Around a year ago Rose and I founded the Chickpea Lover’s Club. We were both living in Maryland at the time and shared a love of blogging, kitties and of course, chickpeas 🙂
Back then I used to get massive cans of chickpeas from Costco. But, since moving back to California I cannot find cans big enough to satisfy my chickpea appetite. I kinda haven’t been bothering with them since I practically eat a whole can in one sitting. And by “practically” I mean totally. Here’s a link to one of my fave salad/chickpea recipes – Asian Slaw.
This weekend I saw an eight can pack of chickpeas at Costco and decided this might be worth my while. I also got a package of brussel sprouts. I felt like I was reunited with an old friend, but instead of reminiscing about old times, I ate them.
Roasted chickpeas and brussel sprouts are one of my top 5 favorite dinners ever. I made some hummustard to mix in too.
I just threw everything in a roasting pan sprayed with non-stick, topped it with S&P. garlic and Old Bay. Roasted at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes. Then, mix with hummustard. *I think HEAB is the original inventor of hummustard and deserves credit for changing the way I eat condiments.

But it’s not all happy times over at RER. Today after I blogged about my lunch, I went to eat my yogurt and it was BAD. I was definitely not happy about this and bitched about it on twitter. Until I remembered something I like to tell myself when little things go wrong…
“If this is the worst thing that happens to you today, then you are very lucky.”
Since my yogurt was spoiled I needed an extra something in my lunch. I stopped by Juice It Up on the way to school and got a shot of wheatgrass (my new obsession) and a small smoothie. Sorry Juice It Up, you’re no Jamba Juice. True.
I ended up eating my AB&J with lunch and dug this bar out of my backpack for a snack. I love this flavor because it tastes like a cookie, but it really did nothing for my hunger and I grabbed a handful of pretzels from the groceries on the way home.

Post dinner dessert – fruit, cottage cheese and chocolate granola. I was dreaming about breakfast and couldn’t wait I guess…
Ben and I both had pretty hectic days today and are very ready to call it a night.
I’ll see ya in the morning 🙂
This post made me miss you SO much. I miss our chickpea lovers club! I can’t believe how much has changed in a year!!
You turned me onto chickpeas months ago and now I LOVE them! I put them on everything. 🙂
Hummus and mustard sounds like the weirdest combination. I LOVE both of those things on their own, but mixed together? Oooh I’m scared!
I once opened my yog and there was a quarter-sized piece of green mold. Awesome. Anywho, I emailed customer service and they sent me a coupon for a new one. Doesn’t help with breakfast that morning but it was cool in the cosmic-long run.
Hummustard, eh? I’m officially intrigued. Might have to take a stab at making some this week. Thanks for sharing!
I’m a total chickpea freak too, but don’t often get creative – mostly just throw them on a salad. I’m gong to explore your site and hope there are even more recipes to try!
I’ve just become a fan of chickpeas. I love hummus, but was wary of whole chickpeas. Currently I just have them on salads, but I’m hoping to try something else with them. Roasting them might be an idea. I’ll try that with my dinner tomorrow night.
Came by from Rita’s blog. I like the roasted until crunchy chick peas:)
I can eat chick peas straight outta the can, and I’m definitely a dummass that loves hummus. After all, what’s not to love?
So if you ever make it back east we HAVE to go to Hanover. Not only do we have the Snyders factory, but that ginormous can of Hanover brand chickpeas? Yup, Hanover brand veggies are made in Hanover as well. I know, my hometown rocks. And they have an outlet store at the factory too. You would be in heaven. Just sayin’. 🙂
I just made Pumpkin Spice Chic Peas this weekend. Fantastic!!!
Can I be in your club? 🙂
I used a can of chickpeas for hummus tonight, but I had intended to work with dry ones originally. Not enough time. :/