I think it’s fairly obvious that I have a problem, but I thought I was hiding it from my family, friends and all of you – Apparently not. Ben sent me this link today. He figured it out…
I can’t take it any more – the glazed look in your eyes, the constant
need for new shoes… you’re an addict.
Confessions of a running addict from the Telegraph.
Signs of my addiction:
- Get very upset/irritable/angry if I miss a “hit”
- Plan my travels around my habit
- Obsess over the next gathering of fellow addicts (races)
- Covet my “drug paraphernalia” (running shoes, clothes, my fave visor)
- Write a daily blog that feeds and glorifies my addiction
My lunch was packed from yesterday when I forgot I had a business lunch. It was still good 🙂 Veggie burger wrap with carrots. I am loving these new veggie burgers!!! But, I’m gonna pay attention to how long they keep me full since they have less protein than my usual ones.
I ate watermelon as a midmorning snack.
Question: What are you addicted to?
My name is Monica and I am a running addict.
hi – my name is prinny and I am addicted to riding horses. i tried to stop, but it won’t work. nothing does the trick for me as training a horse for a show… i just can’t let it go. it’s not a hobby, it’s an obsession 🙁
Coffee, running, and blog reading. I thought I was over my running addiction, but I’ve gotten back into it recently. Partially due to reading your blog (while I drink my morning coffee).
Running is addict #2..
I run so i can feed addict#1: Food!(inclusive of eating, thinking about it, planning it, reading about it, blogging about it!)
Addict#3: Grocery store
Addict#4: clothes
I would have to say yoga then running. I freak out if i don’t get at least 20 minutes in a day!
Marathonmaiden – me too with the PB & ice cream 🙂
count me in too! as well as for peanut butter and ice cream
i’m tra and i am addicted to running. outside. and strength training.
If your going to have an addiction, you could do a lot worse 🙂
Great looking wrap! Sorry about the “addiction” 😉 Anyway, just started my health own blog and hope you get a minute to take a look.
I read that article too and went “uh oh me too.” Ever since I started running I’m addicted. I almost cried when my surgeon told me I may never run again after my spinal fusion. But I proved them wrong 🙂
I’m addicted to exercise in general because I do get a high from it. A healthy addiction is not that bad right?
Holds hands with running addicts….
“I get irratable/angray when I miss a *hit*”
there are plenty of worse things to be addicted to, that is for sure! haha. i am addicted to cereal.
Ha! What a great thing to be addicted to!!
I get my running fix early in the morning when everyone’s still asleep…I might be an addict.
Hi, my name is Anne Marie, and I’m addicted to almond butter, peanut butter, and anything to do with those two ingredients!
Haha I too am a running addict! WeLl, back when I was actually running! I am also addicted to good food and SALES!!
Hello! I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I’m addicted! It’s very nice to read a blog of someone who is honest and puts it all out there. You eat like a normal person and think like a normal person and show it all to us so thank you!!
HA! I think I may be one as well since I can agree with at least 3 of your points hehe. Aside from burning a hole in my wallet, I think it’s a pretty good addiction…compared to the others out there ;p
I think we all need a little AA sometimes(Athletes Anonymous)