After a very HOT summer – that’s still going strong actually, I am more than ready for some cooler Fall temps for running. Fall is the best season for running for a lot of reasons…
– Cooler weather = better running
– Lots of good Halloween and Thanksgiving food (T day is my favorite day of the year!)
– Big Marathon and Half Marathon season!
![jumping for friday (600x800)_thumb[1] jumping for friday (600x800)_thumb[1]](
So even though I’m sweating my life out right now running in Florida, I’ve compiled a list of the best Fall Running Gear so we can be ready to rock as soon as it cools down…

Best Fall Running Gear:
1. Long sleeve sweat wicking tees. I like a thin technical tee that keeps sweat from soaking my top and making it heavy and gross. Bright colors are a bonus so you can be easily spotted by drivers.
I love New Balance long sleeve tees because they’re super light, soft and have a thumb hole.
Tip: I put my GPS Watch on top of the tee when I’m using a thumb hole so it’s easy to see without fussing with your sleeve.
2. Comfy and flattering sweat wicking capris. I’m all about workout capris for walking, running, living, other-ing. I know it’s been difficult for some of you to find a good length running. Luckily when the weather cools down capris fit the bill. They are great if you have issues with thigh rub – that is the worst!
I’m slowly embracing this new flashy leggings trend, well very slowly. Right now I’d probably only be brave enough to sport something like these ombre capris.
And a rep from Tasc Performace sent me some info about their new plus size life of exercise clothes! The Attain Compression Shorts are just like the ones I wear. I haven’t tried them personally, but think anything with a 5-8” inseam works for preventing chafing.
Best Capris for Fall
3. Socks that don’t give ya blisters. I love when it is nice and cool so I can wear my compression socks for running and not just recovery.
I love ProCompression marathon socks or the low socks for warmer days.

Use discount code: RER2 for 40% off and Free Shipping on any ProCompression Gear!!
4. Visors or hats.
I dig visors more than hats (98% of the time)…

For non-runners… And if you don’t run, just get this top and call it a day.
I totally thought you didn’t have arms or had like, invisible sleeves or something, in that second pic! Just me?!
I live in Orlando so I’ll be wearing the same clothes for a long while. When the temp does drop in Jan I put on a light pullover. Shorts can basically always be worn to run in Florida.
Fall stuff will be coming out in about a week or so. It was so hot this summer I wore a lot of compression shorts vs capris. So I’m excited to get back to wearing my capris. I have to replace a few pairs though. The threads on the inner thigh seams look a bit worn and I won’t let myself have a wardrobe malfunction again after the hole while running 20 miles—chafed thigh incident of 2013. OUCH!
Thanks for this! I’m starting to dig out my autumn/winter running kit and have noticed it’s a bit lacking, need to get out and do some shopping!
I’m really digging those Brooks streaker leggings! Those may have to be my next purchase..
me too!
I’m going to dig out my headlamp because mornings (and evenings) are sure getting dark fast!
Ohh, a lot of pictures, a lot of nice pictures. Thank´s some motivation you just gave me, not only from looking those pic, but reading your text, and those words you´re not writing, “reading between the lines”.
THANK´S FOR A GREAT SITE, one of few I choose to follow, ;-)..
Well since I live in Florida year round, I pretty much dig out the warm running things I have only when I travel elsewhere to run or the 4 days a year it might dip below 70.
However, regardless of the season, I just cannot run without my SpiBelt. It’s a must.
I can’t wait for fall weather!! It rained yesterday here in San Diego but another heat wave is coming this weekend. Ugh!
Oh man. I can’t wait for cooler temps. It’s a bit better today, and was nice yesterday! It has been so dang HOT in So Cal I haven’t even been able to begin thinking about running in anything more than a tank top and booty shorts hahaha.