Hello! I got 9 hours of sleep last night and feel like a new person! Ahhh, it was great. But, I did have a horrible dream about a huge witch hunt where I was the witch. Never mind…
Run to Vote!
I ran 5 miles this morning and ended at my polling place. There was barely a line at all and I was in and out in about 15 minutes.
Fun fact: Did I ever tell you I was originally a Poli Sci major in college? Yep. I interned with the League of Women voters freshman year of college and volunteered at a polling place before too! I wanted to be a journalist and be a watch dog to protect democracy. This stuff makes me excited. Vote!
By the time I got back I was HUNGRY! So, I bulked up my oatmeal with pumpkin…
and paired it with eggs for protein. Clean eating victory!
I bought MaraNatha Almond Butter from Costco last week because it’s such a deal, but I am not the biggest fan of it. I like my nuts salted!
So, I’ve been adding a dash of salt when I eat it and it’s all good
“Hello Monica, Halloween is over. Put the candy down!”
Yesterday on the flight home I read Fitness Rx and Oxygen. It was a great reminder after a weekend of eating a lot of junk that I need to clean it up!
I realized that even though I’ve been doing better with not eating after 8pm, I have also been just making sure to have something sweet right after my meal so I don’t miss out on it. Yeah, kind of defeats the purpose!
Thanksgiving is 16 days away so I am challenging myself to eat clean and avoid sweets until then. I need to stop the momentum towards sugar sugar sugar that has become a habit. (For me eating clean means eating whole foods and avoiding processed foods and sugar.)
I love that those magazines share a lot of clean eating recipes and I have a few ideas in my brain too. I think I’ve read that it takes more like 21 days to detox from sugar so I’m hoping two weeks of clean eating will at least get me on the right path!
Question: What’s your favorite magazine right now?
This month mine is Runner’s World because they mentioned my twitter handle in the December issue! I can’t believe it!
I buy MaraNatha almond butter too, and I love it! If you want something sweet you should try the caramel flavor (I haven’t yet but I’m sure its yummy!). I used to always head right for something sweet after I finished a meal, but since I’ve been trying to be better, I usually pop in a piece of mint gum or brush my teeth after dinner to avoid my sugar craving! Favorite magazine lately (always) is Women’s Health Magazine 🙂
Vegas legs! He needs more pics in your blog
Ha! I thought it was funny that no one else noted his furry feet 🙂
I always love when my Audubon Magazine comes in the mail. Does that make me a nature nerd or what?!
It makes you awesome 🙂
I love Clean Eating magazine! Great recipes. Good luck!
Everyone here (on the other side of the world) is also excited about the US elections. Mags – RW (even though I have not run for the last 3 weeks and probably a lot more), Women’s Health and In Style.
Is it just me or does that women on the cover of Oxygen look super weird and creepy/skinny?!
er… that “woman” on the cover
Awww, I like her.
but… doesn’t her head look sort of disembodied? I don’t actually know who that is (I may be exposing myself as a major dork here) so she may be a wonderful woman and here I am insulting her when I should be getting all riled up about elections, or something!
Ha! I kinda took it from a weird angle, but I can see what you’re saying 🙂
I love Runner’s World and I was so excited to see your twitter handle in there!
What happened to your career goals?
I failed. The only places I could get a tv journalism job were places Ben couldn’t get work and my online writing position in MD turned out to be a bust. I’ve since moved on to pursuing other goals.
I saw you in Runner’s World! Congrats, RW is my favorite magazine. I’m definitely needing to embrace clean eating more. I feel so much better. If only my husband felt the same way :/
Yay for voting! And I have a copy of this month’s RW right here. How did I miss it? RW is definitely my favorite. Maybe Backpacker, too.
Im doing the same thing. Walk. Away. From. The. Treats
I think limiting sweets until Thanksgiving is a great goal. I just started a challenge at my gym called Maintain Don’t Gain that encourages people to keep up with their fitness goals through the holidays. It shouldn’t be an all or nothing but it’s always good to stay as focused as you can, even with distractions. Even if you slip, just keep going.
Shape used to be my favorite magazine but I think I’ve fallen out of love with it…and I’ve been a subscriber for over 20 years! Now I’m trying to stay on top of all these wonderful blogs instead.
Congrats on the mention – Big Time! 🙂
Does Skinny Runner and Yogurtland know about your “sugar” plan?
No! Don’t tell SkinnyRunner or she’ll stop being my friend!
California is fancy-in Alaska we fill in a circle with a pen! Happy Election Day.
Let’s hope that witch hunt is over! I’m in the UK but really looking forward to seeing how the election pans out. Hope you are having a good week, Jx
Thanks – you too 🙂
I ran to the polls today too!! Did a little run, then ran over and got in line to vote, and I saw a few others in workout gear. Also, I’ve decided to give up sweets until thanksgiving to help clean up my eating… however, I did give in to candy today.. FAIL. Oh well, new day tomorrow 🙂 Good luck with your clean eating goals!
I saw you in Runners World. I have to say the trashy US Weekly is up near the top of my list right now.
The Kidless Kronicles
I love Fitness, which I could only get in the US or Greece (I live in England) until my wonderful boyfriend bought me an iPad for my birthday and I could download a subscription. American fitness magazines are soooo much better than the ones we get here. And if you think they’re expensive in the US, they’re $6/7 dollars on average here for less pages! I refuse to buy them.
I love Oxygen! Such great workouts in it. I’m not a huge fan of Maranatha’s either.
My fave magazine is Self. I am trying to decide how to clean up my eating also. I am doing the Pile on the Miles, but am concerned about how bloated I feel 2 weeks BEFORE Thanksgving. I am eating something wrong!
I voted this morning at 7am EST. 🙂
Currently I am obsessed with HGTV magazine. Makes me want to drop everything and fix up my house. I also love Runner’s World which makes me want to get out of my house and move move move.
I saw that RW mentioned you and SR! Cool! Love RW and self!
I define clean eating the same way you do. And I’ve noticed that if I have something with sugar (hello chocolate) I crave it ferociously! I hate that, it would be nice to be able to treat myself now and then without triggering the MUST.HAVE.SUGAR.NAOW!!! craving. 🙁
Omg are you sure that was a dream lol? Lots of craziness the last few days! I am trying clean eating until Turkey day also. And then my goal is not to ruin weeks of good eating by binging in one day. I haven’t read a magazine in so long! I need to pick up Runners world next time I am at the store
I’d have to say my favorites include Oxygen, FitnessRX, Shape, & Runners World. This is why I don’t watch much TV! 🙂
How are you going to give up FroYo???
I don’t know! Is there a fro-yo anonymous?
I have Runner’s World subscription…loved this month info. And your mention!!
I love Runner’s World and Running Times! They are by far my favorites. Oxygen is a close third, though. Congrats on being mentioned in RW! That is awesome.
You are lucky that you were in and out at the polls this morning! I have heard that some people are waiting in crazy lines. Thank goodness for mail-in ballots 🙂
I love Runner’s World too, but haven’t gotten my December issue yet on my Nook :/ I also love magazines with fall foods in the right now.
Congrats on the Runner’s World mention!
I also have made a vow to take some time off of chocolate and sweets. I love them so much but was eating way too many.
My favourite magazine right now is a National Geographic. It’s full of amazing places to visit!
insensitively bringing up sweets after saying you’re giving up sweets, how was the levain cookie…?! all we got was a pic and no review!
It was pretty epic! But, I am trying to decide if it deserves a category of it’s own since it’s so different from the cookie I was expecting? Have you had one?
No, and I even lived in NYC for 2 years! I lived downtown and Levain is uptown……yes I will run 10 miles a day but no I cannot schlep up to the upper west side. But I’ve heard pretty much universal consensus that it is the bomb dot com and that picture made me want to eat my screen.
I read far too many magazines, but they really help keep me entertained when I do cardio. I need to cut back on the sugar too! Too much Halloween candy plus too many cupcakes at a birthday party on Sunday. Bring on the veggies!
Yea for voting and for clean eating! (Yes, I said “yea” & it makes me sound like a dork!). I had way too much sugar last week & weekend with Halloween! Kudo’s on being mentioned in RW. I’m loving the old classics right now….”People”, “US Weekly” & “Marie Claire” has some great articles!
I was a poli sci major! I was at my poll place to wait in line at 5:30 this morning! : ) I like your challenge for no sweets before Thanksgiving-I need to get on that myself!!!
The Costco almond butter was the first I tried so I don’t know anything else and I love it. I was super pissed that they raised the price to $6.99 when it was $5.79 the last time I bought it but then I remembered that it’s something like $20 for a jar 1/3 of the size at Whole Foods so I got over it.
I just started a subscription to Elle but honestly mine is People Style. It is amazing! Some really good cheap ideas for pretty looks.
Great idea to run to your voting location. Sometimes I run to do errands like go to the bank or the post office!
My favorite magazines right now are probably Shape, Women’s Health and Fitness. Makes elliptical time go by super fast! Do you have a subscription to Fitness RX and Oxygen? I think I want to add another to my mix… Have a great day!
I used to have a subscription to Oxygen, but I think it ran out? I had to buy both of those at the airport for a million dollars.
those magazines are both so expensive!
Niceee! congrats on the mention in Runner’s World!
Even as a Canadian, I will be watching the results tonight!