Hello! I made it home from Denver yesterday. It was a pretty smooth trip. I love when travel goes according to plan. It’s the little things

I got to the airport with plenty of time before my 11am flight and I was super hungry for breakfast. I checked out all the quick service restaurants, but what I really wanted was eggs. So, I decided to sit down at a Dine In Family Restaurant and eat breakfast solo.

I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. Have you?
I mean, it’s not a big deal. I didn’t care at all (especially since I had my phone) but it occurred to me that this is the first time I was at a ‘sit down’ restaurant alone.

I would 1000% eat alone again. Mostly because I don’t have to deal with people judging my ridiculous amounts of food…

When I got home around lunch I dug into the Terra chips from my goodie bag while I made a big salad. There were A LOT of treats and drinks on this trip! Time to clean it up a bit.

This morning I had a great middle distance run. I don’t know how many miles because my Garmin still isn’t working. It just stopped logging miles saying that it was full so I deleted the history and it’s still not working. Boo.

So, I just ran till the end of the path and turned around to go home. The end.

Now I’m getting ready for a hot date with Sheila to see Gone Girl. I hope she appreciates that I curled my hair drunk for her.

Question: Have you ever went to a sit down restaurant alone?
Eating solo – yes; movies solo – yes; running by myself – usually; shopping, concerts, etc . solo – yessir! I’m a bit of an introvert who surrounds herself with extroverts. At the end of an outing I’m absolutely worn out! I recharge during alone time. Only downside to living life solo — no one’s around to verify crazy stories of random people and funny cars.
I haven’t actually and don’t know if it’s something I’d want to do. I get social anxiety in those situations! It does help to have a phone to look at though!
I have but having your phone and a drink helps a lot 😉
I don’t mind eating alone but I don’t do it on the busy “date” nights just because then I would feel awkward. I’ve driven across the country twice by myself and don’t exactly mind doing it on my own! I also have noticed that I like going to the movies alone because it makes it less stressful for me (planning, people who have odd or loud viewing behaviors, etc.).
I eat out by myself probably as often as I eat out with another person! It has never bothered me.
I’ve done it at lunch. It felt pretty liberating. Like this is me saying I don’t need to have someone to eat with.
I keep meaning to go to a sit-down restaurant by myself, but I haven’t gotten around to it. It’s so much fun to do things on your own, though! I love going to the movies by myself especially 🙂
I would totally go to the movies by myself. I still need to do that 🙂
I have before-it’s not that weird after the first time. I just saw gone girl-loved it! Hope you do too. Now I can’t remember if the book ended the same way as the movie?
Yep! Same ending. I liked the movie, loved the book.
It is my little tradition when I fly home to always have breakfast (usually have morning flights) at the restaurant in the airport. I can’t say I otherwise go to restaurants on my own.
I’ve gone to sit down restaurants alone before. Usually at the airport or I’ve down it when on vacation and my husband was off doing something else. I don’t mind it and actually kinda like it sometimes! I need a book, magazine or my phone though.
I’ve eaten at a cafe alone, but not a restaurant (yet). I plan to take myself on a solo vacation one day though, just me!
I’ve been thinking about doing a solo vacation! Let me know how it goes if you do.
Yes, I do it all the time. I’m in grad school so I bring stuff to study while I eat. I like it…but I’m sort of a loner anyway.
I have never done that, but I would love it too! I love being out and I love being by myself at times ( I need my ME time!)
I always used to feel bad for people eating alone (and still kind of do sometimes), but then I did it myself and it was kind of empowering to be able to go and eat by myself. Maybe that’s weird? I would do it again though! I also go to movies by myself and don’t think that’s weird.
I felt like that too! I used to be tempted to invite solo diners to eat with me, but it was empowering! (And I wouldn’t want someone else to invite me to eat with them.)
I quite enjoy going to sit down restaurants alone! I think it’s relaxing and gives me a chance to sit down with a book/magazine and watch the world go by. That saying, I’ve only ever done it for breakfast and lunch. Not sure that I’d enjoy a sit down dinner as much as it just seems a lot less relaxed than lunch or breakfast.
I don’t remember the last time I went to a sit-down restaurant alone. In fact, I rarely ever go to sit-down restaurants. But I just might date myself this lonely valentine’s day again.
I have, and I brought a book and it was great. I used to order a hot chocolate in the car when the kids were little and had fallen asleep in the car and drink it in PEACE…ahhhhhh….
Actually yes in an airport as well. I was in South Dakota and all my friends had earlier flights. I sat and enjoyed the best burger and sweet potato fries ever. It didn’t make me uncomfortable. But I don’t think I would go out to eat alone on a Friday nite in my neighborhood though.
The first time I did it was after a six year relationship breakup. It was so scary saying “table for one please.” After that time though it wasn’t so bad. Learned to appreciate “me” time. Highly recommended everyone do it at least once in their lifetime.
I agree. I’m glad I did it and would totally eat alone again 🙂
I have gone to sit down restaurants by myself before. I used to bring a book or magazine with me and relax and enjoy the quiet. It’s also fun to people watch 🙂