The big buzz around town right now is – “What’s your plan for Thanksgiving?”. Many are talking about their plan to “stay on track” and avoid over-doing it on Turkey Day. But, not me. Nope. When R.E.R. does Thanksgiving she does it right.
I truly believe in finding a way to enjoy all the foods you love in moderation. I have toyed with cutting out sugar from my diet (or at least cereal!). I have thought about avoiding cake at birthdays and candy at Halloween. Sometimes I’ve successfully avoided these temptations, sometimes not.
But, instead of stressing about Thanksgiving and all the highly caloric food that comes with it, I say “F-it” on this one day. I believe “Everything in Moderation – including moderation”.
I will give myself complete permission to eat what I want on Thanksgiving without guilt. It is just one day people. But, the next day when I wake up I will get right back on my little moderation track and move forward. Give yourself this ONE day, but realize it’s back to the real world the next day.
There have been years when I’ve taken this a little further and eaten meat on T-day. I am usually a pescatarian (eats fish and dairy, but not meat). However there are usually two times a year that I eat meat – one is Thanksgiving (and the other is a random summer day when my fam is making carne asada). For the most part the stuffing, potatoes, cornbread casserole, veggie casserole, rolls and desserts are more than enough to fill me up, but a little turkey often ends up on my plate. *If you are determined to stay vegetarian on this day I would suggest bringing a hearty meat free side dish. Cornbread casserole with beans/tofu, Bean casserole or something similar can be kept warm in a crockpot.
So, that’s my take on Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. It’s about food. And I am going to fully enjoy it. But, you will see me back on track the next day 🙂
Moderation has a place, but it’s not at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
Lunch: Even though I ate breakfast late I was ready for lunch at 12:30pm on the dot! I made a super quick veggie burger with carrots, pickle and hummus. There may have been a few chips consumed too 🙂 Question: What is your Thanksgiving Day Plan???
LOVE this post! I am totally with you. Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite meal of the whole year, and my goal is always to enjoy it to the fullest! Thanksgiving ang guilt do not belong together 🙂
My only problem with Thanksgiving is that I have a small family, but we all cook big. Last year we had so many leftovers that we were still eating huge fatty things well into the next week.
So this year we’re going small scale. There’s a part of me that wants 3 different pies, half a dozen side dishes, and a giant turducken, but then I remember that there’s only 4 of us.
I’m thinking of offering to buy a free-range Turkey for my MIL to cook instead of her usual caged, ‘roided up, antibiotic filled usual. I don’t want my daughter to eat the usual ‘roided up turkey. I thought about getting a Tofurkey but for $10 Snuff and I would be the only ones eating it!
I agree with your plan for the thanks giving 🙂 Once I read that one day indulge doesn’t harm that much if you get back on track the next day. anyway, it’s a indulgence!!
I love your attitude towards Thanksgiving! I agree, it’s one day. How much harm can I really do if I choose to have seconds of pumpkin pie?
My plan for Thanksgiving is I have no plan. Every other meal of every other day is planned out and I’m giving myself the day off. As you said, it is only one day. I’m going to enjoy the foods I eat only once a year, not feel guilty about it, and resume my normal eating habits on Friday.
I agree. Thanksgiving is not a day for dieting! (or any day for that matter!) I do try to avoid the silly, everyday foods I can eat anytime, and truly indulge in the things I wait all year for.
Unfortunately, I won’t know my work schedule until Friday so that leaves Thanksgiving up in the air for me. If possible, I’m planning on going all out on Thanksgiving; however, I am going to try and stop eating once I get full rather than stuffing roll after roll into my already full stomach 🙂 I won’t be turning down certain items just because they’re bad for me (I never really do anyways!)
THANK YOU!!! I get SO sick of reading articles about how to NOT eat on Thanksgiving! I definitely don’t like feeling sickly full, but I also won’t skip foods that I literally eat once a year.
I think if everyone only overindulged on holidays, we’d be a lot thinner. It seems that for many (including myself) it’s the normal days that often cause the most weight problems.
i’m with you. i plan to execrise like i normally do Thanksgiving morning and maybe go for a walk between dinner and dessert and get back on it the next day. The food is too good not to indulge a little
I believe in pigging out on Thanksgiving too! Actually my quote in Self Magazine was long those lines. 🙂
My plan is to treat it like any other meal and not like my last supper. I need to keep in mind that this one day isn’t the last time I’ll have pie, or green bean caserole or any other delicious Thanksgiving treat. I’m also a pescatarian, but I don’t plan on having turkey. I’m going to make a hearty veggie stuffing and feast on that!
My plan is to enjoy. Veggies for the main and then heavy on dessert is usually my style
I’ve never had a problem with keeping things in moderation on Thanksgiving. I eat a bigger meal than I usually would, but I absolutely hate that full-to-the-brim feeling so I’m conscious of how much I stuff in ;).
There are no foods off-limits though. Too many good things on the table that I only get once or twice a year!
go big or go home 😉
My in-laws are hosting Thanksgiving this year and theirs is a bit less traditional so I likely wont have too much trouble keeping my eating in check. Like you said though, even if it’s a little out of control, it’s ONE day. In fact, it’s really just ONE MEAL!
I’m with you. I love Thanksgiving! I am going to enjoy stuffing, turkey, pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes. Life’s too short to not enjoy Thanksgiving. And trust me, I’ll want to get back on track afterwards!
I totally agree! It’s not even worth the stress and one day is not that big a deal.
We’ll be at the Dallas Cowboy’s football game and will have a Thanksgiving tailgate dinner complete with fried turkey! I’ll make some healthy side dishes, but I think this is the day for being with family and not worrying about the calories. Then, back on track the next day. Happy Thanksgiving!!
We’ll be having a tailgating Thanksgiving dinner complete with fried turkey prior to the Dallas Cowboy’s game. I’ll make some healthy side dishes, but I believe this day is for being with family and not worrying about the calories. Then, back on track the next day. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you – you guys are chill too 🙂
I’m like you in my plan. It’s one day, so I’ll have to let it stay at that!
I never seem to eat alot that day, but the next I will be eating at my Moms and boyfriends parents. So much food…yum yum
I’m with you. I’m hosting Thanksgiving for 20 that day and the last thing I need to worry about is counting calories!!