No that is not chocolate chips on my oatmeal, but it is a crumbled Clif Z Bar! I thought I would change it up and I’m glad I did. I do almost feel bad about eating chocolate for breakie though…I was planning a walk with my peep, Adriel, on lunch so I ate an apple to tide me over until we got back. There is a Linens N’ Things that is going out of business and has so much stuff on SUPER SALE! I am sad that they are going out of biz though 🙁 What is up with this economy!?
Lunch was Peanut Butter Jelly Timeon a Rudi’s bagel. I also had greek yogurt straight from the container with Pumpkin Butter and PB Puffins. This is the lunch of champions 🙂
Gripes! I mean grapes for an afternoon snack.
I was craving popcorn like no one’s business – this may be because I bought a big ol’ fancy popcorn maker for someone on my Christmas list at Linens N’ Things!!! Now I want one too!
Dinner looks gross, but it wasn’t! I put some leftover tilapia and freshly cooked black beans on a ww tortilla with hot sauce. (I like my tortillas burnt, obviously.) Plus salad on the side, you can’t see it because I didn’t roll the burrito yet…
Fancy dessert – since dinner was kinda low on cals I had a VitaTop fancied up with whipped cream (leftover from T-day) and cinnamon. Wa-la!
I managed to drag my brother Michael on a walk with me by some miracle. When I came back I drank a lot of H2O and ate pom seeds straight up. I love these things! Now I feel all anti-oxidantified! I just made up a word.
I have no idea why I have so much energy right now! Have a great one 🙂
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