I made it! It was a long travel day, but I finally made it to Orlando 🙂
I love traveling!!! The airport always gives me an excited buzz. I have always said that I would love a job where I got to see new places and meet new people. Any ideas where I can score a cool gig that requires travel?
Don’t tell Ben, but I actually love Florida too (just more to visit then to live). I was so happy to feel the warm air as soon as I stepped out of the airport. Yeah!
While waiting for my flight I did some work at one of the plug-in stations. I love that this one was waist height. I want a standing desk at home.
I also ate my lunch while waiting. I got to the airport with two hours to kill – I think that’s a record for me! And it was so much less stressful than running to the gate like I normally do 🙁
After a very long shuttle ride to the hotel I finally made it! I was starving at this point and grabbed a few handfuls of PB stuffed pretzels and a chocolate pretzel candy from my mom’s snack stash.
First thing I did was walk to Downtown Disney for dinner. I hit up a sandwich place because my mom raved about their tomato soup.
She was right, this stuff is delicious! The croutons were so big and buttery it was like pieces of buttered toast right in the soup.
I also ordered a Mediterranean Tuna Salad – but they gave me chicken 🙁 This is so not cool, but I was back at the hotel room before I realized. #fail
When I got back to the room the first thing I did (besides devour my food) was put up my hair. I don’t feel comfortable unless my hair is in a pony and I’m in comfy pants. Anyone else change into comfy clothes and put their hair up as soon they get home?
I was walking around Downtown Disney in my flip-flops and I think I have a few blisters and my knee is bothering me. Now I’m going to relax and watch LOST.
The plan for tomorrow is theme parks!!!
I love traveling too, but it totally wears me out!! Aaannnddd the very first thing I do when I get home is change into pjs and throw my hair up. Ah yes. It’s always tricky when I’m supposed to be going out later–I basically have to trick myself to not coming home at all cause I know that once I’m home, I’m in my pjs, and once I’m in those, it’s hard to convince me to change into something that I can wear in public… haha!
Wow dude, this is extremely good info, appreciated.
Wow dude, this is extremely good info, appreciated.
Amazing, that is really good info, thankyou.
I wear my hair up all the time! I really need to to make more of an effort with it.
I love traveling too, but it totally wears me out!! Aaannnddd the very first thing I do when I get home is change into pjs and throw my hair up. Ah yes. It’s always tricky when I’m supposed to be going out later–I basically have to trick myself to not coming home at all cause I know that once I’m home, I’m in my pjs, and once I’m in those, it’s hard to convince me to change into something that I can wear in public… haha!
Southwest really has those workstations down pat don’t they!
Have a wonderful time!
I am the same way as soon as I walk in the door….I change into sweats and wash the makeup from my face. So much more comfy! And so much better for watching LOST 🙂
You and I must have the same dream job! I’ve been lucky enough to spend the past two years traveling and settling down now to a real job is *not* fun. Isn’t Travel Channel hiring??
My hair isn’t very long, but long enough for a ponytail and that’s where you’ll find it by noon. I can’t focus if my hair is falling in my face.
Sorry about your salad mix up, that’s definitely a bummer.
We went to Disney a few years ago and Downtown Disney was my daughter’s favorite part of the whole trip because of the Lego store. We could have saved ourselves so much money on theme park tickets if we knew that beforehand.
Have a great time exploring the parks!
Glad you made it there safely!
Have a blast!
I wash my face and put my hair up as soon as I walk in the door. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with long hair. It is always up anyway.
Yay for Lost, I am like three episodes behind and need to catch up ASAP.
The first thing I do when I get home is change into my yoga pants and comfy top, wash my face and pull my hair back. When I am at home, it’s all about comfort for me!
I would love working in an airport too. I love that giddy energy too, although I’m sure it would get tiring after awhile…. you know how it is, it’s so much more fun GOING on vacation than coming back from vacation. Still, it would be a blast to travel for a living!
I definitely change directly into sweats as soon as I get home. But my hair is almost always in a ponytail even while I’m out. I can’t stand hair getting in my face!
I also love the energy of the airport, but I have rarely been there to actually go somewhere myself.