Hi! How are you? I had a super busy Monday. I scheduled a bunch of calls and an appointment back to back, plus I avoided my email all weekend so I had a pile waiting for me. I’ve been super productive today but I do have a few confessions I want to get off my chest too…
I went to my brother’s house yesterday and graciously volunteered to pick the pears from the tree in their backyard since it looked like the birds were trying to chomp them all!

Confession: I only did this do I could take a bunch home.

My mom brought watermelon for everyone to share. She brought a container just for me because it’s my favorite food ever ever ever.
Confession: I ate my container and some (most of) the other one.

My fam got two kittens and I wanted to put them in my shirt and sneak them home!
Confession: When I was a kid I used to put my cat in my shirt all the time. I’m not sure if that’s weird or not…

I love Spark but the grape flavor isn’t my favorite so I told Ben he could have it. I didn’t want him to drink the other flavors though so I had to label it so he knew which to drink…

Confession: I went to Yogurtland solo last night. Just wanted to share.

Confession: Sometimes I put a dash of salt in my smoothie after super sweaty runs.

(This is a great reminder to ‘do your own thing’ because this might not be healthy for your body but works for a Monican.)
Confession: I have my mom saved in my phone as No name. I have no idea why this happened but I noticed it a while back and never fixed it because now I think it’s funny…

Confession: I have a mascara graveyard and I have no idea why, usually I love throwing stuff out.

Confession: I only needed mascara but somehow came home with all this new make-up!?!

I tried a new-to-me mascara – Rimmel Super Curler 24 because I need a mascara that keeps my lashes curled. I curl them and then apply mascara and they end up falling super fast. I have really straight hair so I think this is part of the problem, but c’mon!
It works well in length, but didn’t keep my lashes curled. I topped it with a layer of Maybelline Lash Sensational – this one makes them super thick.
I shared this dilemma on Instagram and got some great suggestions!

I talked to myself for most of a 90 minute drive the other day. Hopefully anyone driving past me assumed I was using hands-free. My mom told me she does the same thing. Apparently our brand of… creativity is genetic. :O)
In my contacts list, I have my brother and sister listed as “The Brother” and “The Sister”
I used to crazy kitten stuff too including the shirt trick!
An eyelash curling secret that has worked for me is to heat the eyelash curler with the hair dryer first. Then, starting at the base hold for 5 seconds, then slowly work my way out to the ends of the lashes curling as I go.
I used to put my cat in my shirt all the time! I guess it’s like a kangaroo instinct or something…
I giggle when I wash my hands. I don’t know why and it’ weird but it’s my thing lol.
Putting salt in your smoothie is such a good idea – I’m definitely going to start doing that!