Today I did 8.77 miles very slow. Ugh, I don’t know what’s up with my pace lately 🙁 I was shooting for between 8 and 10 miles depending on how I felt. My knee started hurting around mile 4 and went away for a bit, then came back. I’m going to ice it in a bit.
I guess I’m used to running super long training runs on Saturday because I fueled before and after the run like it was a 20 miler. I usually eat pretty indulgently on Saturdays because it’s my long run day – I better reign that in since I’m not at the height of training any more!
Pre-run: Before I left I had an honest foods bar and a handful of cereal (no pic).
Breakfast: When I got back I kinda had to eat the rest of this cantaloupe because it’s going to go bad soon. I filled it with a small scoop of cottage cheese (it was all I had left) and some trail mix.
I had cereal on the side too 🙂 Yeah, this wasn’t necessary since I was already getting full, but again I was eating like I ran 20 miles today.
Ben and I are going to explore Maryland today. I packed lunches – a hummus and cheese sammie for me and egg salad for him.
I’m also bringing pita chips, veggie crisps and almonds.
I’ve already eaten half of this SB bar. I used to eat this all the time and forgot about them. I’m glad they caught my eye (and were on sale) at Target.Happy Saturday!!! See you later…
I’m not training or anything. But I find that when I run or walk for 30-1 hour, my appetite increases. Especially so when I do this consistently, like everyday. I always feel surprised when this happens…..
hummus and cheese… yum!!
And one of the best parts of running is that you can eat more!! Maybe you can’t eat what you did when you were training for a marathon but 8 miles is still a LOT!
packed lunches are the best idea, its hassle free
i blame it on the universe today. my long run today was miserable too. oh well, tomorrow is a new day 🙂
Rolling my leg on a foam roller always helps my knees feel better.
I’m sure your body will adjust and eat the proper amount soon. Don’t fret! Happy Saturday!
Sorry to hear about your knee pain!! I hope it goes away soon! Try to ice it, maybe?
i think it’s normal to still being eating like youre training. i mean youve put in 16 or so weeks of intensity so your body is still needing food and calories to repair all that.
It is definitely a transition. After my half finished I still ate like crazy for the next few weeks 🙂
Great job on the run, slow is better than nothing! I’m off running for another two weeks (finally got to the dr. yesterday) so I’m living vicariously. Plus, now that I’m not running, I’m going to have to be extra careful with the food—but I’m feeling optimistic. Running and less calories to eat….wah!
Enjoy the day–it’s a nice one here in NoVA!
Great ideal to pack the lunches. Seriously though, 8 miles is still kick ass so no worries sista!
You still burnt shedloads running that far so you shouldn’t worry too much – plus your breakfast doesn’t look particuarly calorific!
Have a good day in Maryland 🙂
After both of my marathons I struggled with reigning in my eating! You definitely get used to powering through some food with those long runs!
I’m worried about eating like I’m running 20 miles. I’ve got the marathon next Sunday so today was only 8 miles. I worry that after the marathon I’ll still be eating like I’m training. I’ll be interested to read any tricks you have to offer! 🙂 Have a great time exploring Maryland. I used to live in NoVA but never really made it to the MD side – hope it’s great!