I just realized I have three doctor’s appointments this week! Well, two PT appointments and an appointment with my normal doc to read the MRI.
Then, I leave for Las Vegas on Friday morning! My close friend Susan is throwing a bachelorette party for her sister and we’re going to show her a good time 😉 In case you’re new around here I’d like to warn you that my Vegas pics may include way too much make-up and alcohol based breakfasts.
I did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning because I want to at least stay in the habit of exercising in the morning. I also am planning a kick-boxing class for today.
But, first I enjoyed a bagel thin, yogurt with chia seeds and grapes.Okay, I’ve got to go to kickboxing and then to school to drop off my project!
See you later!!!
The bit about too much make up reminds me of your “I’m Mexican” post.
Vegas will be fun! My husband and I went there a few years ago for New Years and had a blast. This year we’re going down because I’m running the half marathon, which will be a great experience!
I’m definitely past drinking large quantities, but I do remember amazing breakfasts after crazy nights. Of course, I was probably too drunk still to realize that what I was eating wasn’t that great for me, but at least I know now!
Have fun!
Have an awesome time in Vegas! I’ve always wanted to go and party it up 🙂
Also, hope the MD appointments go as well as they can and your knee is back to normal as soon as possible!
Yay Vegas! I can’t wait for the recap!
Love Vegas! And you gotta have mimosas for breakfast. 🙂 Quick question, which do you like better, sandwich thins or bagel thins?
Ooooh – that depends on what I’m eating them with. I prefer sandwich thins for sandwiches. The bagel thins are nice for spreads, but they’re not as chewy as a real bagel.
Oooh love Vegas, have a blast!
viva las vegas! sounds like it’s going to be a great trip
Post drinking breakfasts are the best….I always crave eggs, water and pancakes post alcohol consumption!
Please tell me what could be wrong with alcohol based breakfasts… haha