I packed for Las Vegas while eating lunch. Notice that the first thing to go into my suitcase are my heels. For any other trip / location / event / day the first thing I pack is my running clothes. Vegas is the one place where I don’t even bother to think I’m going to run – sure it’s a wide open space with room to roam, but blisters (see above mentioned heels) and vodka carb loading don’t make for a pleasant run.

I ate a Luna bar, apple and some chips on the drive so I wasn’t hungry for dinner. We decided skipping dinner all together would be a bad idea. I filled up on salty tomato soup and crackers to soak it up.

I am obsessed with the salad plate. It’s the coolest shaped plate I’ve ever seen – kind of a rounded square with a good depth for food

I didn’t get my nails done before the trip so Heather had to help me out with that. I was looking for a good gun metal color and this is perfect! It’s called Steel-her Heart by Revlon.

We had fun.

All I remember from the night is being woken up by a strong knock at the door at 6am. Luckily it wasn’t Mike Tyson looking for his tiger. The Hangover
Turns out Heather ordered pizza when we got back to the room. It took me about 9 minutes to figure that out, 43 minutes to try and wake her up before I gave up, 12 minutes to find our purses/money before realizing I could charge it to the room and 2 seconds to take this picture.

My arm hurts and I don’t know why.
See ya later!
I worked out when I was in Vegas, but I did it INSIDE where the weather was incredibly boiling. Ran along the hallways of my hotel, and then practically ran a marathon trying to find the gym. I kept getting lost and turned around. I definitely got in a good workout! Too bad I made up for it at the buffet. lol
I want to go to Vegas. And I have that nail color – love it.
scandalous lil’ hooch. lookin hot.
That’s hilarious. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year and love that you show that you can run, be healthy and let loose sometimes. So realistic and refreshing!
i cant imagine many people running in vegas, it’s boiling there anyways.
you look stunning, the dress is an awesome color & your hair looks great curly.
I want to say that running on the strip is actually a lot of fun. I did that the last time I was out there. However, be careful because there is a lot of creeper and drunks. I had some people make comments to me and tried to ignore them. Anyway, love the nail polish color! 🙂 Have a good time and drink a Fat Tuesday drink for me.
I love your hair – it looks good curly! 🙂