day with a 4 mile run and some much needed stretching. My IT band has been super tight and I don’t want to neglect it!
This morning’s breakfast started with a bed of yogurt and a tiny bit of leftover pumpkin. I had to snap a picture first because I knew you wouldn’t be able to see it under all my toppings
Piled on top of the yogurt: chia seeds, cereals, crumbled carrot cake muffin and a big spoonful of Mighty Maple PB.
See, you can kinda tell there’s yogurt under there…
Served up with several glasses of iced coffee.
Cereal collection – I had several almost empty cereal boxes and decided to just throw them all in a big tupperware together. So, I have no idea how much of each is in this bowl. There’s not a lot of PB Puffins left because “someone” keeps picking them out
A few blog girls have joined forces to create Blogging for a Change, a site dedicated to raising money for charities. They are currently raising money for victims of the earthquake in Japan. Check it out
Question: What do you pick…
The M&Ms out of trail mix?
The chocolate chips out of cookies?
Your nose?
The cheapest thing on the menu?
I don’t really pick anything as I keep everything separate. A big bowl with everything thrown in together totally doesn’t work for me. I would need each one of those items either in a separate part of the bowl and/or in two bowls. Because I am insane and because I like it that way 🙂
Haha 🙂 I do the same thing. I could never have anything in my oatmeal besides my oats, now, but when I was younger, I used to mx everything together, which now just sounds gross.
I drink water really loud. I just take big gulps because I am always thirsty and don’t have the patience to take little sips. My roommate and my dad make fun of me for it. 🙂
Chocolate chips out of vitatops 🙂 I always do that to just one half before I devour the rest. It’s something I’ve always done with food with visible pieces on top (like raisin topped oatmeal).
I pick the chunks out of granola! I also just like to pick food in bags like cereal, chocolate etc 😉
am I allowed to say I pick all of the above? LOL. J/K … maybe
I love mixing random cereals together, I find it nearly impossible to eat just one kind of cereal with milk anymore…pathetic.
I definitely pick the almonds and walnuts out of nut mix!
YUM i just love a heaping bowl of yoghurt in the morning 🙂
OH i pick out chocolate everything. I also pick out all of the brown things in Chex Mix….. and off my husband’s plate…just to get a rise out of him ;)!
All I have to say is yumm about the breakfast. And I usually pick out the M&M’s from my trail mix as well as the cashews if there are some. As for the chocolate chips out of the cookies, I do usually because I have a problem with eating the dough before it’s cooked 🙂
i pick my wedgies at the gym .. i have to shame haha
i dont pick out the m&ms in trail mix.. i pick out everything else and save them for last 🙂
I pick the rye chips out of snack mix. It drives my husband batty. 🙂
Your breakfast looks so good, especially because of that muffin and PB!!
Answer: After portioning out a serving of train mix, I always pick out the M&Ms (or other chocolate piece) but save them for last so I have a nice chocolate-taste lingering in my mouth afterward. 🙂
I always save at least one really good bite for last 🙂
That breakfast looks like a tasty dessert! You got me with the PB and carrot muffin, yummy!
I 100% pick the m&ms out of trail mix. And the pineapple out of fruit salad.
I love salty and crunchy things so I only eat the REALLY crunchy fries and give the rest to my boyfriend.
your mixed up cereal reminds me of college…when there were rows of different types of the most delicious cereals and you could never pick just one so you just mixed them up in an oversized bowl. yeah…those were the days.
That sounds like cereal Heaven 🙂
I pick the nuts out of trail mix. Don’t tell!
I hoard cereal and protein bars. It’s the worse.
Hahah. But I never pick around my food. I like to mix it all up and eat all at once.
Oh my gosh – I am the worst PICKER!!! I’ll bake a pan of brownies or some banana nut bread and pick around the corners or the tops….or with cookies if there is a stray chip just kinda hangin’ on the edge, I PICK!
If things are in small pieces around me – LOOK OUT! I’m a notorious nibbler!! RAAAWWRRR!! 🙂
Love the blog! Thank you!!
Thanks Nicole 🙂
I pick the worst boys as I have terrible taste in men!
This is my favorite comment of the day 🙂 I’m sending you “good guy” vibes!
Cashews out of a “mixed nuts” can!
I love the cereal hodge podge! Yum.
What happened to your cereal dispenser?
I totally forgot about it until right now! We weren’t using it and I put it in the back of the cupboards.
I pick cranberries out of the chocolate cookies my mom makes and then hide them in a napkin! I don’t like dried fruit in my dessert.