Happy Monday!
I started my day on the treadmill at the hotel. But, after 15 minutes I wanted to scream. I used to ONLY run on the treadmill. I had one in my room all through college and would run on it 5 days a week. I NEVER ran outside. Now, it’s hard for me to stay on it for 1 mile. Maybe if I could watch Food Network like I used to?
Anyways, I took it outside for 4 miles.
I love traveling through life on foot! This is the best way to explore.
When I got back I hit up the gym again for some strength, but was running out of time and had to shut it down early. See that booty in the background? Hi, Ben!
Back at the room I made some coffee maker oatmeal and am now talking to you nice people
I always pack oatmeal packets when I travel. If you are in a pinch you can make hot oats by “brewing” water in the coffee maker and pouring it over a few packets. I buy the flavored (lower sugar) kind, but if you have plain you can grab a few packets of sugar from the hotel’s coffee bar and use that. I also have a packet of PB on hand.
This week’s Aveeno post is about Spirit and Mind. And I’ve officially declared it Stress Relief Week for myself.
I am doing 3 specific things for my Spirit and Mind:
1. Stop putting things off! I’m letting emails and “To Do’s” pile up. I will attack my list this week.
2. Turn off the computer at 8pm. Computer curfew is back! I need to wind down at night instead of getting caught up in emails and blog reading.
3. Yoga. I am going to yoga this week. I already have a class picked out for Friday (changed my day from what I said on Sunday Set Up because of the class offerings).
Question: What will you do for your Spirit and Mind this week? Pick something – you deserve it!
I put coffeemate sugarfree vanilla creamer! its so good
What great timing for Mind and Spirit week! I had my first hypnotherapy session yesterday, I am working to quiet the voice that tells me I am not good enough and find my strength and passion for life!
I’m going to breathe in calm.
Hey little friend, Did you say you had thyroid issues too? I need direction on what meds to ask my doc about 🙂
Haha that looks like a Jamaican Charlie Brown…?
I wish I could turn off my computer more, but I’m job searching and I have the tendancy to want to always be around it, checking my email and job boards in case I miss anything. :/
I should join you on the computer bed time. I spend far too much time mindlessly clicking at night.
I’m anti-treadmilll myself. Just cannot do it! I would rather run outside no matter what the weather conditions are.
I’m going to do something so simple this week to reduce stress, make sure I get enough sleep. This is something so silly that I can never seem to get right. I’ll send myself to bed at an appropriate time so I can make sure I’m awake and alert by 4am for my run.
An treadmills are awful to me. They are boring and hurt my ankles. I’ll take running in a blizzard over running on a machine any day!
The oatmeal thing also works on airplanes. They always have hot water for tea and the smell of oatmeal is not offensive to other passengers. PB packets are also a huge help and vanilla protein powder in a tuperware. Instant breakfast at cruising altitude.
I HATE the treadmill, honestly don’t know how people do it.
I am going to make more healthy choices and workout, it feels so good when I do.
I ran three miles on the TM a few weeks ago b/c it was raining. After three miles i decided I’d rather be outside getting wet and finished up my run in the rain.
I’m getting a haircut on Friday- always makes me feel good!
Yes the DREADmill! I trained for my entire first 1/2 marathon on the treadmill. OMG I was insane! I hate it now. We bought a super fancy one so I do try to make use of it for intervals and I when I can’t go outside for some reason. Running outside is so much better!
That’s an awesome travel idea, I love it!! It’s PERFECT for travelling to races – I usually eat oatmeal before I run in the mornings and often struggle to eat something I KNOW will sit well before a race, I’m definitely going to do this. Thanks for the idea, very clever!!
I’ve been trying to be very good about limiting computer time on weekends or evenings. Super tough, but important to my family. When my cell phone broke, it was so hard to be without it, but so freeing. Spending time with family is important to me and I get so distracted when I have my computer around!!
I’m doing yoga this week too! I usually go on Wednesday nights. I’ve noticed that yoga has really helped me with my balance.
I’m going to do a yoga class this week!
The sunshine that we have today is helpng me out a bit. I would love to get a nice pedicure or something, maybe after my toenail finishes falling off.
The only time I can stand on a treadmill is when I’m walking hills. I hate running on the treadmill! It feels like I’ve developed a case of ADD whenever I try to run indoors. Glad you got outside for a bit! My fave instant oatmeal of all time is the Trader Joe’s Oats & Flax. Amazing!!! This week I’m not going to window shop. I always end up window shopping (or browsing online) in-between paydays, when I can’t justify buying anything! So this week I’m going to save myself the frustration of not buying pretty shiny things 😉
I used to be able to runm iles on my treadmill too, but now that I have been running outdoors it just sits and collects dust.
I love your mind, body, spirit week! I have a gift certificate my husband gave me for v-day for a mani, pedi, and massage. I think I’ll redeem it this week!
Totally agree. The most I can run on a treadmill before I want to pull my hair out is about 4 miles. But outside, 7 miles seems like a breeze.
I think I read somewhere that it’s good to stop looking at a computer screen, TV, iPad, etc. a couple hours before bed because if you don’t, the light tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime which = sleep problems. At least for me.
I’ve heard that too!
I struggle with the treadmill too. I am going to read a pleasure book at night before falling asleep instead of more reading for grad school.
I definitely have to do more yoga! It feels great and it forces me to relax (which can really be difficult).
My problem is checking my phone. I really need to stop being so addicted to it and maybe shut it off in the evening. That would be so hard to do!
Love the oatmeal tip! I’m always looking for healthy eating options when I travel. And for my spirit/mind I’m trying yoga for the 1st time today.
Hope you enjoy it!
I need a computer curfew too.
I’ve done the hotel coffee maker oatmeal thing. It works.
I think I need Stress Relief Week too! I was sick all last week, and I know it’s because I try to cram too much into too little time. I’m going to try and focus on all the little things that make me smile and get to bed earlier.
I ALWAYS have Food Network on when I’m on the treadmill or elliptical. My thought process…”so glad I’m working so hard so I can eat food like this later!”
I’ve never thought about doing that, but that is a good idea with the oatmeal. I need to stop procrastinating things as well. I seem to be pretty good at doing that!
Totally agree about running outside > treadmill running.
I always out spirit and mind at the bottom of my list of priorities – but weekly yoga has been part of my routine for a few weeks now and I’m liking it!
I have done the coffee maker oatmeal thing many times. Genius move:) Also, running and walking outside always trumps treadmills. I agree!