You had a snacky day. It happens. Brush your teeth so you don’t make it worse and close the kitchen. It’s not the end of the world. You’re okay.
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I’m finally finally FINALLY learning that the best way to get over a “snacky day” is to just move on & not beat yourself up over it. I used to try to make up for it in the following days, but that just led to a vicious cycle. Now, I’m starting to just let go and accept it…and it works!
I always remind myself ” Tomorrow is a new day “. Dont stress about whats already happened, just remember them the next day so you dont make the same mistakes.
Hi Monica!
I’ve been a reader for a few months now. Your blog is so honest. So inspiring AND entertaining! I love it.You were part of the inspiration to start my own!
Similarly I’ve struggled with a lifetime of food ‘weirdness’. I actually wrote about it in this post:
YOUR honesty in your blog helped me feel “okay” to share my journey. So thank you. And please continue writing. And never give up. Tomorrow is always a new day
Dear Monica,
I’m in an never-ending state of trying to recover from an eating disorder. You’re blog reminded me to put up my Intuitive Eating book that my old nutritionist had me buy a couple of years ago… I never read the whole thing…because…well I guess because I just didn’t want to really get better then. Well I picked it up after reading your blog and it has been so helpful! It is really helping to free me. Thank you for being so honest on your blog, and I want you to know that it really makes a difference in people’s lives to have somewhere share their similar experiences. You’re snacky day reminded me that it’s normal and ok for me to have snacky days too!
Hi Katie!
I saw your reply to Monica and was compelled to respond as I’ve been fighting an ED for most of young adulthood. I thought I finally got a grip on it, but lapsed in old behaviors. The thing that helped me the most WAS intuitive eating, listening to my body, relaxing and not worrying about weight. Have you read the book Woman Food and God by Janeen Roth? It is a game changer! I highly recommend it ! 🙂
If you have some time, check out my blog as well 🙂 perhaps it will help you too!
Hang in there!
I had a snacky day yesterday too. Trying to get my s@%! together not to have a repeat today… haha
you sound like me. lets be friends 🙂
Okay 🙂
Ugh, I am totally doing the same thing lately. I even had to whine about it in my last post. But I’m sticking with today is a brand new day!
such a simple statement “its not the end of the world” but soooo true. I often forget that simple statement and start getting frustrated with myself (i have been way tooo snacky lately) so this was a good reminder to myself that I can still get back on track! thank you!
We can do it Julia 🙂
That’s what I had last night for my bedtime snack.. yumm.
I’m a new reader and really enjoy your posts. This one is so true and cereal is the best snack! I usually keep a few extra varieties in the pantry for these types of nights 🙂
Hi Monica! Ive been reading your blog for a long time already, and i absolutely love it. i never posted before, but i just wanted to say…its okay 🙂 everyone has those days! i love how honest you are so please keep it up! i used to live in irvine but im in hong kong now, so i love seeing your trips to yogurtland, and trader joes and what not! 🙂 please continue what you do!! hope you have a great day!
Thanks Jessica 🙂
I can’t tell you how many times i’ve had this “pep talk” with myself. But you know what? It alwaysss is ok. It’s a new day!
I know how you feel…happens to all of us! Your body must have needed the snacks!
PS- Tomorrow is a new day 🙂
Love this – so true!
PS Is that cinnamon toast crunch? 🙂
It’s the organic Cascadian Farms version! Less guilt because it costs twice as much…
I thought it looked a little too healthy.. 😉
Oh man. I needed this.
Thank you.