Since I just started this job I haven’t brought any snacks to work that I just left there. I have been eating the snack, lunch and snack I’ve been taking. This is fine, until today when for some reason I brought a shitty bag of popcorn for an afternoon snack. Poor choice of snack Monica, seriously.
But, earlier today I was a genious when I packed my lunch…
First, a big salad. This salad is a beast with spinach, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, chickpeas and hummus. Boo-ya.
And the highlight of the day – I packed a container of almond butter to which I added chocolate chips.
And I made toast with almond butter and chocolate chips for my whole grain/healthy fat/dessert/happy times component of lunch. I think I was smiling as I ate it. Tragic.
Then, came the lame popcorn. It didn’t fill me up at all and what I really wanted was frozen yogurt. Not that frozen yogurt would have filled me up, but at least it would have filled my heart with happiness.
After my trek home I ate 2 kiwis and a couple small bowls of cereal. I think this was more because I wasn’t satified with my food choices and less because I was hungry…
Dinner was Salmon (grilled on the Foreman), sweet potato and salad. This is my favorite dinner ever!
I had a piece or two of dark chocolate for dessert 🙂
Back to the poor choice of snack earlier…
I have to remember that satisfaction is a big part of Intuitive Eating. One of the positive affirmations the Intuitive Eating CDs told me to repeat is:
“I know my body will return to it’s best weight if I listen to my hunger and fullness cues, eat satisfying foods and stop using food to deal with my emotions.”
I packed a snack that was really unsatifying so even though I had enough calories, my body wasn’t happy. I feel like I ignorned what I really wanted because it is “bad”. I need to trust my body and listen to cravings. It’s a process…
Because of the move,wedding, new job (you know, general insanity) I have gotten away from focusing on Intuitive Eating. I am back on the IE wagon now. It’s going to be interesting because of training and an earlier schedule I already know my hunger is earlier and bigger!
I also have to get back on the intuitive eating wagon. That book is seriously a lifesaver. I have to stop playing “food police” good and bad and just eat what I really want. So tough sometimes!
“stop using food to deal with my emotions.”
that’s a big one. i haven’t been able to do that actually :s food is all about emotions with me. Which is hard! I love your blog, I want to learn more about intuitive eating; have you written about the subject before?