Hello! How’s it going?
Little bit of a heavy post for RER today, right?
Well. Thank you for your response and kind words. My heart feels all weird and loved and stuff right now. You have no idea how much I truly appreciate it.
Before we get back to normally scheduled programming I have one more depressing piece of information.
Last night I watched Black Fish, a documentary about killer whales in captivity. It is so sad. I usually multi-task during TV because I have a 2 minute attention span, but I actually watched this whole thing without any help from social media. It’s good.
Let’s talk running and eating.
Last night I was a cooking machine! I made turkey burgers and fries for dinner and also cooked up a breakfast bake for today. Move over Martha Stewart, I’m on a roll.
I did a shake out run this morning of about 6 miles. As always, I try to take it easy after a race (even if it’s not a hard race) to give my body a break.
Then, it was time for a delicious breakfast! I made this Ham and Egg bake last night because I thought it up the other day but would never wait to eat/bake something in the morning. I just don’t have the patience.
But it is super easy so I really could make this in the morning if there was someone around so I could leave the oven on, go for a run and come back to this deliciousness.
Seems decadent, but it’s healthy! Really no different from a homemade egg sandwich and I have those all the time.
Cheesy Ham and Egg Bake Recipe
{serves 6 big pieces}
6 slices bread, diced into cubs
10 eggs
3 egg whites
1 cup cottage cheese
1.5 cups diced lean ham (or meat substitute)
salt and pepper
1.5 cups shredded cheddar
Directions: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray casserole dish with non-stick. Place bread cubes in a casserole. Spread ham over bread. Mix eggs, add cottage cheese season with S&P. Pour eggs over bread cubes and bake unit starts to set (about 20 minutes). Add shredded cheese to top and bake until cooked through.
I cut it into 6 BIG pieces and it’s only about 400 calories each!
I’d suggest you pin that recipe, but it doesn’t have cream cheese. Does cottage cheese count?
Since breakfast was so fancy, lunch was the opposite – salmon salad with sriracha and crackers in a mixing bowl. I use canned salmon, mayo, pickles, pickle juie and Old Bay. No greek yogurt substitute because I don’t see the big deal.
More crackers with AB&J.
Question: Regular fries or sweet potato fries?
Sweet potato fries! P.S. – I love that you eat real people food and make it work. I did that and lost 45 lbs. I get tired of hearing about paleo and “clean eating” because honestly you don’t have to do that stuff to lose weight and then maintain it! Portions are the most important thing. 🙂
sweet potato for sure
I love homemade sweet potato fries..they are so yummy
Yum! I totally pinned this recipe – cream cheese or no cream cheese. 🙂
Regular fries. If I can be picky, they’d be crab fries (fries seasoned with old bay and cheese sauce on the side).
I wonder how much cream cheese sales have risen since Pinterest became a thing.
Regular fries from In-N-Out!!!
But I am addicted to Trader Joe’s sweet potato tots! They are so yummy!!! 😉
In N Out fries are my least favorite 🙁
Regular fries if I’m craving ketchup, otherwise sweet potato fries!
Yes. definitely, yes.
Sweet potatoes, all the way!
And so glad you’re heart is feeling all that gushy stuff 🙂
sweet potato all the way!!!
Sweet potato fries with ranch. I know I’m weird.
I think I have to go with regular fries, but that’s a hard decision because sweet potato fries with BBQ sauce is pretty darn good.
Regular fries. I keep trying with the sweet potato variety, but I’m just not in love.
Regular fries. I’m trying to make the switch to SP fries, but I just don’t like them.
I could not watch that movie. The trailer you posted made me cry. I would be a hot mess if I watched the entire movie.
Your turkey burger and fries looks awesome!! Now I’m hungry and it’s only 9:00am! 🙂
You have some really delicious eats there! I love sweet potato fries all the way!
you had me at EGGS and shoving in the GF BREAD 🙂
Yum, yum, yum!
Could I have both?
After I watched Blackfish I recommended it to everyone. It really opened my eyes and my boyfriend and I both said we could never got to Seaworld again after watching. Really gripping and, like you, I have no attention span! Sweet potato fries. I like orange.
Digging veggie fries now – got my inspiration from your long beans fries. 🙂
I would go for sweet potato fries but really any fries would be good for me.
Definately sweet potatoes!!! Way more flavor!
Sweet potato! But let’s face it…I’m not going to say no to either
sweet potato…unless they are covered in cinnamon and sugar.. arent they sweet enough?!
I am so making that egg bake this weekend..Great recipies makes me hungry!! Thanks.
Sweet potatoes fries for sure…unless I am eating out at Champps ~ then I must do the waffle cut fries with the seasoned sour cream. YUM! Do you guys have Champps in CA?
Both regular AND sweet potato fries
LOVED Blackfish — I watched it twice when CNN showed it a couple of weeks ago.
I saw my Dad the other day and he said he can’t watch it because it makes him too sad — made me laugh but he’s so right.
Sweet potato fries with barbecue sauce!
I love both! I make my own fries by cutting potatoes into wedges and baking for half an hour or so at 350. They’re a thousand times better than store-bought fries!
Sweet potato fries, all the way!
Why would I choose? I pick both fries!
In a restaurant, sweet potato fries…at home, I roast my new found favorite…organic white baby sweet potatoes! or just roast baby reds…mmmmmm…I do like to bake regular fries at home sometimes 🙂
And that egg bake looks amazing!
Depends where they’re from, but 95% of the time, I choose sweet potato fries every time.
And that egg bake looks damn good. I’m hungry now.
sweet potato fries all the time!!!
Sweet potato fries. Unless they are diner fries 🙂 YUM!!!!
I used to be a regular fries girl but I have converted! Your turkey burger looks delicious – do you use a particular recipe??