Hi! Since I am going to be in a closed space with thousands of germs for hours and hours soon (no, I’m not going back to kindergarten – I mean on a plane) I thought I’d get a flu shot.
As luck would have it Costco has them for $15.00. Totally worth it. Thanks for nothing Obamacare. Now if only all illnesses could be cured at Costco there’d be peace in the Middle East. #BecauseThatsHowItWorks
Anyway. I went to Costco for a few necessities and I was hoping to get inspiration for dinner. I am going to a bible study and it’s my turn to bring the comida. Unfortunately Costco fell short of solving all my problems so I went home without dinner ideas.
Then, it started to rain. Which calls for a complete FREAK OUT because it never rains in SoCal so this is really weird and I refused to leave the house again. So, I had to ‘work with what I got’. I’m making my super easy, yet delicious Chicken Tortilla Soup.
But, I also realized I needed to take dessert. Because the part of the Bible they left out was that after Jesus turns water in into wine and multiplies fish he busted out the best chocolate cake peeps had ever tasted. And it was good.
In keeping with my ‘figure out what you can make with what’s already in your kitchen’ theme I created these chocolate oatmeal cookies. I don’t have chocolate chips, but that would take these to the next level.
Easy Chocolate PB Oatmeal Cookies
{Makes about 13. Gluten Free}
- 1 cup oats
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- optional: cranberries or chocolate chips
Directions: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix oats, cocoa, salt and baking soda. Separately mix PB, brown sugar, egg and vanilla. Combine. Add cranberries or chocolate chips. Drop by spoonful onto baking sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 7-10 minutes.
yum- looks scrumptious!
My husband is military so he has to get the flu vaccine. The kids and I never do though, and don’t get the flu. *shrug*
Cracking up at the cookies. The second picture looks yummy, but the first one looks like poop! 😀
yum! i’m an oatmeal lover, so i need to make these!
Crap, I need to get a flu shot soon.
Did it hurt? :/ lol
Yes! I’m surprised that it hurt!
I totally read this post while sitting in my driveway as I got home from work last night and immediately went inside and made these cookies (with the choco chips added). They were SO GOOD and exactly what I needed after spending an hour in massive traffic on the 73 on account of none of us Southern Californians can effectively drive in the rain. Seriously, it starts raining and everyone on the freeway just STOPS. Anyway, thanks for the recipe!!
One of our bible study girls was stuck in traffic and wasn’t able to make it! Boo. Glad you liked them 🙂
Easy peasy. Loves it!
Yum! Those cookies look amazing.
We’ve had flu shots offered for a lot of our clients, and staff, at work a couple times this season. And I’m always too much of a chicken to get them.
And now I’m on day 3 of being sick sitting with my gingerale and heating pad. Thanks, Ashley.
Feel better!
My insurance fortunately covers flu shots. As I will be traveling a bit this fall + are in training for the Las Vegas RnR marathon I feel it was a good step to get one.
Those cookies look yummy. Too bad I would even burn those based on my baking skills from the past. lol
I hate flu shots. I only get one because my kids get them and I feel like I have to set a good example. Darn, being a mom is hard work 🙂
Those cookies look great!
Those cookies look great and I have all of those ingredients as well. Perfection. I remember when I lived in LA how it would come to a halt when it would rain. So funny!
Soooo making those tonight! And also probably the soup…soup is definitely my favorite fall food.
I did something like this last night! It was with oatmeal, some butter, coconut sugar, and pumpkin pie spice. Throw it on top of an apple and bake! No shopping for me!
Not sure what the ACA has to do with your flu shot at Costco?
Nothing, it was a joke that some people don’t understand how it works at all 🙂 Just because I can get a flu shot doesn’t mean someone else can afford it / has insurance to cover it…
These look delicious! Thanks for the recipe 🙂
Yum! I’ll have to try making those.
Another delicious looking recipe, thanks!
I can’t believe Costco do flu jabs! Makes me very grateful for the NHS so we don’t have to pay, but then to get the jab we have to sit in a Dr’s office which is normally full of sick people anyway…
Those both look delish!
I love Costco, but I never go on an empty stomach 😉
I have all that in my kitchen! Totally making these …
Those look amazing! And super easy which for my recipe-messing-up-self is the best thing EVER!
Haha way to improvise 😉 Anything with PB and chocolate is sure to be a hit.
I’ve never ever gotten the flu shot (or really even the flu, for that matter), but I have to get one this year and am so worried that I’m going to end up sick. I know that’s not typically the case, but still.
PS- Thanks for protein powder-free dessert recipe. I’m morally opposed to healthifying my cookies 😉
A teacher that is very near and dear to my heart hasn’t gotten a flu shot in 20+ years and swears her immune system is bad ass because she has been around the kiddie germs for so long. You system is probably pretty legit too.
These look amazing! You really can’t go wrong with chocolate, right?
Holy yum. Mouth is watering!