I have eaten A LOT of orange foods today…

Yes, this is a sweet potato the size of a dinner plate. Thank you.

Okay, okay – and A LOT of “chocolate colored” foods too…

If not for Greek yogurt my main protein source would be chocolate. If they made a steak shaped chocolate bar my life would be complete. But, I would still eat the yogurt.
I don’t feel good. All week I have felt legitimately sick in the afternoons. I don’t know what it is, but it’s scares me because it hasn’t gotten any better
Hopefully, it’s nothing a little binge drinking can’t cure…
Have a great time in Vegas! I wish I could have come..I suck!
Steak-shaped chocolate…MMM
I think Chobani is my main source of protein! 🙂
I hope you feel better!
Oh no – hope you feel better! Good luck!
I’ve been eating a LOT of orange foods, too, lately. I am OBSESSED with sweet potatoes and butternut squash. I’m just waiting to see my skin start turning orange!
If you go to Philly, go to Reading Terminal Market. They have steak and veggie shaped chocolates at one of the vendors. Hunni tried to convince me that he should get that for dinner once 🙂
I hope you start feeling better! Maybe it is all the sugar from the chocolate?
if i’d posted last night i would’ve confessed that i ate a LOT of candy corn (umm probably almost a whole bag). sugar tummy ache before bed, yuck!
feel better!
Somedays the only protein I get is the yogurt I have a lunchtime too. It’s okay, that’s allowed!
I hope you feel better real soon!
Oh no! Sorry you are sick. What kind of sick are you feeling?? Sending you well wishes hun!
I’m with you on the sick thing. I’m definitely coming down with something and I just received an invitation for day-drinking on Saturday…decisions decisions…I mean the alcohol could very well kill off whatever infection we have right? So it is totally acceptable…
I’m with you on the chocolate! And even though I tell myself to buy medium-sized potatoes, I always end up grabbing an enormous one. I’ve been feeling a bit sick, too – but in the mornings and later at night. Speaking of, I should probably stop reading blogs and get to sleep now. 🙂 Hope you are feeling 100% tomorrow!